TEXPERIA 2025: A National Level Technical Symposium"Research Prospects in Quantum Computing on Semiconductor Chip Design” on March 14 & 15 2025 organized by Department of ECE , SNS College of Technology Coimbatore "Special Arrear Autonomous Examinations – Students having arrears and exhausted maximum period permitted in the respective regulations are allowed to register and appear for Nov/Dec 2024 and Apr/May 2025 Examination sessions in order to complete their arrear courses and attain degree. No further chances will be given on any account."
News & Events: M/S. CodeYoung - Interview on 31 Jan 2025- 04 students got placed / M/S. FacePrep- Interview on 24 Jan 2025- 15 students got placed / M/S. Consulting & Beyond - Interview on 10 Jan 2025- 01 students got placed / M/S. Intellipaat - Interview on 18 Dec 2024- 08 student got placed / M/S. Acmegrade - Interview on 16 Dec 2024- 09 student got placed / M/S. Airtel - Interview on 13 Dec 2024- 01 student got placed / M/S. Premier - Interview on 12 Dec 2024 - 02 student got placed / M/S. CAE Analyzer - Interview on 09 Dec 2024- 02 student got placed / M/S. Acko- Interview on 07 Dec 2024- 04 student got placed

DEPARTMENT OF Automobile Engineering

The department of Automobile Engineering was established in the year 2013 with an aspiration to create globally competitive and qualified Automobile Engineers. Automobile Engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with designing, manufacturing and troubleshooting of automobiles. The study includes the multidisciplinary research areas such as Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical and Material Science.

The field of automobile plays the key role in the industrial sector and causes the significant impact on providing job opportunities to the deserved automobile engineers. It also provides the opportunity to emerge as an entrepreneur to supply equipment and components for OEM’s.

Our curriculum is designed in such a way that it would help the budding engineers to tailor themselves with respect to the recent developments and requirements in automotive industry and research areas of automobile engineering. The department is equipped with Automotive Electrical Laboratory, Engine Testing and Emission Laboratory, Vehicle Maintenance and Reconditioning lab, Automobile Systems Lab, Thermal Systems and Heat Transfer Laboratory to improve the practical knowledge of systems. In addition to the main library, the department library is also facilitated to develop the students’ knowledge with large collections of technical books and periodical journals related to Automobile Engineering.

A team of well qualified and dedicated faculty members with knowledge in the multidisciplinary area leads the department and its associated activities. Apart from regular teaching learning activities, the department caters the domain knowledge through organising various guest lectures, workshops, conferences in the Automobile Engineering field. The experts from reputed Automobile Engineering industries are regularly invited for programmes and students benefitted from knowledge sharing sessions.

Under Vernieuwers Student club, Research and Development club, 8 Mini Bike team, 2 Go-Kart teams and 1 Baja team comprising of highly talented students participated in the various competition conducted by reputed institution and brought honour to the college. Apart from this, every student is motivated to do independent research on subject-related areas and one of our student’s research project got eligibility for seed money grant at our college level. As a contribution from faculty members, 6 journals have been published in high indexing international journals.


Automobile Engineering Department produces professionally competent and responsible engineering graduates with the best-in-class knowledge in vehicle designing, manufacturing, troubleshooting and managerial aspects to meet global demands.


  • To impart outcome based education by inculcating the basic requirements of global automobile sector through Institute-Industry interaction
  • To develop the department as centre for excellence by providing integrated structured modules in learning and research environment reflecting the global research expertise.
  • To elicit the consistent knowledge by promoting higher studies for lifelong learning, employability and entrepreneurship.
  • To imbibe leadership and ethical values by incorporating morals of society.

Programmes Available

Under Graduate Programme

B.E. Automobile Engineering

4 Years


Automobile Engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with designing, manufacturing and operating automobiles. It is a segment of vehicle engineering which deals with motorcycles, buses, trucks, etc. It includes mechanical, electrical, electronic, software and safety elements.


supporting pm initiatives mapped with aicte

Design Thinking Based Curriculum & Framework
Design Thinking in Education: A way beyond! We adopt to a curriculum, structured based on the design thinking strategy that support to build character, skills and curiosity in you to learn more.

