TEXPERIA 2025: A National Level Technical Symposium"Research Prospects in Quantum Computing on Semiconductor Chip Design” on March 14 & 15 2025 organized by Department of ECE , SNS College of Technology Coimbatore "Special Arrear Autonomous Examinations – Students having arrears and exhausted maximum period permitted in the respective regulations are allowed to register and appear for Nov/Dec 2024 and Apr/May 2025 Examination sessions in order to complete their arrear courses and attain degree. No further chances will be given on any account."
News & Events: M/S. CodeYoung - Interview on 31 Jan 2025- 04 students got placed / M/S. FacePrep- Interview on 24 Jan 2025- 15 students got placed / M/S. Consulting & Beyond - Interview on 10 Jan 2025- 01 students got placed / M/S. Intellipaat - Interview on 18 Dec 2024- 08 student got placed / M/S. Acmegrade - Interview on 16 Dec 2024- 09 student got placed / M/S. Airtel - Interview on 13 Dec 2024- 01 student got placed / M/S. Premier - Interview on 12 Dec 2024 - 02 student got placed / M/S. CAE Analyzer - Interview on 09 Dec 2024- 02 student got placed / M/S. Acko- Interview on 07 Dec 2024- 04 student got placed


About us

Excellent and facilitative provision of Hostel accommodation is a major support service offered by SNS College of Technology. Moving away from home to study is an exciting time in life. There are new friends to be made, new places to discover, new chances to be explored. Every effort has been made at the Hostel to provide the best facilities for students who live in the campus. Every student has access to a wide range of activities, facilities, and support.

Message from Chief Warden

Warm greetings to all the hostel Inmates, Parents and Visitors. It gives immense pleasure to have you all to be a part of SNS family. We always strive hard to provide students a homely and healthy living with complete safety and security in a serene environment.
It also becomes the highest obligation & responsibility of all residents that they must keep the hostel neat and clean, refrain themselves from any unlawful act including ragging.

Dr. S. Chendhur Pandian,
Principal & Chief Warden

Hostel Timing

Hostel gate will be kept open up to 7.30 p.m. only. Late entry of the student is not allowed.

Break fast
 7.30 am to 8.30 am

12.55 pm to 1.55 pm


7.15 pm to 8.30 pm


5.00 pm to 6.30 pm


Hostel Events


Girl's Hostel

Hostel Day

rules and regulations

Students are not permitted to stay in hostel room during class hours without prior permission from Warden.

Day scholars are strictly prohibited from entering the hostel. If any day scholar / outsider is found inside the hostel premises, they will be fined Rs.1,000/-. The inmates facilitated such unauthorized entries will also be fined Rs.500/- each.

Student shall properly avail out-pass, duly signed by the concerned Authorities / Incharge / Warden, whenever they leave the hostel. Leaving the Hostel by an inmate without permission will be viewed seriously.

Hostel inmates must switch off lights and fans when not in use.

If a student is found involved in damaging any property, it will be viewed very seriously, and the student may be expelled from the Hostel. The cost of the damaged property with fine, is to be borne by the student concerned.

Keep the rooms tidy and also help the authorities to maintain the environment cleanly. Violations in this regard will attract suitable corrective measures.

Watching TV in the hostel is restricted. But students can watch TV programmes from 5.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. on week days and 8.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. on Holidays.

Students shall not use cell phones during study hour i.e. between 8.30 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. and also between 11.00 p.m. to 7.00 a.m.

Students are advised not to let the water taps open unnecessarily.

Students are advised not to waste the food in any case.

Food Wastes shall not be left on the dining table. If any student is noticed in such action, he will be punished.

Hostel Room Rent & Mess Charges are to be paid at the beginning of every Academic Year. Leaving the Hostel in the middle of academic year is not permitted, unless otherwise the situation warrants.

Vacating Hostel by an inmate, due to what so ever reason, is permitted only during the end of the academic year.

Smoking and Intoxicating Drinks is strictly prohibited. Any student found to have consumed intoxicating drinks / drugs or in possession of such materials, will be dismissed from the student’s Residence / College immediately without any enquiry.

Hostel Committee Members

The Hostel is managed by the Hostel Committee consisting of Patron, Chief Warden, Warden, Deputy Warden, Office Superintendent, and Student Representatives.