department of mechanical engineering
events organized
The scope of Programs being organized are in-depth discussion and exchange of ideas related to the topic. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate.
Technical Symposium
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National Level Technical Symposium SNSCT TEXPERIA’20 on 14sthand 15th February 2020. The event was presided by the presence of Chief Guests, Mr. J. Vidyashankar, Chief Executive Officer, CloudHub, Chennai
Department Association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department Students Association was inaugurated on 20th July 2018 graced by the presence of Mr. V. Parthiban, Founder & MD, Bull MachinesPvt. Ltd.,
Engineers Day
- Engineers Day celebration was conducted on 15th September 2018 by the Mechanical Engineering Department graced by the chief guest, Dr. M. Senthil Kumar, Secretary, Institution of Engineers (India), Coimbatore
Department Association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department Students Association was inaugurated on 20th July 2018 graced by the presence of Mr. V. Parthiban, Founder & MD, Bull MachinesPvt. Ltd.,
Awareness Program
- An awareness program on Vehicle Pollution control was organized through the Mechanical Department, on 12th March 2016 with Mr.M.Senthilkumar, Operation & sale Ambal Auto, Coimbatore as the chief guest of the program
Department association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department Students Association was inaugurated on 25th July 2016 graced by the presence of Mr.K.Ramaswamy, Senior technical manager Retd. TEXMO Industries, Coimbatore
Technical Symposium
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National Level Technical Symposium SNSCT TEXPERIA’16-17 on 1st and 2nd February 2017. The event was presided by the presence of Chief Guests, Mr.R.Babu, Group Head – Power Train, Hyundai Motors India Ltd, Chennai
Awareness Program
- An awareness program on Road Safety was organized through the Mechanical Department, on 12th March 2016 with Mr.K.B.Sibimon,Sree Saradhambal Automobiles as the chief guest of the program
Engineers Day
- Engineers Day celebration was conducted on 18th September 2017 by the Mechanical Engineering Department graced by the chief guest, Mr.A.Paramasivam, GM – Operation Sakthi Engineering, Ganapathy, Coimbatore
Awareness Program
- An awareness camp on Entrepreneurship was organized through the Mechanical Department, on 12th March 2016 with Mr.R.Damodharan, Director BUDNET Ideas to solution, Coimbatore. Mr.K.Asokan, General Manager District Industries Center, Coimbatore and Mr.M.Elango Head-Admin&HR as the chief guest of the program
Department association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department Students Association was inaugurated on 20th July 2012 presided by the Dr.V.Arun kumar, Professor,PG studies and research & development, Dr.Ambedhkar Institute of technology,Bangalore
Technical Symposium
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National Level Technical Symposium on 7th September 2012. The event was presided by the presence of Chief Guests, Mr. M.Kandhaswami, former President, CODISSIA Coimbatore and the Managing Director of M/s Anandha Fabrications Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore
Department association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department Students Association was inaugurated on 5th August 2010 with MR.Venkateshwaran,General Manager, Ammarun Foundries, Coimbatore as chief guest of the occasion
Technical Symposium
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National Level Technical Symposium on 4th March 2011. The event was presided by the presence of Chief Guests, Sri.S.Saravanabavan, Manager – Manufacturing Engg., Pricol Ltd,Plant I, Coimbatore
Department Association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department Students Association was inaugurated on 15th July 2011 graced by the presence of Er.P.Vijayakumar, Vice President, Cethar Consulting Engineers Ltd, Chennai.
Technical Symposium
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National Level Technical Symposium on 12th March 2009. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr.V.Challadurai,Vice Principal,CIT-Coimbatore
Department association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department inaugurated SAE Chapter on 20th May 2009 graced by the presence of Mr.M.Krishnamoorthy,B.E.,Managing(Training),UMS Technologies Limited (Unit – II),Coimbatore
Department Association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department Students Association was inaugurated on 11th September 2009 graced by the presence of Er.M.Balagurusamy M.Tech(IIT-K)Director,Lakshmi Valves,Coimbatore
Department association Inauguration
- Mechanical Department Students Association was inaugurated on 13th August 2007 graced by the presence of Er.P.Jeyabalan from Universal Electro Hydralics
ISHARE Society Inauguration
- Mechanical Department inaugurated ISHARE Society on 17th September 2008 graced by the presence of Mr.V.Sridhar,Immediate Past President,ISHRAE Chennai Chapter,, ENMAC SYSTEMS ,Air-conditioning engg., Chennai.
National Conference
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted 8th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering(NCETME -18). The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Mr. V. Sundaran, President, CODISSIA, Coimbatore
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCETME 2017) on 27th March, 2017. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Mr. J.P. Rakshith, Product Manager, Robert Bosch Engg & Business Solution Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National level Conference on 1st March, 2012. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr.V.Arun kumar, Professor,PG studies and research & development and Dr.Ambedhkar Institute of technology, Bangalore.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National level Conference on 3rd March, 2011. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr.K.Amirthagadeswaran, Prof & Head ,Manufacturing Engg, GCT,Coimbatore
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National level Conference on 11th March, 2010. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr.Noorul Haq, Professor Production technology, NIT, Trichy Papers Presented 30
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a National level Conference on 12th March, 2009. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr.M.S.Shanmugam, Professor and Head, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Madras
International Conference
- Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted an International level Conference on 23rd and 24th March, 2016. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr.Kahar Osman, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UniversitiTeknologi, Malaysia, Dr.Kua-ananTechato, Deputy Dean, Research and Academic, Faculty of Enivironmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Hadyai, Thailand, Mr.N.Sivasankaran, GM-Application Management, Global Quality & PD Applications, Ford Technology Service India, Chennai, Dr.RamasamyKandasamy , Professor, Research Centre Universiti Ton Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia., and Dr.N.Lakshmanan, Manager – Technology, ELGI Equipment Ltd., Coimbatore.
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp
- Organized Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp by Mr. A. P. Sasi Kumar, Founder & Propreitor , Agnicart , Coimbatore from 29th to 31st February, 2020
Advanced Piping Engineering
- Organized One Credit Course on “Advanced Piping Engineering” by Mr. ANBU JOEL, Trainer, ExcelR Solutions, Coimbatore from 30th to 1st February, 2020
Advanced Robotics Programming
- Organized One Credit Course on “Advanced Robotics Programming” by Mr. Rijo George, Project Manager, Emglitz technologies, Coimbatore from 4th to 6th February, 2020
- Organized One Day Workshop on “CAD / CAM / CAE” by Mr. John Allen, CEO, SS Technovation & Brand Director, Battery Clinic on 15th February, 2020.
Industrial Process Automation
- Organized One Credit Course on “Industrial Process Automation” by Mr. M. Jegadeesan, Business Development Engineer, AGIIT Global Automation Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore from 20th to 22nd February, 2020
Introduction to Geometrical Dimensioning & Tolerance and Jigs& Fixtures
- Organized one day Workshop on “Introduction to Geometrical Dimensioning & Tolerance and Jigs& Fixtures” by Mr.S. Senniappan, CEO, Mech Tech Engineering Center, Coimbatore on 9th February, 2018.
Solar Energy
- Organized Hands on Training on “Solar Energy” by Mr. P. Madurai Veeran, Head – Training & Research, MAS Solar Systems Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore on 16th & 17th February, 2018.
Mold Filling Simulation using Magmasoft
- Organized Hands on Training on “Mold Filling Simulation using Magmasoft” by Ms. C. Usha Kiranmai, Executive Academics, Magma Engineering Asia Pacific Pvt Ltd,Hyderabad on 23rd March, 2018.
GD & T and Jigs & Fixtures
- Organized one day Workshop on “GD&T and Jigs & Fixtures” by Mr.S. Senniappan, CEO, Mech Tech Engineering Center, Coimbatore on 7th August, 2018.
3D Printer
- Organized two day Workshop on “3D Printer” by Mr. NateshaSundharan. T, PNA Fabrications, 3D Printer Designer and Programmer on 18th & 19th September, 2018
- Organized two day Hands on Training on “Internet of Things” by Mr. Padmanabhan Srinivasan, CEO, Easy Design System, Coimbatore on 8th & 10th January, 2018
- Organized Two Days Workshop cum One Credit Course on HVAC – R by VLAND’S Best Hub Pvt. Ltd on 31st August, 2018.
3D Printer
- Organized Two Days Workshop on Hands on Training on 3D Printer by VLAND’S Best Hub Pvt. Ltd on 31st August, 2018.
- Organized a Faculty Development Program on ” Engineering Mechanics” by Mr.P.Yugananth, ADE, Highways Dept., Govt of Tamilnadu, Dr.K.L.Senthilkumar, Professor, Mechatronics Engineering Department ,BIT, Sathy, Dr.R.Kumaravelan, Professor & Head. Mechanical Engineering Department, Vellalar college of Engg & Tech, Erode, Dr.S.Periyasamy, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department,GCT , Coimbatore and Dr.S.Sudhakaran, Prof& Head Mechanical Engineering Department, SNSCE,CBE from 7th to 9th August, 2015.
- Organized a Faculty Development Program on ” Design of Transmission system ” by Dr.T.Selvan, , Professor, Mechatronics Engineering Department, Sri Krishna college of Engg & Tech, Coimbatore, Mr.BalaSanthosh, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, and Dr.K.S.K.Sasikumar, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Kongu Engineering College, Erode from 14th to 16th December, 2015.
- Organized a Faculty Development Program on ” Geomentrical Dimensioning &Tolerancing ” by Dr.K.Ganesan, Associate Professor, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 31st december, 2015.
Industrial safety and First Aid Program
- Organized one day Workshop on “Industrial safety and First Aid Program” by Mr. K.K Thankappan Lecturer in St.John’s Ambulance,[Specialized in first aid training program’s]on 27th February, 2013.
Effective Experimentation in Mechatronics Laboratory
- Organized one day workshop on ” Effective Experimentation In Mechatronics Laboratory ” by Mr.R.Madhan Raj, Sr.Application Engineer, Vi Microsystems Pvt.Ltd, Chennai on 27th July, 2012.
- Organized a Faculty Development Program on ” ENGINEERING GRAPHICS ” by Dr.M.S.Kumar,Principal,SKR engineering college , Chennai on 1st & 2nd August, 2009.
Top Contest
Project Contest & Talent Show 2k17
- Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the Project Contest & Talent Show 2k17 for the external participants on 3rd March 2016 in the presence of the Chief Guest, Mr. V.Kumaresh, CADD Technologies School of Design
Project Contest and Talent Show-2K16
- Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the Project Contest and Talent Show-2K16 for the external participants on 4th March 2016 in the presence of the Chief Guest, Mr. Sathish Selladurai, Axis global automation, Coimbatore
Seminar / Guest Lecture
- Alumni Guest Lecture On “Career Guidance” by Mr. K. Gowtham, Proprietor, Shri Polmaa Engineers, on 24th January, 2020 was organized.
- Guest Lecture On “Recent Trends in Internal Combustion Engines” by Dr. T. Venugopal, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical & Building Sciences, VIT, Vellore, on 24th January, 2020 was organized.
- Alumni Guest Lecture On “Higher Studies Opportunities In Canada” by Mr. Nitish Krishnaa, Student, University of windsor Ontario, Canada, on 29th January, 2020 was organized.
