The Department formed “SNSCT Mozilla Campus Club” for the benefit of students with open source software. Faculty and Students are members of professional societies like Computer Society of India, ISTE, etc. Our students have received various prestigious awards viz “Best NSS Volunteer award” from Anna University Chennai [State level] and “Best Student Award” from Indian Society for Technical Education-Tamilnadu& Pondicherry Section. Our alumni have also received “Pat on the Back” and “Feather on the Cap” award from top IT giants like Tech Mahindra and WIPRO Technologies. Our department faculty members and students actively participate in extension activities like Computer Literacy Program, Awareness program on Usage of Electronic equipments, 100% Voting and H1N1 virus etc. as a part of social activity for the benefit of public, students and teachers.
Programmes Available
Under Graduate Programme
B.Tech. Information Technology
4 Years
B. Tech in Information Technology (B. Tech in IT) is a four-year undergraduate program that deals with information security, maintenance of databases and networks, technical support for computers, and business software creation.
- Program offered by the department is B.Tech (IT).
- Department is Accredited by NBA & Permanently Affiliated to AU.
- The Department has 2 Ph.D. Holders and 3 faculty members are pursuing Ph.D.
- Tutor-ward system, Counseling is provided suitably to all students.
- Graduation rate of the department is more than 90 percentage.
- Department Placement for past 3 years is more than 80 percentage.
- Department holds two gold medals and 27 university ranks.
- Department stands first in the graduation rate for the past two batches.
- Overall success rate of the department is 85% over three years.
- BOT Lab-Established in Association with Automation Anywhere University, installed the RPA.
- Software worth of Rs.75 Lakhs for the knowledge enhancement of students.
- 198 Research Publication in Journals, 174 Conference Publications.
- Grant of Rs.3, 27,045 received to conduct seminar and workshop from various external funding agencies such as CSIR, AICTE and so on.
- The Department formed SNSCT Mozilla Campus Club for the benefit of students with open source software.
- Technical symposium Texperia is conducted every year with external participants.
- The software freedom day is conducted every year with the aim of promoting usage of Open Source software.
- National conference titled National Conference on Network Intelligence and Computing Systems – NCNICS every year to support students and research community.
- International conference titled International Conference on soft computing and Network Security- ICSNS was conducted during February 2014 in collaboration with Kyungpook National University and IEEE.
- The next conference is scheduled to organize in February 2018.
- 100 Mbps Internet facility with Wi-Fi connectivity wide campus.
- Industry offered Courses- Composing mobile Apps, Business Intelligence -Data Warehousing and Analytics Big Data Analytics & IOT (Infosys), Digital Marketing (Verticurl).
- Department holds two ISTE Student Awards and ten Alumni Awards.
- Department of IT & CSE International conference titled “International Conference on Soft computing and Network Security- ICSNS” was conducted during February 2014 in collaboration with Kyungpook National University and IEEE.
- Technical symposium “Texperia” is conducted every year with external participants.
- Department of IT & CSE jointly organised an International conference titled “International Conference on Soft computing and Network Security- ICSNS” was conducted during February 2014 in collaboration with Kyungpook National University and IEEE.