Our 5 growth building centers focuses on building a culture, focusing on effective teaching and learning, innovation, skill and entrepreneurship development, industry connect and social responsibility initiatives.

Curriculum Aligned with PM AICTE & MHRD Initiatives

Our Curriculum and Practices are mapped and aligned with PM, AICTE and MHRD initiatives like Startup Policy, Internship Policy, Skill India, Outcome Based Education, National Educational Policy, etc.,

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Employment
  • Government Jobs
  • Higher Education
DT Activation Hour

30 minutes of class time is dedicated to teach students about the ancient holy books, practicing Meditation and Yoga on daily basis.

  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won Best Endurance Award in Mini Dirt Challenge Event in Kumaraguru College of Technology on 29.02.2020.
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won Best Acceleration in Mini Dirt Challenge event in Kumaraguru College of Technology on 29.02.2020.
  • Gokart team of Automobile Department Participated in IKR16(Indian Kart Racing 2016) at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology at Coimbatore during 25th – 27th August 2016.
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won First place in the Mini-Bike Race (RPM 2K15) in “SANUS 15” at SNS college of Engineering, Coimbatore on 13th August 2015
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won First place in Mini Dirt-Bike Race (60 cc) at Kumaraguru college of technology, Coimbatore on 5th March 2016.
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won Second place in Mini Dirt-Bike Race (80 cc) at Kumaraguru college of technology, Coimbatore on 5th March 2016.
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won Second Prize in Mini Dirt-Bike Race (60 cc) at Kumaraguru college of technology, Coimbatore on 5th March 2016 (60 CC)
  • Leon Dharmadurai (13AU031), IV Year,Received Best Outstanding Student Award in the Academic Year 2016 - 17
  • Mohan Kumar C, Hemachander K, Rajesh R and Aswin Raja R of III Year Automobile Engineering completed the project titled “Design and Fabrication of E - Cycle” in the sector Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering under Study Project Scheme sponsored by the council during the academic year 2017 -18 at Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology
  • Gokart team of Automobile Department participated in Bharath Formula Karting Championship,
  • Kari Motor Speedway from 10.09.2019 to 13.09.2019
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department participated in Mini Dirt Bike Event & Won First Prize on 27.09.2017 at Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
  • Gokart team of Automobile Department participated in Builders Kart Challenge on 21 & 22 Feb 2018 at Builders Engineering College, Tiruppur
  • BAJA team of Automobile Department participated in the Virtual BAJA SAE INDIA 2016 which is organized by SAE INDIA on 24th & 25th June 2016 at Christ University, Bengaluru
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department had won best design award in the event motocross (PRAVEGA-2) at JCT College of Engineering and Technology at Coimbatore during 1st & 2nd September 2016.
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won Best Innovation Award in National Level dirt Bike Competion at Dr.NGP Institute Technology at Coimbatore on 30th September 2016.
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won II prize in Mini bike Race under the category of 60 CC in Mini Bike Race at Easa College of Engineering at Coimbatore on 07th October 2016
  • Minibike team of Automobile Department won I prize in Mini bike Race under the category of 80 CC in Mini Bike Race at Easa College of Engineering at Coimbatore on 07th October 2016
  • Gokart team of Automobile Department Participated in Indian Kart Racing Championship organized by NEXUS TRAINING INSTITUTE at PCNTDA Traffic Park, Pune on 29th January 2017
  • Gokart team of Automobile Department won III Prize in Yuddham’17 – Seventeen National level Techno Fest in Go-Kart, at P.A College of Engineering & Technology on 11/3/2017
  • Gokart team of Automobile Department participated in Students Kart Design Challenge on Dec 2017 Organized by Society of Mechanical & Automotive Engineers, Bangalore
  • S. Aakash of IV Auto has secured ISTE Best Project Award in the year 2019 at PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research on 18th December 2019.
  • Department of Automobile Engineering organized National Level Conference on Green Vehicle Technology in the presence of Mr. B. Dil Nivas, Senior Inspector, Sree Sarathambal Auto Private Limited & Dr. K. Ganesan, Secretary, ISTE - TN & P Section on 6th April 2018


university ranks


students placed 


industry projects






mous signed
OUR core



Professional Bodies