- An International Webinar On “Importance of safety in core industries” by Mr.B. Charath Pradheesh, HSE Engineer, Arabian Pipeline Services , SAUDI, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Life after Graduation” by Dr. Shyam Prasad Rajasekaran & CEO, Entrepreneur Twirl Tact Solutions Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Effective Resume Writing” by Er.Aravindraj, Design Engineer, PSG Industry, Coimbatore, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “autodesk for mechanical engineering” by Mr.RohitChandar R, Education Engagement Specialist, Autodesk India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Basic of Design Tools In Mechanical Engineering” by Mr. S. Prasath, Senior design engineer, Hirotec india Pvt .Ltd, Coimbatore, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Entrepreneurship” by Mr.Devansh Yadav, A Digital leader & an entrepreneur Internet companies & start-ups in India, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “E-Marketing” by Mr. S. Gowtham Venkatesh, Customer Service Associate, Amazon India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Career Guidance” by SJ Arul Kumaran, Process Data Engineer, Mount Poonamallee Rd, Porur, Chennai, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Total Productive Maintanance” by Mr. P.Mathi, Manager-Quality, Indoshell Cast Limited Plant-II, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Career Overview at Australia” by Mr. Prasanth Balakrishnan, Warehouse Associate, Warehouse, Mazda Australia, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Recent Trends and Opportunities in Oil and Gas Industry” by Mr.Srihari Sankaran, Managing Director, Cement Bond Nigeria Limited, Nigeria, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Career Guidance Career Opportunities in Abroad” by Mr. K. Raja, Sr. Executive(Business Development), Honda Trading Corporation (I) Pvt Ltd., Chennai, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “LET’s Talk About Technology” by Mr.Karthik Sakthivel, WMS Specialist, Linfox Logistics SDN BHD, Malaysia, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “LET’s Talk About Technology” by Mr.Karthik Sakthivel, WMS Specialist, Linfox Logistics SDN BHD, Malaysia, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Robotics on CNC Machines” by Mr.Sriraman B.E.,M.S.,(Italy), Procurement and Logistics speacialist, Haulotte Group, Italy, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Basic of Design Tools In Mechanical Engineering” by Mr.M.Ponraj, CEO, Hitaje Group of Companies,Coimbatore, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Career Guidance” by Mr. S. Prasath , SENIOR DESIGN ENGINEERHIROTEC INDIA Pvt .Ltd Coimbatore, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Conspectus to Lean Six Sigma” by SJ Arul Kumaran, Process Data Engineer, Shell,Chennai, on 30th April, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Latest technologies in foundry industry and skills required by young engineers” by Mr.V.R.Hariram, Senior Lead, Flipkart inida, Bangalore, on 1st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Career Guidance For Mechanical Engineers in IT Sectors” by Mr. P.Suresh Kumar,COE , Agna Inc Coimbatore, on 1st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Career Guidance For Mechanical Engineers in IT Sectors” by Mr. Subramaniam Raja, Technology analyst, Leading IT MNC Firm, on 2nd May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Car Digital Marketing” by Mr. Subramaniam Raja, Technology analyst, Leading IT MNC Firm, on 2nd May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Industry Expectations from an Engineering Graduate – A Bosch Perspective” by Mr.S.Swaminathan, Digital Marketing Analyst, Amazon, on 6th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “How to become an Industry – Ready Engineers” by Mr.Karthick Rajapaul, Dy. Manager HR,Robert Bosch, Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Product Design” by Mr.T.Ramesh., Associate -PDC Roots Multiclean Ltd Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Desiccant based Dehumidification and cooling system” by Mr. S.Dhineshkumar, Designer Salzer Electronics Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Expectations and Challenges in the current Industry Scenario” by Dr.D.B.Jani, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering , GCE/DAHOD / Gujarat, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Role of Graduates in Hospitality Industry” by Mr. R.Mohan, Senior Software Engineer, Robert Bosch Bangalore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Skills required for an Entrepreneur” by Mr Nachimuthu, Chief Engineer, Conrad Hotel, Bangalore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Turbomachinery” by Dr. G. Somasundaram, Professor, School of Material Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, Adama Science & Technology University, Adama, ETHIOPIA, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Automotive Hydraulics” by Dr. Joshua S.C. Isaac JoshuaRamesh Lalvani, Assistant Professor, Arbaminch Institute of Technology, Ethiopia, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “steam turbines” by Mr. Rangaramanujam Sundaram, Senior Design Engineer, Robert Bosch Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Embedding Sustainable development goals in engineering practices” by Dr. A. Haiter Lenin Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, WOLLO University, Kombolcha, Ethiopia, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Digital Marketing” by Dr. Venkat Bakthavatchalam, Associate professor/Mechanical Engineering, University of the West of England, UK, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Job Opportunities in Engineering Design” by Mr.S.Swaminathan, Digital Marketing Analyst, Amazon, Banglore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Industry Expectations from an Engineering Graduate – A Bosch Perspective” by Mr.V.Hariharan, Design Engineer,Changepond Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chennai, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Expectations and Challenges in the current industry scenario” by Mr. Karthik Rajapaul, Dy. HR, Robert Bosch, Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Career Opportunities in NDT Industries” by Mr. R. Mohan, Senior Software Engineer, Robert Bosch, Bangalore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Introduction to Design Tools” by Mr.Krishnakumar SV, Founder, Hustlers Hub, Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Introduction to Design Tools” by Mr.Krishnakumar SV, Founder, Hustlers Hub, Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Advanced Machine learning” by DR.D.B.Jani, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, GCE/DAHOD Gujarat, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Latest Trends on Supply Chain Technology” by Mr.M.Sridhar, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Nizwa College of Technology, Oman, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “How to become an Industry – Ready Engineers” by Natesan Andiyappillai, Manager IT WMS Solutions , CEVA Logistics US Inc., Houston, Texas, US, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Product Design” by Mr.T.Ramesh., Associate –PDC, Roots Multiclean Ltd Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Sustainabilty in todays world” S.Dhineshkumar, Designer, Salzer Electronics Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Enhancement of productivity and reduction of man power with Conveyors and check weighers in industries” by Mr. Sivagnavigneshwaran, sustainability Manager, ferrero India private limited, Pune,, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Quality in Corporate” by M.Balaji Mouraliacannane, Operations Manager, MGEE Industries , Pondicherry, on 7th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Opportunities and Industry Scenario in Abroad” by Mr.R.Pradeep , Project Quality Manager, ALSTOM , Chennai, on 8th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Opportunities and Industry Scenario in Abroad” by Mr.R.Pradeep , Project Quality Manager, ALSTOM , Chennai, on 8th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar On “Role of Mechanical Engineering in COVID19& Career opportunities for upcoming graduates” by Dhanavel Gokulrajan, Specialist – Lipids, Nestlé Research Konolfingen, Switzerland, on 9th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Automation in Industry” by Dr. Johnson Santhosh, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Jimma University, on 9th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Bio Medical Engineering” by Mr.C.Chellapandi, Robotics Programming Engineer, Alam Al Plastic Factory, Kuwait, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Opportunities in construction as a mechanical engineer” by Dr. Kahar Bin Osman, Professor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on Fundamentals of Li-ion battery and Electric Vehicles” & “Academic Publications” by Muthuraja Arunachalam, Mechanical Engineer, Consultant-Omen, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Steam operations” by Satyam Panchal- Ph.D., P.Eng., Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Steam operations” by Satyam Panchal- Ph.D., P.Eng., Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights” by Mr.C.Swarup Prasanna, Development Manager, Amazon Pvt. Ltd., Seattle, USA, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Recent trends in mechanical Engineering at 2020” by Er.Prem Charles I, Managing Partner and Indian Patent Agent, Inanse IP & Consultancy Services, Ethiopia, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Basic knowledge for Engineering Design” by Mr. Pragadeeswaran, Co-Foundar & CTO, Idodeli, Anna Nagar, Chennai, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Energy Conservation and Energy Analysis” by Mr. N.Thamari Kannan , HEAD – PROJECT, FLOWMAX FILTRATION Bangalore, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Energy Conservation in Mechanical Engineering Fields” by Dr.D.John Panneer Selvam, Professor, Ethiopian Institute of Technology, Mekelle University, Ethiopia, on 14th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Quality Control in Automotive Industry” by Dr .R.Krishnaraj , Assistant Professor, Ambo University , Ethiopia, on 15th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Recent Advancements in Power Plant Technology” by Mr.Abinandhan PM, Quality Engineer, LCP Building Products PVT LTD, Chennai, on 15th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Job opportunities on mechanical engineering graduates” by Mr.C.Manikanda Prabakaran, Assistant Manager , L&T MHPS Boilers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, on 15th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Career Opportunity In Engineering Design” by Mr.Manikandanbabu , Facility Manager, Kate Facility Management, Qatar Doha, on 16th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Future Trends in Automotive Technologies” by Mr. T.Mukesh, Design Engineer, EGS Computers India Pvt Ltd , Chennai, on 18th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Energy Efficient Engine Technologies 2020” by Rajesh Ravi, Assistant Professor, Department of Automotive Engineering, Dilla University, Ethiopia, on 21st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Introduction to Industrial Robotics” Dr.Joshua S.C.Isaac Joshuaramesh Lalvani , Assistant Professor, Arbaminch University, Ethiopia, on 21st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Nano Technology and its Applications” Dr. Balkeshwar Singh , Professor, Adama Science & Technology University, Adama City, Ethiopia, on 21st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Recent trends in Fluid Dynamics and Thermal science” Dr.Ramachandran Rajan, Postdoctoral Fellow, Shandong University of Technology, China, on 21st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “How do we work in a product based company” by Dr. Karthick Selvam, Post doctoral Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Luxembourg, on 21st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Carrier Guidance and Higher Education in Abroad” by A.Hamed Bakshi,Zoho SAP CRM Expert, Zoho Corporation Pvt Ltd, Chennai, on 21st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Introduction to CAD/CAM” by Sabaree Thagavel, Manufacturing Process Engineer, Trillium Medvision Inc, Canada, on 21st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Introduction to Quality Circle” by Dr.M.Joseph Malvin Raj, Asst Manager R&D CAE , Alkraft Thermo technology Pvt ltd, Chennai, on 21st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Role of Composite Materials in Additive Manufacturing” by Mr. G.S.R. Krishnan, retd. Head sales retail, Tata steel, Bangalore, on 22nd May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Recent trends in Automotive Industries” by Dr.Vivekanandhan Chinnasamy, Lecturer,Botswana International University of Science and Technology , Palapye , Botswana, on 22nd May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Applications Of Strength Of Materials For Engineering” by Mr.R.Nithishkumar Senior Engineer , Rajsriya Automotive Industries, Chennai, on 22nd May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “What IT Wants” by Mr.Madheswaran, Assistant professor, BIT Insititute, Sathy, on 22nd May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Opportunities in Management Sector” by Mr. Pranesh Suresh, CS Training Specialist, Amazon Development Centre, Bangalore, on 23rd May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Career in Robotics and Controls” by Mr.C. Charles Abraham, Investment Associate, Mistry Ventures, Mumbai, on 23rd May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Introduction to Quality Circle” by Mr. Ajay Prabhu, Electrical Engineer, McCandless, Mumbai, on 25th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Refrigeration and Air-conditioning” by Mr. A.L Kishen, Vice president QCFI Bengaluru chapter, Consultant, Ex- Quality Director, Autoliv , VP QCFI, Bengaluru , on 28th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Refrigeration and Air-conditioning” by Mr. A.L Kishen, Vice president QCFI Bengaluru chapter, Consultant, Ex- Quality Director, Autoliv , VP QCFI, Bengaluru , on 28th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Development Of Magnesium Matrix Composite Through Stir Casting” by Dr. Rajesh Ravi, Assistant Professor, Dilla Univeristy, Ethiopia, on 28th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Strategy to Crack Competitive Exam in Mechanical Engineering” by Mr.I.Aatthisugan, Assistant Professor, SRM University, Chennai, on 28th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Exploring Different Tools to Secure Personal Data” by Mr. Gowtham Palanivelu , Assistant professor, Government College of Engineering , Srirangam Trichy, on 28th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Exploring Different Tools to Secure Personal Data” by Ms.B.Renukadevi, Assistant Professor, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, on 28th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Importance of GD & T in quality control” by Mr.G.Gnanakumar, Associate Engineer, Moreind Ind Pvt ltd, L & T Suppliers, Coimbatore, on 29th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Introduction to Finite Element analysis” by Mr.Prabahar.T, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Nizwa College of Technology,Nizwa,Oman, on 29th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Career Opportunities In Product Design” by Mr.Vishnuprakash palanisamy , SDET Quality Engineer, Walmart Labs Pvt Ltd , Bangalore, on 30th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Phases of Hacking” by Mr. Narendran Balamurugavel, Technical service-Lea, Fujitsu Consulting India Pvt Ltd, on 30th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Basic Course on CAE” by Mr. Kaushik Rajalingam, Senior Engineer, Ford India pvt. Ltd, Chennai, on 30th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Advanced Welding technology” by Dr.M.Manikandan, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, on 30th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Applications of Surface coatings and Paintings in Oil Extraction Process” by Mr.N.L. Kaarthikram, Well Head Design Engineer, Cameron Manufacturing India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore, on 30th May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Job Oppurtunities In Malaysia And Singapore” by Krishnan Marimuthu, Senior Engineer, SHIMANO SDN (BHD) Johor, Malaysia, on 31st May, 2020 was organized.
- A Webinar on “Career Choice after Engineering” by Praveen.S, Senior Design Engineer, Hirotec India Ltd,Coimbatore, on 31st May, 2020 was organized.
- An Alumni Guest Lecture on “Higher Education in U.S.” by Mr. Muthukrishnan. B, University of Oklahoma, U.S., on 7th January, 2019 was organized.
- A Motivational Program on “Entreneurship” by Mr. K. P. Muthukumaran, Managing Director, K.P.M. Plasto Rubber Co., Coimbatore, on 7th January, 2019 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Industry Expectations from Engineers” by Dr. Guru Selvaraj, GM-Hr& IR, Flow Link Systems (P) Ltd., Coimbatore, on 8th January, 2019 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Introduction to Vehicle Development” by Mr. R. Prasana Kumar, Engineering Manager, Fuel Systems, Induction & Exhaust CAE team, General Motors Technical Center India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, on 28th January, 2019 was organized.
