centre for creativity
CFC in Professional Practice is a unique collaboration between leading researchers and academicians. This centre is undertaken interdisciplinary research, teaching and knowledge transfer in creativity and innovation. Its growing focus on enterprise and on leadership in creativity and innovation make SNS a natural new host. The centre also investigates the phenomenon of creativity and how to lead and support it in professional practice. We treat creative leadership and problem solving as critical skills that can be learned and supported with the cutting-edge frameworks, processes techniques and digital tools that are developed by the Centre and underpinned by interdisciplinary theories and models.
Student Industry Projects
google citations
SNS Creative Hub
research fund GENERATION
- Dr.K.Geethanjali, AP/Chemistry has received a grant Rs. 94,000 from UGC for Minor Project titled “Synthesis & Characterization of new heterocyclic compounds, anti cancer and molecular docking studies”
- Mr.J.Manivannan, AP/Chemistry has sanctioned a grant Rs. 1,05,000 from UGC for Minor Project titled “Synthesis & Characterization of new heterocyclic compounds, anti cancer and moleculardocking studies”
- Dr.J.Suresh and Mr.G.Pradheesh have received research seed money Of Rs 1,10,000 from our management titled “Synthesis & Characterization of titanium dioxide nano structure photo electrodes for dye sensitized solar cells”.
- Mr.J.Manivannan /ASP/Chemistry & Dr.S.Kalaiselvan/AP/Chemistry has submitted TNSCST proposal for One Day National Seminar on Recent Developments in Battery Research with the estimated amount of Rs.25,000.
- Dr.P.Geethamani /AP/Chemistry& Ms.M.Narmatha /AP/Chemistry has submitted TNSCST proposal for One Day National Seminar on Kichen Chemistry with the estimated amount of Rs.20,000.
- Dr.M.Manjuladevi/ASP,HOD/Chemistry& Ms.M.Narmatha /AP/Chemistry has submitted TNSCST proposal for One Day workshop for”” hi tyech forming for sustainable development”” with the estimated amount of Rs.15,000.
- Mr.J.Manivannan /ASP/Chemistry & Dr.S.Kalaiselvan/AP/Chemistry has submitted TNSCST proposal for One Day National Seminar on Recent Developments in electrochemistry applications with the estimated amount of Rs.30,000.
- Dr P.Geethamani/AP/Chemistry& Mr. T.Arunkumar /AP/Chemistry has submitted TNSCST proposal for One Day National Seminar on emerging trends in water generation techniqus with the estimated amount of Rs.20,000.
- Dr.K.Kanagamani/AP/Chemistry & Mr.G.Pradheesh /AP/Chemistry has submitted TNSCST proposal for One Day National Seminar on smart materials for energy -applications with the estimated amount of Rs.15,000.
- A Seed Money of Rs. 85,000 sanctioned by SNS College of Technology for Project titled ” SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TiO2 NANO STRUCTURED PHOTO ELECTRODES FOR DYE SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS” during the year 2016-17
- Fund sanctioned from funding agencies for research, training, innovation and entrepreneurship development.
- The scheme aims to promote excellence in research in higher education by supporting research programme of University and College teachers in various disciplines. The University Grants Commission provides support to permanent/regular working/retired teachers in the Universities and Colleges.
- Grants/Funds Received: 5
- C.Saranya and I.Rajeswari of mathematics department, worked for a consultancy project for 3 months and created APP for Shakilicious food service. As a part of consultancy, we received Rs. 500 for the APP development.
- Dr.S.Parvathi,AP/English, worked for a consultancy project for One year and updating a website content writing for TOPS (The Ooty Public School). As a part of consultancy, we have received Rs.2500 for the updating website content writing.
- Ms.A.Samundeswari, AP/English, worked on content writing updation for RAYS TECH INDUSTRY. As a part of consultancy, we have received Rs.2000 for the updating website content writing.
- Ms.A.Samundeswari,AP/English,worked as a NPTEL Translator for the course “A Brief Introduction to Psychology-IIT Kanpur. As a part of this Consultancy, we have received Rs.12,000 for Translation.
- Department of Chemistry prepared & supplied cleaning products for SNSCT & SNSCE for the whole year as consultancy and revenue generated Rs.30, 000/-
- Chemistry Department have been made a product Herbal bathing soap using special ingredients, after receiving the lab report of the quality evaluation of our product from Microtech Diagonalistic Centre, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore.Now we would like to extend the production of Herbal soap.Henceforth, we are planning to collect the comparison report for top five brands.
- On behalf of Chemistry department there is a In-house preparation and supply cleaning agents such as soap oil and phenyl to our Technical Institutions -SNS College of Technology and SNS College of Engineering. Advantages of preparing these products are, 1.Neutral 2. Eco-friendly 3.100% kills germs 4.citronella based so insect repellent 5. Cost efficient 6. Freshly prepared 7. Available in various fragrances 8. Quality checked