TEXPERIA 2025: A National Level Technical Symposium"Research Prospects in Quantum Computing on Semiconductor Chip Design” on March 14 & 15 2025 organized by Department of ECE , SNS College of Technology Coimbatore "Special Arrear Autonomous Examinations – Students having arrears and exhausted maximum period permitted in the respective regulations are allowed to register and appear for Nov/Dec 2024 and Apr/May 2025 Examination sessions in order to complete their arrear courses and attain degree. No further chances will be given on any account."
News & Events: M/S. CodeYoung - Interview on 31 Jan 2025- 04 students got placed / M/S. FacePrep- Interview on 24 Jan 2025- 15 students got placed / M/S. Consulting & Beyond - Interview on 10 Jan 2025- 01 students got placed / M/S. Intellipaat - Interview on 18 Dec 2024- 08 student got placed / M/S. Acmegrade - Interview on 16 Dec 2024- 09 student got placed / M/S. Airtel - Interview on 13 Dec 2024- 01 student got placed / M/S. Premier - Interview on 12 Dec 2024 - 02 student got placed / M/S. CAE Analyzer - Interview on 09 Dec 2024- 02 student got placed / M/S. Acko- Interview on 07 Dec 2024- 04 student got placed

DEPARTMENT OF  electrical and electronics engineering

The department was established in the year 2005 with an intake of 60 students. In the e-world, the role of Electrical & Electronics Engineers has come into sharp focus. This department offers one undergraduate programme (B.E.) and one post-graduate programme (M.E. in Power Systems). The following basic courses such as electrical machines, power electronics, power systems and special courses like FACTS, HVDC and Power Quality are given as electives for the students. The department has 8 well-structured laboratories for UG students such as Power System Simulation Laboratory, Power Electronics Laboratory, Power Electronics and Drives Laboratory, Electronics Design Laboratory, Electrical machines Laboratory, Control Systems Laboratory, Electric circuits Laboratory and Engineering Practices Laboratory. An exclusive research laboratory with 40 systems for PG students which include software packages such as MATLAB, ETAP, Lab VIEW, PSPICE, ORCAD, PSCAD etc. The department has an excellent team of rich experienced and dedicated faculty members in different domains such as Power Electronics and Drives, Power Systems, Embedded Systems and Applied Electronics. About 60 percent of the faculty members are pursuing their research in a different area under Anna University. The department has signed MoU’s with different manufacturing industries and undertaken consultancy works in the recent development area. The Department is recognized as a Research Centre by Anna University and many research scholars are pursuing their research. The department has received permanent affiliation from Anna University and it is accredited by NBA-AICTE for UG programme.

The faculty members have a strong sense of responsibility to provide the best possible education for both postgraduate and undergraduate students. The academic strength of the faculty is reflected by the alumni, many of whom are in the top positions of industry and academia both in India and abroad. The Department has built an excellent reputation for its graduates in terms of placements. The department faculty members are frequently interacting with internationally reputed persons to get technical support in their respective domains for the benefit of research and other activities.

The field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(EEE) is proud to be one of the core engineering branches. Being the oldest department of this Institution, the EEE department has established a centre of excellence to enhance the core competencies of the students and faculty.


  • To impart quality education committed to innovation and excellence in teaching, learning and research in Electrical Engineering field to cater the challenges of advance technologies and prepare globally competent Electrical Engineers with ethical values for serving individuals and society.


  • To provide innovative and quality education programme for producing qualified. Electrical Engineers to serve the nation and society with professional integrity and ethical values
  • To provide state of art resources for creating encouraging teaching and learning experiences.
  • To impart with basic knowledge, interdisciplinary problem solving skills, social awareness and confidence required to excel in their chosen profession.
  • To establish a conducive atmosphere for collaborative research and consultancy to produce engineers with a spirit of entrepreneurship.
  • To produce industry ready graduates through industrial collaboration and other technical activities.


Under Graduate Programme

B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

4 Years


B.E. EEE, the course deals with different but real-time problems associated with theoretical learning and practical control and operation of power systems and electrical as well as electronic machines and objects.

Post Graduate Programme

M.E. Power Systems Engineering

2 Years


M.E. Power System Engineering or Master of Engineering in Power System Engineering is a postgraduate Power System Engineering. Power system engineering is about keeping things in balance. Not just the balance between generation and load or between production and consumption of reactive power.

Doctorate Programme

Ph.D. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Full Time


PhD Electrical Engineering is a research-based doctoral course in Electrical Engineering. The course syllabus generally involves researching new technologies in the fields of Electric Machines, Semiconductors and Diodes, Electric Circuits, etc.


supporting pm initiatives mapped with aicte

Design Thinking Based Curriculum & Framework
Design Thinking in Education: A way beyond! We adopt to a curriculum, structured based on the design thinking strategy that support to build character, skills and curiosity in you to learn more.

Our 5 growth building centers focuses on building a culture, focusing on effective teaching and learning, innovation, skill and entrepreneurship development, industry connect and social responsibility initiatives.