- An Alumni Guest Lecture on “Value of Participating in Events” by Mr. BalasubramaniyanTharun, Analyst Trainee, Cognizant, on 8th February, 2019 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Geometrical Dimensioning & Tolerance” by Mr. P. Yuvaraj, Senior Engineer, Altran Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, on 8th February, 2019 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Applications of Gear Design in Industries” by Mr. S. Palanivelayutham, P.V. Gear Designer, Coimbatore, on 20th February, 2019 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Maintenance Engineering” by Mr. K. Anantha Narayanan, Manager-Maintenance, RSM Autocast Industries, Coimbatore, on 20th February, 2019 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Emerging Trends in Fixture Design” by Mr. P. Hariprakash, BIW Design Engineer, HIROTEC India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, on 22th February, 2019 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Resume Building” by Mr.S.Sumeet jain, Manufacturing Engineering Rolls-Royce india pvt ltd, Bangalore, on 6th January, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Industry 4.0” by Mr.S.Paulraj, Former Managing Director, HMT Ltd, Bangalore, on 10th January, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Promoting Ideas of Smart and Mechatronics Devices and Robotic Issues” by Dr. Vytautas Bucinskas, Head- Department of Mechatronics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithunia, on 10th January, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Automotive System Dynamics” by Mr. Vivek Devaraj, Co-Founder, Oversquare Automotive, Pune, from7th to 9th February, 2018 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Introduction to Geometrical Dimensioning & Tolerance and Jigs& Fixtures” by Mr.S. Senniappan, CEO, Mech Tech Engineering Center, Coimbatore, on 9th February, 2018 was organized.
- GATE Seminar & Gate Mock Test by Dr. A. Saravanakumaran, Centre Head, GATE Forum, Coimbatore on 28th March 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Additive Manufacturing” by Dr. S. Vinodh, ASP / Production Engineering, NIT, Trichy, on 4th July, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Challenges for Engineers” by Dr. G. Balakrishnan, Engineering Manager, Caterpillar India Pvt. Ltd., on 7th July, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Career Guidance” by Mr. B. Parthasarathi, Design Engineer, Robert Bosch, on 11th August, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Solar Energy – The Future Need” by Mr. M. Nambidhas, Trainer, MAS Solar Systems Pvt. Ltd., on 28th August, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Guidance for fabrication for SAE SUPRA Vehicle” by Mr. Dhayalan, Former SAE SUPRA Captain, Area Manager, Bajaj Sales, Coimbatore, on 3rd September, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Career Guidance in Core Industries” by Mr. V. HariVimalesh, Marketing Executive Engineer, ATS ELGI, Bangalore, on 14th September, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Quality Systems” by Dr. M. Natarajan, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department, Adithya Institute of Technology, on 11th August, 2018 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Gas Turbine Systems & Operation” by Dr. Suresh Sampath, Director of Gas Turbine Systems & Operations, School of Aerospace, Cranfield University, United Kingdom, on19th September, 2018 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Research Opportunities in DRDO” by Dr. G. Srinivasan, Technical Officer C, DRDO, on19th September, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Automatic & Semi – Automatic Lathes” by Mr. L. Balasubramanian, Design Consultant, India Trading Mart, on 20th September, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Automotive Vehicle and Engine FE Validation with Testing” by Mr. D. Krishnamoorthi, Assistant Manager, JayemAutomotives Ltd.,, on 20th September, 2018 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Awareness of GATE Exam” by Mr. Nirmal, GATE Forum, on 19th September, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Automatic & Semi – Automatic Lathes” by Mr. L. Balasubramanian, Design Consultant, India Trading Mart, on 20th September, 2018 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow and its applications” by Mr. S. Ajith, Senior CFD Engineer, Robert Bosch Technology Solutions Private Limited, on 6th October, 2018 was organized.
- An Alumni Guest Lecture on “Higher Education in Abroad” by Mr. Akshy, University of South Australia, on 26th December, 2018 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Career And Lifestyle In Defence” by Captain Harsan.G.Nithin, Indian Army, on 5th January, 2017 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Management A Tool for Engineers to Excel and Explorer in Global Market” by Mr. Prithviraj Krishnaswamy, Senior Associate, Cognizant Technology Solutions Coimbatore, on 17th March, 2017 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Higher Education Opportunities in Abroad” by Ms.Ashwini, Assistant Business, Alliances, Career Zone, Coimbatore, on 26th July, 2017 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Industrial Design and application of PLC in Industrial Automation” by Mr.S.Thilibhan babu & Mr.V.Gokulnath Inventor Automation,Coimbatore, on 27th July, 2017 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Power of Mind” by Mr.K.Parivallal, CEO, CNC Training division and director, DMW CNC Solution india ,private limited, Perundurai, on 8th August, 2017 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Recent Industrial Scenario” by Mr.Mohan,Design Engineer .Brake division, Robert bosch, Coimbatore, on 9th September, 2017 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Energy Audit” by Mr.R.Karthik, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 23rd January, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Automation in Production” by Mr.K.B.Muthukumar, Managing Director, KBM Plastics Rubber & Co on 10th March, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Optimization Techniques for Engineering Research” by Dr.S.Boopathi, Associate Professor, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode on 19th March, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “System Application Product” by Mr.B.Ganesh Kumar Mr.S.Sathish Kumar SAPSYS Technologies,Chennai on 2nd April, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Mass Transfer” by Dr.R.RavikumarPh.D, HOD/BIOTECH, BIT,Sathy on 18th April, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Present Industry Scenario” by Mr.Manu.K.Jacob Sales Executive, Sintex Industries Limited, Chennai on 13th July, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Importance of GATE” by Mr.R.Naresh, Scientist, Space Craft Design Domain, Bangalore on 14th July, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Application of Strength of Materials” by Mr.J. Nagarjun, M.E, AP/Mech PSG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 27th July, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Finite Element Analysis” by Mr.Ramesh, Assistant Manager, Robert Bosch Engineering Business solutions, Coimbatore on 27th July, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Ennangalum Vannangalum” by Mr.K.Parivallal, M.E, CEO, CNC Training Division & Director, DMW CNC Solutions India PVT LTD, Perundurai on 28th July, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Research and Project Methodologies to Execute Industrial Problems with Grants” by Dr K Ganesan and Dr V Praburaja, from Mechanical Engineering Department of PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 30th July, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Awareness about Competitive Exams And Higher Studies” by Mr. Suresh, Director, Astros Educational Institute, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore on 11th August, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Gate Online Proc Test” by Mr.N.K.Praveen Kumar Assistant Manager, GATE Academy, Coimbatore on 17th August, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Personal skill development” by Colonel Ganesh Babu.C, Retired SSB selection officer on 3rd September, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Career guidance through GATE” by Mr.S.Sumeetjain, Manufacturing Engineer, Rolls-Royce India Pvt ltd, Bangalore on 22nd September, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Recent Trends in Automotive Brake System” by Er.R.Mohan, Associate Engineer, Robert Bosch, Coimbatore on 1st October, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Process Planning” by Mr.G.Chandrapragash, Manager-R&D, RABWIN Industries, Coimbatore on 1st October, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Applications of Thermodynamics concepts in steam power plants & Motivational program to the students” by Er.ASivaraman, AEE, ANGEDCO, Mettur Thermal Power Plant Station, Salem, on 6th October, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Awareness about Various Issues Faced in Day to Day Life by Students” by Dr.Edwin Joe, Dean, Coimbatore Medical College, on 7th October, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “New Product Development” by Mr.N.Ravindar, Senior Engineer, Bosch,Bangalore, on 15th October, 2016 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Diesel Exhaust After Treatment Systems” by Mr. A.RavinderBandari R&D-Engine Architect, BOSCHLtd, Coimbatore, on 18th October, 2016 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Strength Of Materials” by Prof. P.Nallasamy, Mechanical Dept, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 14th February, 2013 was organized.
- AICTE Sponsored E-Talk by Mr.Selvan,Director, Classic Visible Technologies, Coimbatore on 5th March, 2013 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Entrepreneurship” by Mr.VIMAL JOSE, B.E., M.B.A.,Founder & CEO, Armor24X7 Techno Solutions India (P) Ltd, Coimbatore on 10th January, 2013 was organized.
- A Seminar on “PREPARING FOR GATE EXAM “ by Mr.A.Saravanakumaran, Director- GATE forum,coimbatore on 22nd February, 2012 was organized.
- A Seminar on “GAS TURBINE APPLICATION IN AIR BREATHING ENGINE” by Dr.V.Arun kumar, Professor,PG studies and research & development, Dr.Ambedhkar Institute of technology,Bangalore from 20th to 21st July, 2012 was organized.
- A Seminar on “Advances in Manufacturing sciences” by Mr.S.C.Chidambaram, senior consultant at VR Foundries and Machine shop, Coimbatore on 24th August, 2012 was organized.
- ISTE Seminar on “Higher Education At Abroad” by Mr. Navaneeth Mylsamy Executive Administrator, MM gears private limited, Coimbatore on 18th September, 2012 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “Higher studies opportunities in overseas” by Mr.R.N.Rajaraman and R.J.Priyan from Domain Overseas Education Consultants on 25th July, 2012 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “PIPING TECHNOLOGY ” by Mr.A.P.Praveen Peter, Technical Manager, ICAD Centre on 1st August, 2011 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “RECENT ENGINES ” by Thiru.K.B.Sibimon, Manager-Training, Sree Saradhambal Automobiles Pvt Ltd on 12th August, 2011 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “KUBOTA DIESEL ENGINES ” by Mr.Karthikeyan Mariappan,Project Coordinator, Kubota Industry Interface Project,Chennai on 22nd August, 2011 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “LATEST TRENDS IN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY ” by Mr.S.K.Premramesh,Divisional Manager,TAFE,Madurai on 17th September, 2011 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “ADVANCED TECHNIQUES IN PRO-E ” by Mr.M.S.Shivaprakash, Global Services Consultant,PTC Software(India)Pvt Ltd,Bangalore on 22nd September, 2011 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “DESIGN,PROCESS METHODS AND TECHNICAL TRAINING IN MANUFACTURING ” by Mr.P.Ramesh.Assistant Manager-Design,AQUA SUB Engineering,Coimbatore on 21st December, 2011 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “CASTING PROCESSES AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT ” by Mr.D.Gandhi Kumar,Ex-President,CODISSIA,Coimbatore on 22nd December, 2011 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “RECENT DEVELPOPMENT IN MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL” by Mr.R.Selvan,G.M-Projects,LMW,Coimbatore on 26th December, 2011 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on ” CAD/CAM OPPORTUNITIES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING” by Mr.S.Senthil, Manager United Info Tech, Coimbatore on 16th February, 2010 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on ” ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ” by Mr.jayaseelan, Managing Director, /s, visal precision products, coimbatore on 18th February, 2010 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on “THE AVAILABILITY OF COURSES IN NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND JOB VACANCIES ” by Mr.I.Govindasamy, Chief NDT inspector, BIT, Coimbatore on 23rd February, 2010 was organized.
- A Seminar on ” AWARENESS PROGRAM ON CAT – EXAM ” by Mr.T.P.Senthil kumar,Centre Director-CAT Institution,Coimbatore on 19th February, 2009 was organized.
- A Seminar on ” AUTODESK INVENTOR PROFESSIONAL – 2009″ by Mr.A.Hariprasad,Education Trainer,Chennai on 19th February, 2009 was organized.
- A THREE DAY NATIONAL CAMP OF EACS (ISTE-NSTEDB ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARENESS CAMP FOR STUDENTS) was organized from 24th to 26th February 2009 presided by Dr.N.R.Shetty,President ISTE,Chennai.
- A Guest Lecture on ” ENGINEERING GRAPHICS ” by Mr.S.Kumar,Director,Vahist Technologies on 30th September, 2009 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on ” ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES AND MANAGEMENT ” by Er.R.Elangovan, Assistant Executive Engineer, PWD on 5th February, 2007 was organized.
- A Guest Lecture on ” INSTILLING ENTREPRENEURIAL ATTITUDE IN STUDENTS” by Mrs.Sujaya rao, Consultant, National Entrepreneurship Network on 10th February, 2007 was organized.
- MY IDEA PROGRAMME by Mechanical Engineering Association with L-RAMP & PSG Step on 15th February, 2007 was organized.
- MEET THE CEO OPPORTUNITIES IN CAD/CAM by Mr.V.Kandavel , CEO,Coimbatore.Vel peripheral P Ltd on 6th March, 2007 was organized.
- A Seminar on ” INSTILLING ENTREPRENEURIAL ATTITUDE IN STUDENTS” by Mrs.Sujaya rao, Consultant, National Entrepreneurship Network on 10th February, 2007 was organized.
- A Seminar on “CAD” by Mr.Thirumalaikannan, Managing Business, Inter CAD Institute on 18th November, 2006 was organized.
events participated
Students and Faculty members are encouraged to participate in various kinds of research programmes for self up-gradation and collaborations.
international/national conferences
Participation in International/nation conferences helps both students and faculty to experience blended learning environment with multiple opportunities to learn and engage in a wide array of programmes.
Attending professional conferences, summits, workshops and seminars have positive impacts on each individuals and helps them in grooming into a complete professional. They provide an opportunity to develop new professional relationships, gain knowledge and become more successful in career.

