TEXPERIA 2025: A National Level Technical Symposium"Research Prospects in Quantum Computing on Semiconductor Chip Design” on March 14 & 15 2025 organized by Department of ECE , SNS College of Technology Coimbatore "Special Arrear Autonomous Examinations – Students having arrears and exhausted maximum period permitted in the respective regulations are allowed to register and appear for Nov/Dec 2024 and Apr/May 2025 Examination sessions in order to complete their arrear courses and attain degree. No further chances will be given on any account."
News & Events: M/S. CodeYoung - Interview on 31 Jan 2025- 04 students got placed / M/S. FacePrep- Interview on 24 Jan 2025- 15 students got placed / M/S. Consulting & Beyond - Interview on 10 Jan 2025- 01 students got placed / M/S. Intellipaat - Interview on 18 Dec 2024- 08 student got placed / M/S. Acmegrade - Interview on 16 Dec 2024- 09 student got placed / M/S. Airtel - Interview on 13 Dec 2024- 01 student got placed / M/S. Premier - Interview on 12 Dec 2024 - 02 student got placed / M/S. CAE Analyzer - Interview on 09 Dec 2024- 02 student got placed / M/S. Acko- Interview on 07 Dec 2024- 04 student got placed


Mechatronics is a synergistic hybrid field of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, computer engineering and control engineering. Mechatronics is centered on mechanics, electronics, control, software computing, embedded processing, communications, electromagnetism, electro-mechanism, micro- and nano-technologies. The synergy leads to generation of simpler, more economical, reliable and versatile systems.

The Department of Mechatronics Engineering was established in the year 2011, offers 4-year B.E. programme .The department consists of well qualified faculty members as per competency norms of Anna University.


The Mechatronics Engineering Department aspires to impart knowledge, enhance creativity and confidences to make the graduates globally evolve as entrepreneurs, researchers, academicians and technocrats for the prosperity of the society.


  • To impart goal oriented, quality based and value added education in Mechatronics Engineering.
  • To establish state-of-the-art laboratories to enhance practical knowledge in Mechatronics and Robotics to meet the needs of society and industry.
  • To inculcate communication, leadership and entrepreneurship skills among the students for the sustained growth.
  • To create centre of excellence in Mechatronics in rendering the support for technical needs.
  • To imbibe social and ethical values.

Programmes Available

Under Graduate Programme

B.E. Mechatronics

4 Years


Mechatronics engineering is a multidisciplinary study of the engineering/technology field that deals with the study of electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, telecommunications, computer engineering, system engineering, and control engineering.


supporting pm initiatives mapped with aicte

Design Thinking Based Curriculum & Framework
Design Thinking in Education: A way beyond! We adopt to a curriculum, structured based on the design thinking strategy that support to build character, skills and curiosity in you to learn more.

Our 5 growth building centers focuses on building a culture, focusing on effective teaching and learning, innovation, skill and entrepreneurship development, industry connect and social responsibility initiatives.

Curriculum Aligned with PM AICTE & MHRD Initiatives

Our Curriculum and Practices are mapped and aligned with PM, AICTE and MHRD initiatives like Startup Policy, Internship Policy, Skill India, Outcome Based Education, National Educational Policy, etc.,

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Employment
  • Government Jobs
  • Higher Education
DT Activation Hour

30 minutes of class time is dedicated to teach students about the ancient holy books, practicing Meditation and Yoga on daily basis.