Curriculum Aligned with PM AICTE & MHRD Initiatives

Our Curriculum and Practices are mapped and aligned with PM, AICTE and MHRD initiatives like Startup Policy, Internship Policy, Skill India, Outcome Based Education, National Educational Policy, etc.,

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Employment
  • Government Jobs
  • Higher Education
DT Activation Hour

30 minutes of class time is dedicated to teach students about the ancient holy books, practicing Meditation and Yoga on daily basis.

  • Manikandan of II year Won First Prize with 3000 cash prize in the event “Device Cracking” KALAM 2020 at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology on 08.02.2020
  • Dinesh Kumar.S of II year Won First Prize with 3000 cash prize in the event “Device Cracking” KALAM 2020 at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology on 08.02.2020
  • Manjari.R of II year won first place in the event of EXTENDORE in WARFARE’19 in Kumaraguru College of Technology on 11.10.2019
  • TEAM ADROIT ARRAY of IV EEE bagged with 2 awards 1.People Choice Award Rs.10,000 /- 2.ISIE Future Award worth Rs.50,000 /- Scholarships from ISIE. IKR 2019, National Kart Racing event hosted by Imperial Society of Innovative Engineer, Final round held at Galgotias University & Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida. (From 04-02-2019 to 08-02-2019)
  • TEAM ADROIT ARRAY of Final year and Second Year EEE bagged with 3 awards 1.Best Crosspad 2.Best Endurance 3.1 st Runner Up(Go-Kart Category). For the first time in the history of SNS Group Of Institution a team has won the overall Runner Up trophy. Champion of Champions, National Kart Racing event was sponsored by Andhra Pradesh Government and hosted by Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers. Final rounds held at KL University, Guntur,Andhra Pradesh. (From 22-02-2019 to 26-02-2019)
  • TEAM ISKARZ of III EEE Participated in IKR 2019, National Kart Racing event hosted by Imperial Society of Innovative Engineer, Final round held at Galgotias University & Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida. (From 04-02-2019 to 08-02-2019)
  • Mr.V.R.Kamesh of II Year EEE _ Leads the Contingent representing “Tamil Nadu Directorate” in the Republic Day Parade, New Delhi to be held on 26.01.19, Tamil Nadu directorate consist of TN, Puducherry and Andaman & Nicobar islands.
  • Navanith.S.N of IV EEE has Played for Indian Youth Rural Handball Team “5th Indo Nepal Youth Rural Games-2018-2019” at Kathmandu Nepal from 07.07.2018 to 11.07.2018. Organized by South Asian Federation for ALL Sports.
  • Harish C S from EEE department Award as Maximum Broomstick Jump in one minute (World Record) Award by Asian Book of records and event organized by INDIA Book Of Records.
  • Harish C S from EEE department Award as Jumping high with both hands Award by COCA COLA event organized by Limca Book of Records.
  • Vignesh B.S Achieved as WORLD BEST HACKER award from wikitechy and Microsoft research community group on 02-09-2017.
  • K.A.Durgaa, III EEE has won Best Paper Award in Paper presentation held in Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore.
  • A.Sriharikrishna, III EEE has won Best Paper Award in Paper presentation held in Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore
  • Ms. Joshibah Raj Kribha, III EEE Acted as a Chairperson in MUN meet and won a cash award of Rs. 2500 in Amrita School of Engineering.
  • Mr.R.VimalRaj of III Year EEE also Participated in the Republic Day Parade.
  • Balaji of II EEE won Second Place in the 390 Duke Street Racing Category “KTM Orange Day “at Coimbatore on 31-03-2019
  • S.No Data Counts
  • 1 University Rank Holders 09
  • 2 Number of Students Placed 36
  • 3 Industry Projects 47
  • 4 MoU Signed 20
  • 5 PhD Holders 04
  • 6 Faculty Awards 02
  • 7 FDP Conducted 05
  • 8 Books Published 0
  • 9 Patent 10
  • 10 Publications 95
  • 11 Grants/Funds 04
  • 12 Consultancies 05
  • 13 Google Citations 696
  • Department of EEE organised, 12th National Level Student Technical Common Symposium- TEXPERIA 2020 on 15.02.2020
  • Department of EEE organised, 11th National Level Student Technical Common Symposium- TEXPERIA 2019 on 27.02.2019
  • Department of EEE organised, 11th National Level Student Technical Common Symposium- TEXPERIA 2018 on 15.03.2018
  • Department of EEE organised, 10th National Level Student Technical Common Symposium- TEXPERIA 2017 on 01.02.2017
  • Department of EEE organised, 9th National Level Student Technical Common Symposium- TEXPERIA 2016 on 30 .09 2016
  • 10 th National Conference on “Advancement in Electrical Sciences” NCAES ‘ 19
  • 9th National Conference on “Advancement in Electrical Sciences” NCAES ‘ 18
  • 7th National Conference on “Advancement in Electrical Sciences” NCAES ‘ 16
  • 6th National Conference on “Advancement in Electrical Sciences” NCAES ‘ 15
  • Department of EEE in Association with Rotary Galaxy Coimbatore organised RYLA (Rotary Youth Leasership Awards) on 07.02.2020


university ranks


students placed 


industry projects






mous signed
OUR core



Professional Bodies