National Conference Participated by Faculty Members
- Mr.Divyakumar, “Recent Advances in Welding processes, Automation, Power sources & consumables” at PSG TECH on OCT 18-19th 2019.
- Mr.Ashokumar, “Recent Advances in Welding processes, Automation, Power sources & consumables” at PSG TECH on OCT 18-19th 2019.
- Subramanian, “An analytical method of Prediction of stability and Experimental validationusing FFT Analyzer in End milling process” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Somu, “Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Mwcnt Structure Reinforced With Aluminium 7075 Alloys Cast Nano Composites” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Somu, “Review On Processing Of Nano Tubes” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- T, “2.2L Engine 1D Simulation & Experimental Analysis of Exhaust Manifold” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018.
- Tharanitharan G, “A Review On Disparate Models Of Spur, Helical, Hypoid Gears” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018.
- P.Tamilselvam, “A Review On Disparate Models Of Spur, Helical, Hypoid Gears” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Subramanian M, “A Review On Disparate Models Of Spur, Helical, Hypoid Gears” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Karthikeyan, “Mechanical and Wear properties of Aluminum hybrid composite (Al/TiC/Graphite) fabricated by powder metallurgy” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018.
- Kaushik V S , “Experimental studies on the performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with jatropha and pongamia biodiesel with Alumina Nano particles” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Chinnasamy C, “Experimental studies on the performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with jatropha and pongamia biodiesel with Alumina Nano particles” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Chinnasamy C, “Review on Influence of Corrosion and cavitation on various materials of diesel engine parts while using Biodiesel as fuel” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Natarajan, “Performance and emission behavior bio-alcohols in Compression Ignition engine” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- V, “Design evaluation and analysis of two wheeler suspension helical compression spring” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- A, “Design And Analysis Of Automotive Chassis Frame Using Finite Element Method” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018.
- Karthi, “Investigation of heat transfer coefficient of Aluminium oxide/Water Nano fluid” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018.
- Savadamuthu, “Multi characteristic Optimization in wirecut EDM by Using Taguchi Data Envelopment Analysis Based Ranking Methodology” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018.
- Saravanakumar,”Multi characteristic Optimization in wirecut EDM by Using Taguchi Data Envelopment Analysis Based Ranking Methodology” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Sureshkumar, “Multi characteristic Optimization in wirecut EDM by Using Taguchi Data Envelopment Analysis Based Ranking Methodology” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018.
- Prakash, “Low Cost Material handling equipment using PLC” National Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Management, 17th March 2018.
- Subramanian, “An analytical method of Prediction of stability and Experimental validationusing FFT Analyzer in End milling process” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Somu, “Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Mwcnt Structure Reinforced With Aluminium 7075 Alloys Cast Nano Composites” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Somu, “Review On Processing Of Nano Tubes” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- T, “2.2L Engine 1D Simulation & Experimental Analysis of Exhaust Manifold” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Tharanitharan G, “A Review On Disparate Models Of Spur, Helical, Hypoid Gears” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Tamilselvam, “A Review On Disparate Models Of Spur, Helical, Hypoid Gears” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Subramanian M, “A Review On Disparate Models Of Spur, Helical, Hypoid Gears” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Karthikeyan, “Mechanical and Wear properties of Aluminum hybrid composite (Al/TiC/Graphite) fabricated by powder metallurgy” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Kaushik V S , “Experimental studies on the performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with jatropha and pongamia biodiesel with Alumina Nano particles” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Chinnasamy C, “Experimental studies on the performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with jatropha and pongamia biodiesel with Alumina Nano particles” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Chinnasamy C, “Review on Influence of Corrosion and cavitation on various materials of diesel engine parts while using Biodiesel as fuel” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Natarajan, “Performance and emission behavior bio-alcohols in Compression Ignition engine” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- V, “Design evaluation and analysis of two wheeler suspension helical compression spring” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- A, “Design And Analysis Of Automotive Chassis Frame Using Finite Element Method” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Karthi, “Investigation of heat transfer coefficient of Aluminium oxide/Water Nano fluid” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Savadamuthu, “Multi characteristic Optimization in wirecut EDM by Using Taguchi Data Envelopment Analysis Based Ranking Methodology” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Saravanakumar,”Multi characteristic Optimization in wirecut EDM by Using Taguchi Data Envelopment Analysis Based Ranking Methodology” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Sureshkumar, “Multi characteristic Optimization in wirecut EDM by Using Taguchi Data Envelopment Analysis Based Ranking Methodology” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, 9th March 2018
- Prakash, “Low Cost Material handling equipment using PLC” National Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Management, 17th March 2018
- P. Saradhamani Presented a paper entitle “Trends of Futures and Options in India – A case study” in the National conference at Sankara Institute of Management Studies, Coimbatore on 16th October 2015.
- V. Ramadevi Presented a paper entitle “Competency mapping – a strategic tool for HRM ” in the National conference at Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 16th October 2015
Workshop / Seminar Participated by Students
- NISHANTH A II Attended webinar Webinar on “Industrial Automation” organised by Satyabama Institute of science and Technology on 07.05.2020.
- JAGADEEP M P II year Attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Autocad” on 28.04.2020
- SANJEEV KUMAR M III year attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- TAMIL PRABAHARAN S III year attended Webinar on “Industrial Automation” organised by Satyabama Institute of science and Technology on 07.05.2020.
- VISWANATHAN B III year attended Webinar on “Industrial Automation” organised by Satyabama Institute of science and Technology on 07.05.2020.
- VIGNESH KUMAR R III year attended Webinar on “Industrial Automation” organised by Satyabama Institute of science and Technology on 07.05.2020.
- SUBASH C of II MECH C attended Webinar on Fundamentals of Strenth of material by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai Institute of Technology on 29.04.2020
- SUBASH C of II MECH C have attended Webinar on “Role of IOT, Embedded, Electric vehicle and Power Electronics converters for the smart world” organized by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, from 18 .05.2020 to 22.05.2020.
- SHYAM KUMAR N II MECH C attended Webinar on Fundamentals of Strenth of material by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai Institute of Technology on 29.04.2020
- THARUN M II MECH C attended Webinar on Fundamentals of Strenth of material by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai Institute of Technology on 29.04.2020
- DINAKARAN S II MECH C attended Webinar on Fundamentals of Strenth of material by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai Institute of Technology on 29.04.2020
- SEZHIYAN S II MECH C attended Faculty Development Programme on Finite element Analysis organized by Panimalar Institute of Technology Chennai – 600 123. from May 11th to May 15th
- SEZHIYAN S II MECH C attended Webinar on How To Join Armed Forced Presented by A.G.DEEPAK., Assistant Commandant, Indian Coast Guard ., Cochin .
- Hariharan T, attended webinar on “Industry 4.0″IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 15.5.2020.
- R II Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- PRANAV II Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- Andrew clemence of I Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Autocad” on 28.04.2020
- Andrew clemence of I Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- Anoj of I Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- Antoarun of I Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- Antoarun of I Mech Webinar on “Industrial Automation” organised by Satyabama Institute of science and Technology on 07.05.2020.
- Anoj of I Mech Attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Autocad” on 28.04.2020
- Pravin siva P of II MECH B Attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Autocad” on 28.04.2020
- Pravin siva P of II MECH B Attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- Pravin siva P of II MECH B Participated in one day webinar on “CAN Control for Automotive Applications” organised by Mahendra Institute of Technology on 09.05.2020
- Gowthamprabakar K of II Mech A Attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- Arun Prasanth R of III Mech A Attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Autocad” on 28.04.2020
- Hari krishnan I of III Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- Hariharan k Attended Webinar on “Entrepreneurship, business idea and business model canvas” Organized by MHRD’s Innovation cel, Presented By Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director general , EDII, Ahmedabad, 05 May 2020
- Iniyavan D K Webinar on ” The renewable energy systems and systainability” organised by applied science and humanity department 21 may 2020
- Hariprasanh P Attended Webinar on “Understanding Role and Application of Marketing Research at Idea to Start up Stage – Foundation Level” Organized by MHRD’s Innovation cell, presented by Dr. Preet Deep Singh,AVP, Invest India, 14 may 2020
- Aravind D Attended Webinar on “Industrial Automation” Organised by sathyabama institute of science and Technology on 07 may 2020
- Charan R Attended Webinar on ” Productivity in automotives product development” Resource Person Mr K.K.Dinesh Babu, Techanical Project Manager, Robert Bosch, 23 May 2020, Coimbatore.Organized By: K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology
- Kiruthik S Attended Webinar on ” Electric Vehicle Technology” Resource Person M.Srinivasan, Senior Technical Executive, Organized By AMZ Automotive,23 may 2020.
- Aravind third year attended a webinar on Fundamentals of Strength of Materials organized by Chennai Institute of Technology through the Professor Dr.Arockiyarajan , IIT Madras on 29.4.2020
- Aravind third year attended webinar on Interaction with students innovators and entrepreneurs from SIH on 22.05.20 , organised by MHRD innovation Cell
- Karthik M attended webinar on on Product development using Abaqus on 21.05.2020
- Faijeeth has Attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” ,taken by Prof Dr. Arockiarajan organized by Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai on 29.04.2020
- S.Tamil Deva has attended a webniar on “Leadership Skills” presented by Mr. Shyam Sundar, orgiansed by SNS College of Technology on 14-05-20.
- C.Aravind has participated the ” Awareness Progaram on Intellectual Property Rights ” oiganised by Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engeering on 16-05-20 and secured 75%.
- S.Tamil Deva has attended a webniar on “Internet of Things” presented by Mr.Karthik Hariharan, Cisco Systems orgiansed by SNS College of Technology on 20-05-20.
- Viswak, IV Mech Participated in International Webinar on “Comprehensive overview of studies and career in Germany” conducted on 16.05.2020 at SNS College of Tech.,
- Lakshmi Narayanan, III Mech, Participated in webinar on “Carriers in Oil and Gas Industry – An Overview” conducted on 27.05.2020 at ARM TRP Engg. College
- Yogesh, IV Mech Participated in webinar on “Carriers in Oil and Gas Industry – An Overview” conducted on 27.05.2020 at ARM TRP Engg. College
- S Barathkumar of III Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Autocad” on 28.04.2020
- CLEMENT ROMARIO H of III Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- R Vishwa of III Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- S Barathkumar of III Mech attended webinar on “Fundamentals of Strength of Materials” presented by Dr.A.Arockiarajan, Professor, IIT Madras organised by CIT, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- RITHICK R of III Mech Webinar on “Industrial Automation” organised by Satyabama Institute of science and Technology on 07.05.2020.
- S Barathkumar of III Mech Attended webinar on “Be an Empowered Entreprenur” , Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai on 29th April 2020.
- S Barathkumar of III Mech Attended webinar on “Guidance to Pilot training” , HICET, Coimbatore on 29th April 2020.
- V. Hari II Mech has participated an International webinar on Technical and Learning with Technology at SNS College of Technology on 21.05.2020
- V. Hari II Mech has participated a webinar on Choosing the right path at SNS College of Technology on 14.05.2020
- V. Logesh Kumar III Mech has participated Webinar and Live Tour of 3D Printing, Leading towards Industry 4.0 on 03.05.2020
- Saravanan III Mech B attended webinar on “AutoCAD ” organised by Panimalar Institue of Technology on 28 April 2020
- Saravanan III Mech B attended webinar on “Strength of materials” organised by Chennai Institute of technology on 29 April 2020
- Abhishek Maria Joseph, I Mech A, Attended International Webinar on “Applications of Computaional Fluid Dynamics in Bio Medical Engineering presented by Prof Kahar Osman, Professor/Mechanical , Universiti Teknologi Malaysia on 14.05.20
- Abhishek Maria Joseph, I Mech A, Attended Webinar on “What IT wants? Presented by Mr.Pranesh Suresh CS Training Specialist,Amazon Developing Centre,Bangalore” on 23.05.20
- R. D. , III Mech A, Attended a webinar on “Emerging Trends on Indutsry Automation” conducted by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering on 01.05.2020
- Lokesh R II Mech A attended Webinar on “Applications of Surface Coatings and Paintings in Oil Extraction Process presented by Mr.N. L.Kaarthikram,Cameron Manufacturing India PvtLtd,Coimbatore on 31.05.20
- Lokesh R II MechA attended Webinar on “What IT wants? Presented by Mr.Pranesh Suresh CS Training Specialist,Amazon Developing Centre,Bangalore” on 23.05.20
- Lokesh R II Mech Aattended Webinar on “e-Marketing presented by Mr.Mr.GowthamVenkatesh Customer Service Associate, Amazon India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore on 30.04.20.
- Bhuvanesh S III Mech Aattended Webinar on “Opportunities in Management Sector Presented by Mr.C.Charles Abraham, Investment Associate, Mistry Ventures,Mumbai on 23.05.20.