  • ShakthiShalini S of I B.E MCT has Won First Prize in Ball Badminton in Dr.S.R.K.Prasad Memorial Alumni Trophy at Coimbatore Institute of Technology on 23rd and 24th of April 2022.
  • Kavinraj R, Om Pandey and Tarun A of III B.E MCT Winner with cash prize Rs.30000 in Caterpillar IDP Shaastra 2022 by IIT Madras on 31st of March 2022.
  • Sri Gayathri S of III B.E MCT has Won Woman Student Intern of the Year 2022 by Raj Square Charity Foundation.
  • Amudhesh D and Balakumar M of IV B.E MCT won First Prize in Paper Presentation at Adithya Institute of Technology on 27th of April 2022.
  • Team Trident of III year won SECOND place in Biowar: Online Debate Competition organized by Delhi Technological Universty Karyon’20 on 10.05.2020.
  • B.SenthilPandi and of III year won THIRD place in Robo Soccer held at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology on 12.03.2020.
  • B.SenthilPandi and of III year won THIRD place in National Level Project Contest held at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology on 12.03.2020.
  • B.SenthilPandi and P.Sugan of III year won FIRST place in Project Expo held at KSR College of Technology on 06.03.2020.
  • D.Amudesh and M.Balakumar of II year won District Level Winner in World Skill India 2020 held at AadhiSankara Polytechnic College on 05.02.2020.
  • Team DEXTER TRIBE won Overall First Runner up with cash prize of Rs.15000 in National Level Hackathon 3.0 hels at SSTC, Chattisgarh on 27.02.2020.
  • Team SQUADRON won Appreciation Award for Commendable Performance in Mitsubishi Electric Cup 2020 held at BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore on 14.02.2020 and 15.02.2020.
  • P.Sugan and S.M.Gokul raj of III MCT won FIRST place in ARDUCRAZE event held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology on 07.02.2020.
  • Team TECHNOCRATS selected for Phase 2 in Smart India Hackathon 2020 – Hardware Edition in Online mode on 28.01.2020.
  • B.SenthilPandi of III year won Best Student Award in ISTE TN Section Award 2019 held at PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research on 18.12.2019.
  • Mr.P.Mohan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering awarded as “Young Researcher” by RULA.
  • Prof&HeadDr.P.Vivekanadan, Asst.ProfMr.M.Anand and Asst.ProfMr.A.Vishnu, Department of Mechatronics Engineering had won “Best Project Award” in a project contest organized by Dr.Kalam Educational Trust.
  • Our Department faculty Mr.R.Yasodharan, had participated and received appreciation award, in “India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018” conducted by Texas Instruments.
  • Our Department faculty Mr.R.Yasodharan, was awarded as most distinguished faculty at IIT Bombay by TechNext India 2017.
  • Mr.R.Yasodharan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering awarded as “Best Teacher” by Institute of Exploring Advances in Engineering (IEAE).
  • Dr.P.Vivekanandan, Professor and Head, Department of Mechatronics Engineering awarded as “Best Teacher” by Institute of Exploring Advances in Engineering (IEAE).
  • Our Department HoDDr.P.Vivekanandan was awarded as most distinguished HoD at IIT Bombay by TechNext India 2017.
  • Four second year students got second prize and four students of third year got third prize in SNS App Development Talent Hunt for the academic year 2018-19.
  • Mr.Vasudevan of third year Mechatronics had got 11th rank in Talent Battle Competion organized by Campus For You Pvt., Ltd., for the academic year 2018-19.
  • Mr.Vasudevan of third year Mechatronics has got overall ARP award for AY2018-19.
  • Mr.Manikandan of second year Mechatronics has got overall ARP award for AY2018-19.
  • 4 Students of final year had participated and won appreciation ward for commendable performance with a cash prize of Rs.10000, in MITSUBISHI Electric Cup 2019.
  • 19 Students of second and third year participated and won “Best Aesthetics Award” with a cash prize of Rs.8000, in National Level Barath Kart Racing Championship at Kari Motor Speedway, Coimbatore for the academic year 2018-19.
  • Team SygNitorS, a group of final and pre-final year students had participated in National Kart Racing Championship held at Bhopal for the academic year of 2014-15 and also won two awards worth of 50000(including Best Innovation) for the two consecutive years 2015 & 2016.
  • Our Department student Mr.S.Kesavan batch of 2014-18 had obtained 2nd prize in line follower competition held at NIT, Trichy
  • Our Department final year student Ms. Aarshasuresh, Mr. Terrin J Perrira Mathew and Mr.N.Nivethithan of batch of 2015-19 had won “Best Project Award” in a project contest organized by Dr.Kalam Educational Trust.
  • Our Department student Mr.E.Dharanitharan batch of 2013-17 has achieved Dr.Kalam Young Achiever award at world youth federation, Anna university.
  • Team Nitro v2.0, a group of IV, III and II year students had participated in Quad Bike Design Challenge held at Hydrabad during the academic year of 2017-18 and won “Traction Runner Up” Award.
  • Team Nitro v1.0, a group of IV, III and II year students had participated in Electrical-National Kart Racing Championship held at Kolhapur during the academic year of 2016-17 odd semester and won First Runner Up award worth of Rs.40000.
  • Team SygNitorS v4.0, a group of final and pre-final year students had participated and won “Best Innovation” Award worth of Rs.20,000 in National Kart Racing Championship held at Bhopal during the academic year of 2017-18.
  • Team SygNitorS v3.0, a group of final and pre-final year students had participated and won “Best Innovation” Award worth of Rs.25,000 in National Kart Racing Championship held at Kolhapur during the academic year of 2016-17.
  • Team SygNitorS v2.0, a group of final and pre-final year students had participated and won “Best Innovation and Traction” Award worth of Rs.50,000 in National Kart Racing Championship held at Bhopal during the academic year of 2015-16.
  • Team SygNitorS v1.0, a group of final and pre-final year students had participated and won “Best Innovation and Auto cross” Award worth of Rs.50,000 in National Kart Racing Championship held at Bhopal during the academic year of 2014-15.
  • "Mechatronics2u" (www.mechatronics2u.in) is in use to share the course materials and news updates.
  • Our student Mr.T.Udhayakumar batch of 2012-16 has obtained a GATE scorecard with the score of 30.64 percentile and secured 26045th position in the year 2015-16.
  • Our 2012-16 batch students have bagged 6 Anna university ranks (Rank-2 to 21).
  • Our 2011-15 batch students have bagged 5 Anna university ranks (Rank-3 to 13).
  • Department of Mechatronics Engineering organized International Conference on Advancement in Physics & Material Science (ICAPSM 2020) on 13th& 14thof August 2020.
  • Department of Mechatronics Engineering organized webinar on "Renewable energy from Ocean-The opportunities and Challenges" with Dr.S. Neelamani, Senior Research Scientist, Coastal Management Program, Environment and Life Sciences Research Center,Kuwait Institute for Scientific Researchwas the resource person of the event on 29th of May 2020
  • Department of Mechatronics Engineering organized Seminar on “Research Proposal Writing Execution and Patenting with Dr.S. Neelamani, Senior Research Scientist, Kuwait University Research & Technology, Kuwait was the resource person of the event on 10th of August 2016
  • Department of Mechatronics Engineering organized Tronexus’22 on 26th& 27th of May2022.
  • Department of Mechatronics Engineering organized Illusion on 16th of November 2019.
  • Department of Mechatronics Engineering organized ICBMS on 27th to 29th of March 2019.
  • Department of Mechatronics Engineering organized ICBMS on 23rd to 25th of March 2016.


university ranks


students placed


industry projects






mous signed
OUR core



Professional Bodies