- Deepak .K III Mech Aattended Webinar on “Opportunities in Management Sector Presented by Mr.C.Charles Abraham, Investment Associate, Mistry Ventures,Mumbai on 23.05.20.
- Davidrajkumar D III Mech Aattended Webinar on “Opportunities in Management Sector Presented by Mr.C.Charles Abraham, Investment Associate, Mistry Ventures,Mumbai on 23.05.20.
- Lokesh R II Mech Aattended Webinar on “Opportunities in Management Sector Presented by Mr.C.Charles Abraham, Investment Associate, Mistry Ventures,Mumbai on 23.05.20.
- BharathPrithivi B III Mech Aattended Webinar on “Opportunities in Management Sector Presented by Mr.C.Charles Abraham, Investment Associate, Mistry Ventures,Mumbai on 23.05.20.
- Aravinth M III Mech A attended International Webinar on “Applications of Computaional Fluid Dynamics in Bio Medical Engineering presented by Prof Kahar Osman, Professor/Mechanical , UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia on 14.05.20
- AravindVikash IV Mech Aattended Webinar on “Expectations and Challenges in the current Industry Scenario Presented by Mr.R.Mohan Senior Software Engineer, Robert Bosch, Bangalore on 07.05.20
- Davidrajkumar D III Mech Aattended Webinar on “Expectations and Challenges in the current Industry Scenario Presented by Mr.R.Mohan Senior Software Engineer, Robert Bosch, Bangalore on 07.05.20
- BharathPrithivi B III Mech Aattended Webinar on “e-Marketing presented by Mr.Mr.GowthamVenkatesh Customer Service Associate, Amazon India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore on 30.04.20”
- Lokesh R II Mech Aattended Webinar on “Expectations and Challenges in the current Industry Scenario Presented by Mr.R.Mohan Senior Software Engineer, Robert Bosch, Bangalore on 07.05.20
- Jayakumar P III Mech BA attended Webinar on “Expectations and Challenges in the current Industry Scenario Presented by Mr.R.Mohan Senior Software Engineer, Robert Bosch, Bangalore on 07.05.20
- Aravinth M III Mech A attended Webinar on “Expectations and Challenges in the current Industry Scenario Presented by Mr.R.Mohan Senior Software Engineer, Robert Bosch, Bangalore on 07.05.20
- Bhuvanesh S III Mech Aattended Webinar on “e-Marketing presented by Mr.Mr.GowthamVenkatesh Customer Service Associate, Amazon India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore on 30.04.20”
- Jayakumar P II Mech Battended Webinar on “e-Marketing presented by Mr.Mr.GowthamVenkatesh Customer Service Associate, Amazon India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore on 30.04.20”
- Gowtham E II Mech Aattended Webinar on “e-Marketing presented by Mr.Mr.GowthamVenkatesh Customer Service Associate, Amazon India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore on 30.04.20”
- Davidrajkumar D III Mech Aattended Webinar on “e-Marketing presented by Mr.Mr.GowthamVenkatesh Customer Service Associate, Amazon India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore on 30.04.20”
- Sezhiyan S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Combined Annual Training Camp” on 02/07/18-11/07/18 at Composite Technical Company, Coimbatore.
- Kamesh J of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Non destructing Testing” on 06/07/18-09/07/18 at Hustler’s Hub Education Academy, Coimbatore.
- Mohamed Nizar Ahamed of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Non destructing Testing” on 06/07/18-09/07/18 at Hustler’s Hub Education Academy, Coimbatore.
- Nikilan P of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Non destructing Testing” on 06/07/18-09/07/18 at Hustler’s Hub Education Academy, Coimbatore.
- Suresh S of IV Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Non destructing Testing” on 06/07/18-09/07/18 at Hustler’s Hub Education Academy, Coimbatore.
- Suriyanarayanan V of IV Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Non destructing Testing” on 06/07/18-09/07/18 at Hustler’s Hub Education Academy, Coimbatore.
- Ruban K of IV Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Non destructing Testing” on 06/07/18-09/07/18 at Hustler’s Hub Education Academy, Coimbatore.
- Sangeeth M K of IV Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Non destructing Testing” on 06/07/18-09/07/18 at Hustler’s Hub Education Academy, Coimbatore.
- Saravanasudan B of IV Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Non destructing Testing” on 06/07/18-09/07/18 at Hustler’s Hub Education Academy, Coimbatore.
- Arun of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research For Analysis And Social Sciences” on 20/07/18at Anna University,Coimbatore.
- N Hari Jeevanof III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research For Analysis And Social Sciences” on 20/07/18at Anna University,Coimbatore.
- Subash Vof III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- Tamizharasan Rof III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- Tamizharasan Kof III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- Shri Yadav R of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- Sritharan N of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- Sanjeev N K of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- Srihariharasudhan B of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- SankameshM of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- Siva Kumar R of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- Santhosh Sof III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Smart Design” on 29/07/18 at Max CADD, Coimbatore.
- AravindhVikashof III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “manufacturing techniques on Jigs and Fixtures-Gauges” on 07/08/18at Mech-Tech Engineering Centre , Coimbatore.
- Krishnamoorthy of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “manufacturing techniques on Jigs and Fixtures-Gauges” on 07/08/18at Mech-Tech Engineering Centre , Coimbatore.
- M.NaveenRaj of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “manufacturing techniques on Jigs and Fixtures-Gauges” on 07/08/18at Mech-Tech Engineering Centre , Coimbatore.
- Sarath Kumar K of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “manufacturing techniques on Jigs and Fixtures-Gauges” on 07/08/18at Mech-Tech Engineering Centre , Coimbatore.
- Vigneshwaran S of IV Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “National Submmit on Industry 4.0” on 10/08/18- 11/08/18 at Sri Eahwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Balasubramanian A R of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Balamurali P of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Franklin S M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Nisanth M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sivachandran T of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Shrihari S of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sivasamy Lof IVMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Arduino in Robotics” on 31/08/18 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Ranjith Rof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Reshwin Kof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rohith Rof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sanjay Krishna Rof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sanjeev N Kof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sankamesh Mof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Saravanan Tof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Shriyadav Rof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Siva Kumar Rof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sridhar Kof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sritharan Nof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Subash Vof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Tamizharasan Kof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Tamizharasan Rof IIMech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Varun Kumar Aof II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vignesh Kumar Rof II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- SaibavaJathirajKof II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Peter Ashwin Ronald Sof II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Krishnamoorthyof III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Heat Ventilation and air conditioning” on 31/08/18 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Balasubramanian A R of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Viswak K S of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vishnu Bharathi M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Boopathi Raj of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Aagash of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Hari Vishnu of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Hari Haran of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Bharath Hari of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Jershin John.J of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- M of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Kavin Balamurugan of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Kavi bharathi.S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- N of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Ranjith Kumar.S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- P of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Strategies” on 11/09/18 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Shri Yadav R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Search Engine Optimization” on 16/09/18 at IPCS Automation, Coimbatore.
- Dhanaraj of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Pneumatics” on 17/09/18 – 18/09/18 at Dr.Mahalingam College Of Eng And Technology,Pollachi.
- Viswakumar R of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Pneumatics” on 17/09/18 – 18/09/18 at Dr.Mahalingam College Of Eng And Technology,Pollachi.
- Yashwanth S of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Pneumatics” on 17/09/18 – 18/09/18 at Dr.Mahalingam College Of Eng And Technology,Pollachi.
- Shri Hari S of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Pneumatics” on 17/09/18 – 18/09/18 at Dr.Mahalingam College Of Eng And Technology,Pollachi.
- Vijaya Srinivasan M G of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Pneumatics” on 17/09/18 – 18/09/18 at Dr.Mahalingam College Of Eng And Technology,Pollachi.
- Raghul Dharan S of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Pneumatics” on 17/09/18 – 18/09/18 at Dr.Mahalingam College Of Eng And Technology,Pollachi.
- Yogesh S of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Pneumatics” on 17/09/18 – 18/09/18 at Dr.Mahalingam College Of Eng And Technology,Pollachi.
- Vijay S of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Industrial Pneumatics” on 17/09/18 – 18/09/18 at Dr.Mahalingam College Of Eng And Technology,Pollachi.
- Jaya Parkash.N of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Debugging Googler Test” on 19.09.2018 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology , Coimbatore.
- Balamurali P of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Hari Krishnan I of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Jeeva S of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sidhu S A of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sivasubramaniyan G of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Tamizharasan R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vipin K of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sivachidambaram N of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Saran Raj S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sanjeev N K of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Santhosh S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sivaprakash M of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Tamilarasan S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sayed Tabrez R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sezhiyan S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sakthivel C of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Varunkumar A of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Tamil Deva S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Peter Ashwin Ronald S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sankamesh M of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 19.09.2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Boopathi Raj of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Ai-Deep Learning” on 19/09/18 – 20/09/18 at Coimbatore Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Bhararh Hari of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Ai-Deep Learning” on 19/09/18 – 20/09/18 at Coimbatore Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Aagash of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Ai-Deep Learning” on 19/09/18 – 20/09/18 at Coimbatore Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Joshua Davy of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Ai-Deep Learning” on 19/09/18 – 20/09/18 at Coimbatore Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Hari Vishnu of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Ai-Deep Learning” on 19/09/18 – 20/09/18 at Coimbatore Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Arun Kumar of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Ai-Deep Learning” on 19/09/18 – 20/09/18at Coimbatore Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Hari Haran of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Ai-Deep Learning” on 19/09/18 – 20/09/18 at Coimbatore Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- R of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Ai-Deep Learning” on 19/09/18 – 20/09/18 t Coimbatore Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Logeshkumar V of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Balamurali P of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Franklin S M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Nisanth M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Srijith S of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Viswak K S of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Vishnubharathi M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Gokul Raj of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Arun Prasanth of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Hari Krishna of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Anish of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Kavin Prasanth.S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- P of IV Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Kishore Kumar.V of IV Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Siva Ganesh R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Vinoth S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Sri Kabilan S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Vignesh J of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling And Assembly Of Ic Engine And Gear Box.” on 20/09/2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Saran Raj S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly and Transmission System” on 20/09/2018 at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Santhosh S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly and Transmission System” on 20/09/2018 at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Tamilarasan S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly and Transmission System” on 20/09/2018 at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Dhanaraj of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Gokul of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Gokulnath of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Akbar of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Srihari S of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Viswa Kumar R of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rajesh R of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vijay S of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vignesh V of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Raghul Dharan S of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Dhanaraj of III Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Evaluation And Future Of Hybrid Vehicles” on 25/09/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Ranjithkumar V of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 27/09/18 at Sona College of Technology, Salem.
- Sivasubramaniyan G of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Sanjay Krishna R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Shri Yadav R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Tamizharasan K of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Saravanan T of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Sritharan N of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Yeswanth M of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Vignesh Kumar R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Sridhar K of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Tamizharasan S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Recent Trends in IC Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, chennai.
- Sivasubramaniyan G of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Tamizharasan S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Vignesh Kumar R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Sridhar K of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Yeswanth M of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Saravanan T of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Sritharan N of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Sanjay Krishna R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Sri Yadav R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Tamizharasan K of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Latest Trends in Automobile Engines” on 28/09/18 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Arun G of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “INDUSTRY 4.0” on 29/09/18 at Hindusthan Institute Of Technolgy,Coimbatore.
- Joshuva Davy of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “INDUSTRY 4.0” on 29/09/18 at Hindusthan Institute Of Technolgy,Coimbatore.
- Bharath Hari T of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “INDUSTRY 4.0” on 29/09/18 at Hindusthan Institute Of Technolgy,Coimbatore.
- Aagash N of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “INDUSTRY 4.0” on 29/09/18 at Hindusthan Institute Of Technolgy,Coimbatore.
- Viswak K S of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 04/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Vishnubharathi M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 04/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Aagash of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 04/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Bharath Hari of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 04/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Arun Kumar of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 04/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Boopathi Raj of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 04/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Arun Prasanth of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 04/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Anish S of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 04/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Akshay of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Kannan Kumar of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Jeevan Kumar of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Gowri Shankar of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Hari Jeevan of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Arun of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- M of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- J of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- K of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- S of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- K of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Emerging Trends On Power Electronics And Its Application” on 05/10/18- 06/10/18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- R of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Research Prespectes Of 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing In Medical Applications” on 10/10/18 at Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology,Coimbatore.
- Karthikeyan B of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Ashwin B of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- SreeBoobesh N of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Ajith S of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Dinesh K S of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Eashwarraaaj K of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Arjun Babu M R of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Mariraj G of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Prakash K of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Pranesh M of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Muthu Prasad R of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Hands on Training in Structural Modelling and Analysis of Automotive Chassis Using Finite Element Analaysis” on 01.09.2017 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Boopathy M of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Harif Mohamed B of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “F1 IC Engines, Autonomous cars and Hybrid cars” on 01.09.2017 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Loganand R of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 07.09.2017- 09.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Kumaresan V of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Automobile (steering System)” on 07.09.2017- 09.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Girish S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Boiler manufacturing and heat transfer concepts ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Muniyaraj A of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Boiler manufacturing and heat transfer concepts ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Mugeshkanna N of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Boiler manufacturing and heat transfer concepts ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Nihwas S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Boiler manufacturing and heat transfer concepts ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Mohamed faizalgani K of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Boiler manufacturing and heat transfer concepts ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sivabalan K of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Advancements in automobile transmission systems ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- RubanSangesh S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Advancements in automobile transmission systems ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sakthivel M of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Advancements in automobile transmission systems ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vaitheeswaran B of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Advancements in automobile transmission systems ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- VishwakBalaji of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Advancements in automobile transmission systems ” on 09.09.2017 at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Gowri Shankar M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Internal Combustion Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Hari Krishna D of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Internal Combustion Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Aravind S of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Advancements in automobiles” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Aravind Ashish P of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Advancements in automobiles” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Pranesh S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Tribology & Corrosion study on Engineering Materials” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Guru Institute of technology, Coimbatore.
- Dhanaraj K of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Tribology & Corrosion study on Engineering Materials” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Guru Institute of technology, Coimbatore.
- Pratheep N S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Krishna prasath S of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Prasad D of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Nandhakumar M of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Monieswar S of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Murali R of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Nagul K N of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “3D Printing” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Tony D of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembly of IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- RubanSangesh S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembly of IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rajesh kumar P of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembly of IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- SeenivasaPerumal R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembly of IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rakesh S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembly of IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Santhosh R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembly of IC Engines” on 15.09.2017 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vigneshram R of IV Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Effective Political Leadership” on 15.09.2017- 16.09.2017 at MIT School of Government, Pune.
- Dinesh M of II Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Automotive Architecture” on 16.09.2017 at Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
- Barathraj S of IV Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Fabrication and Characterization of Advanced Composites” on 22.09.2017- 23.09.2017 at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal.
- Prabhakaran K of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Fabrication and Characterization of Advanced Composites” on 22.09.2017- 23.09.2017 at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal.
- Kavin P of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Fabrication and Characterization of Advanced Composites” on 22.09.2017- 23.09.2017 at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal.
- Mohanasundaram S of III Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “Fabrication and Characterization of Advanced Composites” on 22.09.2017- 23.09.2017 at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal.
- Girianand M of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “CNC Machining – Hands on Training” on 23.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Gowtham K of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “CNC Machining – Hands on Training” on 23.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Azeem S of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “CNC Machining – Hands on Training” on 23.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Ilayaraja K of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “CNC Machining – Hands on Training” on 23.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Karthik V of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “CNC Machining – Hands on Training” on 23.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Nirmal Kumar K of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “CNC Machining – Hands on Training” on 23.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Parthasarayhy D of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “CNC Machining – Hands on Training” on 23.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Praveen Kumar M of II Mech B has participated a workshop titled on “CNC Machining – Hands on Training” on 23.09.2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy.
- Sattanathan R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Two Wheeler Trouble Shooting” on 23.09.2017 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Vijay P of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Two Wheeler Trouble Shooting” on 23.09.2017 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Vimal Lazarus S of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Two Wheeler Trouble Shooting” on 23.09.2017 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Vimal P of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Two Wheeler Trouble Shooting” on 23.09.2017 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Suren R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Two Wheeler Trouble Shooting” on 23.09.2017 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Divakar K of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Azeem S of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Gokul T of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Gowtham S of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Gowtham K of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Ilayaraja K of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Arun Kumar M of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Charles T J of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Gokul Krishna R M of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines and Gear Box” on 27.09.2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Afrithnoor M of III Mech A has participated a workshop titled on “Engine Design Development Testing and Emission Control Technologies” on 07.10.2017 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Rajesh P K of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Motorsports Engineering” on 07.10.2017 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Venkadesh R of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Motorsports Engineering” on 07.10.2017 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vignesh M of II Mech C has participated a workshop titled on “Motorsports Engineering” on 07.10.2017 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Majio suresh of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Automobile Prototyping” on 30/12/2017 at SKYFI Labs.
- Nikhil C of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Automobile Prototyping” on 30/12/2017 at SKYFI Labs.
- Santhoshof II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “IDEATHON” on 30/12/2017 at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Vignesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “IDEATHON” on 30/12/2017 at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Venkatesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “IDEATHON” on 30/12/2017 at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Aravind Vikash of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “MUN workshop” on 04.01.18 to 06.01.18 at IIT Chennai.
- Ravivarma of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Firing Competition” on 04/01/2018at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai.
- Saravana Kumar of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Firing Competition” on 04/01/2018at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai.
- Praveen G of III Mech Bhas attended a Workshop Titled on “RPI FOR IOT” on 5/1/2018 at IIT,Chennai.
- Madhanraj R of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly & Transmission” on 09/01/2018 -10/01/2018 at Adhithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Prabhakaran S of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly & Transmission” on 09/01/2018 -10/01/2018 at Adhithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Madhan T of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly & Transmission” on 09/01/2018 -10/01/2018 at Adhithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Poovarasan Kof II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly & Transmission” on 09/01/2018 -10/01/2018 at Adhithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Selvakumar of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly & Transmission” on 09/01/2018 -10/01/2018 at Adhithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vignesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly & Transmission” on 09/01/2018 -10/01/2018 at Adhithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Viswakumar of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly & Transmission” on 09/01/2018 -10/01/2018 at Adhithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rajesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Assembly & Transmission” on 09/01/2018 -10/01/2018 at Adhithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Dhanuvanth of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “MIT APP Development” on 10.01.18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Gokul kumar of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “MIT APP Development” on 10.01.18 at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Nithiarasan M of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Augmented Reality Workshop” on 19/01/2018 at IIS, Bangalore.
- Madhan K of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Augmented Reality Workshop” on 19/01/2018 at IIS, Bangalore.
- Mugesh Kanna N of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Augmented Reality Workshop” on 19/01/2018 at IIS, Bangalore.
- Fazil Ahmed of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “IC Engines” on 20.01.18 to 22.01.18 at IISC Bangalore.
- Bharath Hari of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “IC Engines” on 20.01.18 to 22.01.18 at IISC Bangalore.
- Joshua Davyof II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “IC Engines” on 20.01.18 to 22.01.18 at IISC Bangalore.
- Pratheep N S of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Quad copter Workshop” on 20/01/2018-21/01/2018 at IISC Bangalore.
- Krishna Prasanth S of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Quad copter Workshop” on 20/01/2018-21/01/2018 at IISC Bangalore.
- Pradeep M of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Quad copter Workshop” on 20/01/2018-21/01/2018 at IISC Bangalore.
- Krithesh S of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Quad copter Workshop” on 20/01/2018-21/01/2018 at IISC Bangalore.
- N of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “automotive machine and controlling” on 02.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Hari Vishnu.E of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “automotive machine and controlling” on 02.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Arun kumar.M of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “automotive machine and controlling” on 02.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Boopathy Raj.R of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “IC engine” on 02.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- E of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Spark Ignition Engine” on 03.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Arun Prasanth.S of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Spark Ignition Engine” on 03.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Hariharan .P of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Spark Ignition Engine” on 03.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Anish .S of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Spark Ignition Engine” on 03.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- S of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Spark Ignition Engine” on 03.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Fazil Ahmed of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Acquiring proficiency in communication to become better engineer” on 03.02.18 at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Jeevan Kumar.M of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Hari Jeevan.N of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- N of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Hariharan .R of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- K of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- E of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- K.Sof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Antony Pradeep Mof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Gowtham Venkatesh.Sof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Bharath Kumar.U.Mof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Eashwar Raaj.Kof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Gokula Prasath.Mof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Sof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Arun Kumar.Dof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Entrepreneurship Development” on 05.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Jaison Jeba.Pof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Precision Machining” on 06.02.18 to 08.02.2018 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Jaison Jeba.Pof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Electric and Autonomous Vehicle Technologies” on 06.02.18 to 08.02.2018 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Jaya Shankar.Mof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Precision Machining” on 06.02.18 to 08.02.2018 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Jaya Shankar.Mof III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Electric and Autonomous Vehicle Technologies” on 06.02.18 to 08.02.2018 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- N of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Electrical and Autonomous vehicle technology” on 07.02.18 to 09.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Bharath hari.T of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Electrical and Autonomous vehicle technology” on 07.02.18 to 09.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Arun Kumar.M of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Electrical and Autonomous vehicle technology” on 07.02.18 to 09.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- E of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Electrical and Autonomous vehicle technology” on 07.02.18 to 09.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- S of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Automobile” on 07.02.18 to 09.02.18 at Kumaraguru College of technology, coimbatore.
- Kesavan K of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Yugam Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -08/02/2018 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Karthikeyan M of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Yugam Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -08/02/2018 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- S.Ram Prakash of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Yugam Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -08/02/2018 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rohidh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Yugam Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -08/02/2018 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Srihari of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Yugam Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -08/02/2018 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Yasar Arafath of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Yugam Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -08/02/2018 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rakeshof II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rajesh Kumar of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Raguvaran of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Santhosh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- M.Yokesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Tony of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Ruban Sangesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Venkatesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Vijay of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Srinivasa Perumalof II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Saravana Kumar of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Shajith Kuran of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Stanley Jacob of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Oversquare Workshop” on 07/02/2018 -09/02/2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Rohit of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “E-Mobility” on 09/02/2018at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Shrihari of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “E-Mobility” on 09/02/2018at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Shriramof of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “E-Mobility” on 09/02/2018at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Yoganantham of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Automobile Emission” on 09/02/2018at Venkateswara Engg College,Gobi.
- Yuvaraja of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Automobile Emission” on 09/02/2018at Venkateswara Engg College,Gobi.
- M of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Ethical hacking workshop” on 15/02/2018 at KGISL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- N of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Solar system workshop” on 16/02/2018 -17/02/2018 at Sidco mas solar system.
- Pradeep M of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Solar system workshop” on 16/02/2018 -17/02/2018 at Sidco mas solar system.
- Mohamed Faizal Gani K of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Solar system workshop” on 16/02/2018 -17/02/2018 at Sidco mas solar system.
- Nihwas S of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Solar system workshop” on 16/02/2018 -17/02/2018 at Sidco mas solar system.
- Krishna Prasanth S of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Solar system workshop” on 16/02/2018 -17/02/2018 at Sidco mas solar system.
- Mani A of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Solar system workshop” on 16/02/2018 -17/02/2018 at Sidco mas solar system.
- Pradev B of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Solar system workshop” on 16/02/2018 -17/02/2018 at Sidco mas solar system.
- V of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Solar Power Generation” on 16.02.18 to 17.02.18 at Mas Solar,Coimbatore.
- Joe Clinton.S of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Solar Power Generation” on 16.02.18 to 17.02.18 at Mas Solar,Coimbatore.
- M of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Solar Power Generation” on 16.02.18 to 17.02.18 at Mas Solar,Coimbatore.
- M of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Solar Power Generation” on 16.02.18 to 17.02.18 at Mas Solar,Coimbatore.
- Justin Aji of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Solar Power Generation” on 16.02.18 to 17.02.18 at Mas Solar,Coimbatore.
- C of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Solar Power Generation” on 16.02.18 to 17.02.18 at Mas Solar,Coimbatore.
- Joel Prince.K of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Solar Power Generation” on 16.02.18 to 17.02.18 at Mas Solar,Coimbatore.
- Shriram of III Mech C has attended a Workshop Titled on “Anokha-2018” on 22/2/2018 to 23/2/2018at Mirtha Univ, Coimbatore.
- Susanth of III Mech C has attended a Workshop Titled on “Anokha-2018” on 22/2/2018 to 23/2/2018at Mirtha Univ, Coimbatore.
- Srinath of III Mech Chas attended a Workshop Titled on “Anokha-2018” on 22/2/2018 to 23/2/2018at Mirtha Univ, Coimbatore.
- Susanth of III Mech Chas attended a Workshop Titled on “Anokha-2018” on 22/2/2018 to 23/2/2018at Mirtha Univ, Coimbatore.
- Tamilselvam of III Mech Chas attended a Workshop Titled on “Anokha-2018” on 22/2/2018 to 23/2/2018at Mirtha Univ, Coimbatore.
- Sabarish of III Mech C has attended a Workshop Titled on “Anokha-2018” on 22/2/2018 to 23/2/2018at Mirtha Univ, Coimbatore.
- Vignesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Metallomeniya” on 24.02.18 at PSG College Technology,Coimbatore.
- Rajesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Metallomeniya” on 24.02.18 at PSG College Technology,Coimbatore.
- Sarath Kumar of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Metallomeniya” on 24.02.18 at PSG College Technology,Coimbatore.
- K.S, Jeeva.S andGokul A of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Robotic workshop” on 20/7/2016 at SNS College Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Mohanraj R, Mahendran A and Prabhakaran K of II Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Research in Composite Materials and Welding ” on 11/08/2016 at Sri Krishna College Of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Aravind A, Karthick D, Karthikeyan G and Fevija Dhas A M of III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Dismantling and Assembling of IC Engines ” on 19/08/2016 at Sri Krishna College Of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- B, Senthilnathan.M and Ranjith.S.N of IV Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Emerging trends in welding technology” on 20/08/2016 at VIT University, Vellore
- Saravana Sudan, Srinivasan.T and M.Vinith Surendar of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Emerging trends in welding technology” on 20/08/2016 at VIT University, Vellore
- Praveen K and Prasanth I of III Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Design, Fabrication and Packaging of MEMS” on 01/10/2016 at Govt College Of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai
- Murugan V and Nagaraj G of III Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Design Development Testing and Emission Control Technologies” on 17/10/2016 at Karpagam College Of Engineering,Coimbatore
- R and Aravind S of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Engine Design Development Testing and Emission Control Technologies” on 17/10/2016 at Karpagam College Of Engineering,Coimbatore
- Dhayananthan, V.Ashok Kumar and M.Chakravarthy of III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Android AppsDevelopment” on 04.06.15 at UNIQ Technology Technology,Coimbatore.
- Mariselvam, A.Arun,A.Aravind Raja ,Bharath Nehru and Dharanidaran of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Composite Materials and Technology Innovations” on 22.07.15 at Karpagam College of Engineering,Coimbatore.
- Kamesh, T.Kathiravan, T.santhosh and N.Thirunesan of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Steering system and Vehicle Dynamics” on 08.08.15 at Government College of Technology,Coimbatore
- Mohanraj, S.Prakash, B.Ragul and G.Muthuarasu of II Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “New Product Design and Development” on 09.08.15 at Max CADD,Coimbatore
- Ganesh of IV Mech B has attended a workshop titled on “Research in Composite materials and Welding Technology” on 12.08.15 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering ,Coimbatore
- Sabarash of III Mech A has attended a workshop titled on “Research in Composite materials and Welding Technology” on 12.08.15 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering ,Coimbatore
- Saravanakumar of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Research in Composite materials and Welding Technology” on 12.08.15 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering ,Coimbatore
- Ramvignesh of II Mech C has attended a workshop titled on “Research in Composite materials and Welding Technology” on 12.08.15 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering ,Coimbatore
Workshop / Seminar Participated by Faculty Members
- A.Vetrivel attended workshop on “Applications of 3D Prinitng in Automotive and Medical Industry´at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, on 30.08.2019.
- M.Naveenkumar attended workshop on “Clean Technologies´at PSG CARE, Coimbatore, on 17.08.2019.
- A.Natrajan attended workshop on “Workshop on Heat Ventiulation and Air Conditioning” at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, from 26.9.19 to 27.9.19.
- P.Divyakumar participated in two week Faculty Development Programme on “Digital Manufacturing: Integrated Technology from Design to Manufacturing” from 11th Sep to 25th Sep at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Thiruchengode.
- V.S.Kaushik has participated in a seminar “Additive and Advanced manufacturing” at Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengalure from 29.07.19 to 30.07.19.
- T.Prakash has participated in a seminar “Additive and Advanced manufacturing” at Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengalure from 29.07.19 to 30.07.19.
- A.Natarajan has participated in a seminar “Additive and Advanced manufacturing” at Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengalure from 29.07.19 to 30.07.19.
- M.Naveenkumar attended STTP on “Finite Element Method and Computational Structural Dynamics” at IIT, Roorkee, from 10.06.19 to 14.06.19.
- T.Venkatajalapathi attended STTP on “Finite Element Method and Computational Structural Dynamics” at IIT, Roorkee, from 10.06.19 to 14.06.19.
- G.Tharanitharan attended STTP on “ Business Across Borders – A country Study(48Hrs) course” at Aimst University, Malaysia, from 04.09.19 to 10.09.19.
- C.Senthilkumar attended STTP on “ Business Across Borders – A country Study(48Hrs) course” at Aimst University, Malaysia, from 04.09.19 to 10.09.19.
- A.Natrajan attended STTP on “ Business Across Borders – A country Study(48Hrs) course” at Aimst University, Malaysia, from 04.09.19 to 10.09.19.
- A.Natrajan attended STTP on “ Internet of Things: Concepts and Implementation” IIT, Chennai, from 15.11.19 to 19.11.19.
- M.Elangovan attended STTP on “ Internet of Things: Concepts and Implementation” IIT, Chennai, from 15.11.19 to 19.11.19.
- T.Venkatajalapathi attended STTP on “Sustainable Engineering to address Food -Energy-water Nexus” IIT, Bombay, from 09.12.19 to 13.12.19.
- M.Naveenkumar, attended STTP on “Sustainable Engineering to address Food -Energy-water Nexus” IIT, Bombay, from 09.12.19 to 13.12.19.
- U.Karthick attended STTP on “Sustainable Engineering to address Food -Energy-water Nexus” IIT, Bombay, from 09.12.19 to 13.12.19.
- C.Somu attended STTP on “Basics of formability, damage and their numerical simulations” IIT, Bombay, from 02.12.19-06.12.19.
- T.Pravin attended STTP on “Basics of formability, damage and their numerical simulations” IIT, Bombay, from 02.12.19-06.12.19.
- B.Karthick attended STTP on “Basics of formability, damage and their numerical simulations” IIT, Bombay, from 02.12.19-06.12.19.
- R.Karthikeyan attended STTP on “Internet of Things” National Power Training Institute, Alappuzha, Kerala, from 16.12.19-20.12.19.
- M.Mohammed Arrifuden attended STTP on “Internet of Things” National Power Training Institute, Alappuzha, Kerala, from 16.12.19-20.12.19.
- A.Vetrivel attended STTP on “Internet of Things” National Power Training Institute, Alappuzha, Kerala, from 16.12.19-20.12.19.
- M.K.Rahgul Poopathi attended STTP on “Internet of Things” National Power Training Institute, Alappuzha, Kerala, from 16.12.19-20.12.19.
- A.Natarajan attended STTP on “Internet of Things” IIITDM, Kancheepuram, from 16.12.19-20.12.19.
- M.Elangovan attended STTP on “Internet of Things” IIITDM, Kancheepuram, from 16.12.19-20.12.19.
- C.Senthilkumar attended STTP on “Internet of Things” IIITDM, Kancheepuram, from 09.12.2019-21.12.2019.
- A.Natarajan has successfully completed an NPTEL online certification course,” Design Thinking – A Primer” from July to August 2019.
- B.Karthick has participated in an event “Supra SAE India Student Formula 2019” at Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida from 15.07.19 to 20.07.19.
- A.Vimal Kodeeswaran has participated in an event “Bharath Formula Karting” at Coimbatore from 10.09.19 to 13.09.19.
- A.Vetrivel has participated in an event “Bharath Formula Karting” at Coimbatore from 10.09.19 to 13.09.19.
- B.Karthick has participated in an event “Bharath Formula Karting” at Coimbatore from 10.09.19 to 13.09.19
- V.Karthik has participated in an event “National Science & Technology Fair 2019” at Codissia, Coimbatore from 29.08.19 to 31.08.19.
- K.Prakash has participated in an event “National Science & Technology Fair 2019” at Codissia, Coimbatore from 29.08.19 to 31.08.19.
- G.Tharanitharan has participated in an event “National Science & Technology Fair 2019” at Codissia, Coimbatore from 29.08.19 to 31.08.19.
- B.Ashokumar has participated in an event “National Science & Technology Fair 2019” at Codissia, Coimbatore from 29.08.19 to 31.08.19.
- C.Sowmya Dhanalakshmi has participated in an event “National Science & Technology Fair 2019” at Codissia, Coimbatore from 29.08.19 to 31.08.19.
- C.Chinnasamy, has attended Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.12.2018.
- M.Naveenkumar, has attended Workshop on “Industrial Robotics” at Vlands best Hub Ltd, Coimbatore.on 27.01.19.
- A.Vimalkodeeswaran, has attended Workshop on “Industrial Robotics” at Vlands best Hub Ltd, Coimbatore.on 27.01.19.
- M.K.Rahgul Poopathi, has attended Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Workshop” at IISC, Bangalore from 19.01.2019 to 20.01.2019.
- R.Karthikeyan, has attended Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Workshop” at IISC, Bangalore from 19.01.2019 to 20.01.2019.
- A.Vetrivel, has attended Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Workshop” at IISC, Bangalore from 19.01.2019 to 20.01.2019.
- A.Vimalkodeeswaran, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering attended 07 days seminar on Computional methods for integral & differential equation at IIT, Varanasi from 10.12.18 to 16.12.18.
- T.Venkatajalapathi, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering attended 07 days seminar on Computional methods for integral & differential equation at IIT, Varanasi from 10.12.18 to 16.12.18.
- C.Somu, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering attended 07 days seminar on Computional methods for integral & differential equation at IIT, Varanasi from 10.12.18 to 16.12.18.
- B.Karthick, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering attended 07 days seminar on GIAN course on Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy in low dimensional structures at Anna univ, Chennai from 03.12.18 to 07.12.18.
- C.Senthikumar, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering attended 07 days seminar on GIAN course on Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy in low dimensional structures at BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore from 03.12.18 to 08.12.18.
- M.Subramanian, HoD/Aero, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”ENGINEERING MECHANICS – STATICS & DYNAMICS”.
- T.Prakash, ASP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”PRINCIPLES OF CASTING TECHNOLOGY”.
- T.Venkatajalapathi, ASP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”CONDUCTION,CONVECTION AND HEAT TRANSFER”.
- G.Tharanitharan, AP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITE MATERIALS
- A.Vimalkodeeswaran, AP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”CONDUCTION, CONVECTION AND HEAT TRANSFER”.
- M.MohamedAriffudeen,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT”.
- B.Karthick,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”THEORY AND PRACTICE OF NON- DESTRUCTIVE TESTING”.
- M.Sindhukavi,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 4 weeks NPTEL course,”DESIGN THINKING – A PRIMER”.
- R.Karthikeyan,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 4 weeks NPTEL course,”INSPECTION AND QUALITY CONTROL”.
- K.Prakash,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 12 weeks NPTEL course,”IC ENGINES AND GAS TURBINES”.
- S.Hemnath,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 4 weeks NPTEL course,”DESIGN THINKING – A PRIMER”.
- P.Janagarathinam,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 4 weeks NPTEL course,”DESIGN THINKING – A PRIMER”.
- T.Pravin,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”ROADMAP FOR PATENT CREATION”.
- V.S.Kaushik,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”PRINCIPLES OF CASTING TECHNOLOGY
- A.Natarajan,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 8 weeks NPTEL course,”PRINCIPLES OF CASTING TECHNOLOGY”.
- U.Karthick,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 12 weeks NPTEL course,”CONDUCTION, CONVECTION AND HEAT TRANSFER”.
- A.Vetrivel,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 12 weeks NPTEL course,”IC ENGINES AND GAS TURBINES”.
- P.Divyakumar,” AP/Mech, had successfully completed 12 weeks NPTEL course,”PRODUCT DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING”
- “Mr.B.Karthick attended in a workshop “International Go-Kart Championship SAE India Collegiate Club” held at Lovely Professional University (LPU) on 23.03.2018 to 26.03.2018.”
- M.Subramanian attended in a workshop “FEA Simulation of Composite Structures Impact & Vibration Analysis” SSN College of Technology on 12.04.2018 to 13.04.2018.
- T.Prakash attended in a workshop “FEA Simulation of Composite Structures Impact & Vibration Analysis” SSN College of Technology on 12.04.2018 to 13.04.2018.
- G.Tharanitharan attended in a workshop “FEA Simulation of Composite Structures Impact & Vibration Analysis” SSN College of Technology on 12.04.2018 to 13.04.2018.
- M.Suresh Kumar attended in a workshop “FEA Simulation of Composite Structures Impact & Vibration Analysis” SSN College of Technology on 12.04.2018 to 13.04.2018.
- C Senthil kumar participated in a workshop on “hands on training on solar energy” held at MAS solar system Ltd. between 16.02.18 to 17.02.18
- A Vimalkodeeswaran participated in a workshop on “hands on training on solar energy” held at MAS solar system Ltd. between 16.02.18 to 17.02.18.
- Dr M Subramanian participated in a workshop on “Inclusive higher education in changing national priorities” held at PSG institute of management on 29.01.18.
- Dhanalakshmi Associate Professor. Computer Science had attended seven days Faculty Development Training Programme on CS6703 – Grid & Cloud Computing at Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 06.06.16 to 12.06.16.
- Maheswari, Assistant Professor. Computer Science had attended seven days Faculty Development Training Programme on CS6703 – Grid & Cloud Computing at Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 06.06.16 to 12.06.16.
- A.Jeevarathinam participated in a seminar on “India Design mark 2018 & Good Design Seminar” held at P.S.G Institute of management Studies on 02.03.2018.
- C.Somu, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering attended Fourteen days STTP on Solar Energy Technologies at NIT TRICHY from 20.11.2017 to 03.12.2017
Technical Events Participated by Students
- Samuel Arya of III year won First Prize in Mr.Kics in Kumaraguru Institutions, Coimbatoreon22.08.2019.
- Karthick Krishna S of IIyear won Sixth Prize in Mr.Kics in Kumaraguru Institutions, Coimbatoreon22.08.2019.
- ShriYadev R of III year won Third Prize in Mr.Kics in SNS College of Technology, Coimbatoreon 19.09.2019.
- Deepak A of III year won First Prize in Quiz in SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 19.09.2019.
- Sritharan N of III year won First Prize in Image Linkersin Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 25.09.2019.
- Sivakumar B of III year won Third Prize in Image Linkersin Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 25.09.2019.
- Steve Nehemiah S of III year won Third Prize in Technical Quiz inSri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 25.09.2019.
- Sidhu S A of III year won Third Prize in Image Linkersin Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 25.09.2019.
- AravindhVikash, III Mech A has secured first place in “Cad Modelling” at Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.09.2018 to 20.09.2018.
- M.Naveen Raj, III Mech B has secured third place in “Techno Talk” at Mahendra Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Coimbatore, on 20.09.2018.
- Syed Hussain, IV Mech C has secured first place in “Improving the process efficiency by VSM Tool” at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, on 26.09.2018.
- Sachin Karthik, IV Mech C has secured first place in “Improving the process efficiency by VSM Tool” at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, on 26.09.2018.
- Ayyappan, III Mech A has secured second place in “Nuts And Bolts Event In Mechsym’18-19” at Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakkal, on 29.09.2018.
- Arun, III Mech A has secured first place in “Treasure Hunt In “Mechtrigrz’18” at Hindusthan Institute of Technolgy, Coimbatore, on 29.09.2018.
- Muthusaravanan, II Mech B has secured second place in “Drill Event” at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, on 05.10.2018.
- Muthukumaran, II Mech B has secured second place in “Drill Event” at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, on 05.10.2018.
- Kamesh, II Mech B has secured second place in “Drill Event” at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, on 05.10.2018.
- Balaprasanth E of III Mech A had secured Second place in “Mr.Mechanical” at PSG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on 12.02.19 – 13.02.19.
- Justin Aji of III Mech A had secured Second place in “Mr.Mechanical” at PSG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on 12.02.19 – 13.02.19.
- Tamizharasan K of II Mech C had secured Second place in “Lathe It Off” at National Institute of Technolgy, Tirchy on 15.02.19 – 17.02.19.
- Tamilarasan S of II Mech C had secured Second place in “Lathe It Off” at National Institute of Technolgy, Tirchy on 15.02.19 – 17.02.19.
- Sritharan N of II Mech C had secured Second place in “Lathe It Off” at National Institute of Technolgy, Tirchy on 15.02.19 – 17.02.19.
- Vignesh V of III Mech C had secured third place in “CAD Modeling” at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore on 20.02.19.
- Girish S of III Mech A had secured third place in “Technical Quiz” at United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 23.02.19.
- Harsath S of III Mech B had secured first place in “Drill event” at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 25.02.19.
- Akbar B of III Mech A had secured second place in “Water Rocketry” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 27.02.19.
- Joe Clinton S of III Mech A had secured first place in “Water Rocketry” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 27.02.19.
- Rajesh R of III Mech A had secured second place in “Water Rocketry” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 27.02.19.
- Akbar B of III Mech A had secured second place in “CAD Modelling” at Sudharsan Engineering College, Pudukkottai on 01.03.19.
- Rajesh R of III Mech C had secured second place in “Water Rocketry” at Sasurie College of Engineering, Vijayamangalam on 12.03.19.
- Gokul C of III Mech C had secured second place in “Water Rocketry” at Sasurie College of Engineering, Vijayamangalam on 12.03.19.
- Akbar B of III Mech A had secured first place in “Mr.Mechanics” at Sasurie College of Engineering, Vijayamangalam on 12.03.19.
- Akbar B of III Mech A had secured first place in “CAD Modelling” at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 13.03.19.
- Akbar B of III Mech A had secured first place in “Thrust Car” at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 13.03.19.
- Rajesh R of III Mech C had secured first place in “Thrust Car” at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 13.03.19.
- Akbar B of III Mech A had secured second place in “Drafting and Modelling” at Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 15.03.19.
- Akbar B of III Mech A had secured first place in “Solid Works” at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 21.03.19.
- Akbar B of III Mech A had secured first place in “Lathe Operation” at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 21.03.19.
- Naveen S, IV MECH B had secured First place in Mr.Mechanic at KSR College of Engineering on 28.07.2017
- Maneyarasu S, IV MECH B had secured Third place in Water Rocketry at KSR College of Engineering on 28.07.2017
- Prasanth S, IV MECH B had secured Second place in Quiz at KSR College of Engineering on 28.07.2017
- Arun Prasanth S, III MECH A had secured Second place in CNC Programming at Maharaja Engineering College on 30.08.2017
- Vijay M G, II MECH B had secured Second place in Shutter Bugg at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 07.09.2017- 09.09.2017
- Kavin V, IV MECH B had secured First place in Auto Quiz at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology on 23.09.2017
- Kavin V, IV MECH B had secured First place in Mr.Mechanic at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology on 23.09.2017
- Kumaresan E, III Mech B had secured First place in Auto Quiz at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 03.02.2018
- Prabhakar J, III Mech B had secured First place in Auto Quiz at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 03.02.2018
- Prabhakar J, III Mech B had secured Third place in Mr Mechanic at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 03.02.2018
- Kumaresan E, III Mech B had secured Third place in Mr Mechanic at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 03.02.2018
- Prabhakar J, III Mech B had secured Second place in Auto Quiz at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.02.2018
- Nandhakumar T, III Mech B had second First place in Auto Quiz at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.02.2018
- Naveenkumar N, III Mech B had secured First place in Auto Quiz at Info Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 08.02.2018
- Naveenkumar N, III Mech B had secured First place in Spot Drawing at Info Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 08.02.2018
- Karthikeyan S, III Mech B had secured Second place in Auto Quiz at Info Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 08.02.2018
- Shankar ananth P of III Mech C has participated in an event titled Sherlock and won 2nd prize conducted at SNS College of Engineering,, Coimbatore on 11/08/16-12/08/16
- Vishnu vardhan Mof III Mech C has participated in an event titled Sherlock and won 2nd prize conducted at SNS College of Engineering,, Coimbatore on 11/08/16-12/08/16
- Prasanth.S of III MECH B has participated in an event titledCad Modelling and Won 3rd Prize at Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 17/09/2016.
- Prakash.K of III MECH B has participated in an event titledMr Mechanicand Won 1st Prizeat Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 17/09/2016
- Masia Andrews J R of III MECH B has participated in an event titledQuizand Won 2nd Prizeat Sri Ramakrishna college of engineering, Coimbatore on 21/09/2016.
- Kishore.D of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Quiz and Won 2nd Prizeat Sri Ramakrishna college of engineering, Coimbatore on 21/09/2016.
- Nijammaideen.M of III MECH B has participated in an event titled 3D Modellerand Won 3rd Prizeat Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 23/09/2016.
- Kishore.D of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Logo Quiz and won 1st Prize at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 23/09/2016.
- Masia Andrews J R of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Logo Quizand won 1st Prizeat Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 23/09/2016.
- Masia Andrews J R of III MECH B has participated in an event titled HR Interview and won 1st Prizeat Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 23/09/2016.
- Khaushik Raja.S of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Para modelling and Won 3rd Prizeat Park college of Engineering, Coimbatore on 27/09/2016.
- R.Ram Vignesh of III MECH C has participated in an event titled Ablaze 16 and Won 1st Prizeat Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 28/09/2016.
- Indirajith B of III MECH A has participated in an event titled Suvadi Padi Suvadu Pathi and Won 1st Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Gowtham R of III MECH A has participated in an event titled Suvadi Padi Suvadu Pathi and Won 1st Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Sabarish S of III MECH C has participated in an event titled Piston weds crankand Won 1st Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Prasanth.S of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Fabri Cadand Won 3rd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Prasanth.S of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Piston Weds Crankand Won 2nd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Naveen S of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Fabri Cadand Won 3rd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Naveen S of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Piston Weds Crankand Won 2nd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Naveen S of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Elastic Battleand Won 2nd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Prakash K of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Piston Weds Crankand Won 3rd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Karthick M of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Elastic Battleand Won 2nd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Mithun D of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Elastic Battleand Won 3rd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Praveen Kumar V of III MECH B has participated in an event titled Elastic Battleand Won 3rd Prizeat Dr.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology, Pollachi on 30/09/2016.
- Aravind PRE of IV Mech A has participated in an event titled Technical Quizand Won 1st Prizeat Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 06/10/16-07/10/16.
- Aravind PRE of IV Mech A has participated in an event titled Auto Quizand Won 1st Prizeat Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 06/10/16-07/10/16.
- Masia Andrews J R of III Mech B has participated in an event and Won 2nd PrizetitledAuto Quiz at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 06/10/16-07/10/16.
- Kishore D of III Mech B has participated in an event titled Auto Quiz and Won 2nd Prizeat Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 06/10/16-07/10/16.
- Narayanan P of III Mech B has participated in an event titled CAD Modelling and Won 2nd Prizeat Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 06/10/16-07/10/16.
- Guruprasath S of IV Mech B has participated in an event titled CAD Modelling Automobile Engineering Photography and Won 2nd Tamilnadu College of Engineering , Coimbatore on 07/10/16- 08/10/16
- MohamedAzarudeen S of III Mech B has participated in an event titled “Mr.DRAFTER” at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 03/02/2017- 04/02/2017 and Won 2nd Prize.
- Thirulogasundar R of IV Mech Chas participated in an event titled “Best Mechanic” at SVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 10/02/17 and Won 3rd Prize.
- Jayendar R of III MECH A has participated in an event titled “ Mr.Mechanic” at Karpagam University, Coimbatore on 16/2/2017 and Won 1st Prize.
- Gokulanaath S of III MECH A has participated in an event titled “Perfect Engineer” at Karpagam University, Coimbatore on 16/2/2017 and Won 1st Prize.
- Hariharan G of III MECH A has participated in an event titled “Mr.Mechanicat”Karpagam University, Coimbatore on 16/2/2017 and Won 1st Prize.
- Santhosh T of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “Science of Stupidity, MEKCHAT 18” at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 16/03/17 – 17/03/17 and Won 1st Prize.
- Yokesh K S of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “Science of Stupidity, MEKCHAT 18” at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 16/03/17 – 17/03/17 and Won 1st Prize.
- M of III Mech B has participated in an event titled “General Quiz” at NandhaEnginnering college, Perundurai on 17/03/17 and Won 2nd Prize.
- Prasanth S of III Mech B has participated in an event titled “General Quiz” at NandhaEnginnering college, Perundurai on 17/03/17 and Won 2nd Prize.
- Thirumalai R of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “ Paper Rocketary, TECHSYM 17” at Nehru Institute Of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 23/03/17 – 24/03/17 and Won 2nd Prize.
- Sunil Kumar P of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “Welding, KENSHO’17” at Sri Krishna college of Engineering and technology, Coimbatore on 23/03/17 and Won 1st Prize.
- KlainD’Silva of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “Welding, KENSHO’17” at Sri Krishna college of Engineering and technology, Coimbatore on 23/03/17 and Won 1st Prize.
- Sudhakaran R of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “Welding, KENSHO’17” at Sri Krishna college of Engineering and technology, Coimbatore on 23/03/17 and Won 1st Prize.
- Stahyaprakash P of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “Welding, KENSHO’17” at Sri Krishna college of Engineering and technology, Coimbatore on 23/03/17 and Won 1st Prize.
- Vijay Krishna G of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “Welding, KENSHO’17” at Sri Krishna college of Engineering and technology, Coimbatore on 23/03/17 and Won 1st Prize.
- Vennila A of III Mech C has participated in an event titled “Ideaz – B (MIED)” at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee on 24/03/17-26/03/17 and Won 2nd Prize.
- M of III Mech B has participated in an event titled “CAD Context” at Unites Institute of technology, Coimbatore on 28/03/17 and Won 3rd Prize.
- Naveen Kumar K of III Mech B has participated in an event titled “CAD Context” at Unites Institute of technology, Coimbatore on 28/03/17 and Won 3rd Prize.
- M of III Mech B has participated in an event titled “Simulation” Event at Hindusthan college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 30/03/17 and Won 1st Prize.
- Mohammed Niyaz.K had secured Third place in Technical Quiz at Adithya Institute of Technology Coimbatore on 29/08/2015.
- Praveen S.R had secured Third place in Logo Artize at Christ the King Engg College, Coimbatore on19/09/2015.
- Jaya Kumar.K had secured first place in Technical Quiz at SKCET, Coimbatore on28/09/2015 &29/09/2015.
- Pradeep Kumar.S had secured first place in Technical Quiz at SKCET, Coimbatore on28/09/2015 &29/09/2015.