New Dear distinguished Alumni, 18th Graduation Day for 2023 passed out students of SNSCT is scheduled on 09.11.2024, 10am.            • "Special Arrear Autonomous Examinations – Students having arrears and exhausted maximum period permitted in the respective regulations are allowed to register and appear for Nov/Dec 2024 and Apr/May 2025 Examination sessions in order to complete their arrear courses and attain degree. No further chances will be given on any account."
News & Events: M/s. ClaySys Technologies{1.92- 4.2 LPA}conducted on campus drive on 03 July 2024. 03 students placed as Internship come Placement. • M/s. Conserve Solutions{3LPA}conducted on Campus drive on 19 July 2024. 05 students placed. • M/s. Infynd{3-4.2 LPA}conducted on campus drive on 23 July 2024. 04 students placed. • M/s. Sobha Constructions{13.5 LPA}conducted a Virtual drive on 25 July 2024. 03 students placed. • M/s. Systel{2.5-6 LPA}conducted on campus drive on 31 July 2024. 06 students placed. • M/s. Ernst & Young Global Limited{3.99LPA}conducted a virtual drive on 13 Aug 2024. 05 students placed.
department of COMPUTER SCIENCE AND  engineering

student development ACTIVitiES

Various number of student development activities are constantly being practiced in each classrooms, enforced by our Center of Learning and Teaching.

teaching pedagogies

best practices

Integration of technology into education has enhanced the teaching/learning process to a higher level. The effective use of ICT in pedagogy has helped in grabbing the attention of the student throughout the session. Teaching-learning through various best practices such as Flipped Classroom, Role Play, Case Study, Group Discussion, Small Group Learning, Problem Based Learning, Project Based Learning etc., has elevated the level of it.

An online platform for students and teachers to share and access their course materials

Demo Models (Used by Faculty Members in Classroom)

Demo Models 

  • Line following robot working model A Line Follower Robot, as the name suggests, is an automated guided vehicle, which follow a visual line embedded on the floor or ceiling. 
  • Usually, the visual line is the path in which the line follower robot goes and it will be a black line on a white surface but the other way (white line on a black surface) is also possible. Certain advanced Line Follower Robots use invisible magnetic field as their paths.
  • Working Demo Model#Health #Products According to a recent FDA testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, any apps used for diagnosing critical conditions, regulating drug delivery or monitoring critical care factors like blood oxygen levels are subject to FDA scrutiny


Every student right from the first year are given personal care through tailored activities with a specially assigned mentor. Talent search and personality identification of each student is done at large and they are taught, trained, challenged and guided in a systematic progression. From the first year onwards, students are encouraged and guided to be globally competent through various competition and challenging forums. The capable students are also given the opportunity to customise the courses that they learn by hand picking electives. There are also means by which the student can even choose who would teach a specific course to increase the faculty-student interaction and understanding. Through personal mentorship programme, each student is given special and individual care to help them grow and mature in academic, social and personal skills and talents. At the end of the four years, it is made sure that every student progress in systematic, customized and challenging manner in all need knowledge and skills to sets. The student progression is monitored by keeping a record of all the activities like attendance & assessment for each course by the respective faculty. Apart from the mentoring system, the students’ progress is monitored through class tests, online quizzes, assignments, development of teaching material for specific topics, submission of journal abstracts of current status of the technology, by making them attend conferences/seminar/webinars on relevant topics. This exercise makes them involve themselves and makes them proceed beyond communication barriers, rural/ urban background and get a sense of team work. Slow and fast learners are identified and special work or coaching are given.


case study

Naturally, students are more inductive than deductive, they learn better from examples than from logic. So, we believe that the use of case studies is a very effective classroom technique. Students will be provided with an industrial case study linked with the concept or subject, where they got to explore how their learning are applied in the real world situations. This helps the students to actively engage in figuring out the principles from the examples.

    Experiential Marketing
  • Experiential marketing is mostly about a personalized shopping experience and providing an unparalleled retail experience for your customer and it is not about spending millions on fancy gadgets. This case study demonstrates how it is possible to overcome the challenges faced in e-Commerce shopping.
  • The importance of providing an in-store experience is focused primarily. There are five consistent elements each use to ensure a remarkable customer shopping experience:
  • Interactiveness: All of these retailers ensure that the senses are connected – memories of what we feel, hear, see, smell, and touch, may last a lifetime.
  • Originality: These ideas were all authentic and natural, making the customer feel as if they entered a different world.
  • Connectedness: Customers must feel that the experience has been created for them.
  • Unexpectedness: These unique experiences are critical to ensure your brand is remembered.
  • Reliability: The experience is executed through tested methods to achieve consistency and excellence.
  • The importance of DESIGN in creating a product was explained using the shopping experience of customer in textile showroom .Explained Data Design using how they’re stored in database. Types of database available in market.
  • Ikea: Using social media to power a unique retail experience Ikea brought 100 Facebook competition winners to one of its warehouses and let them stay the night. They were able to select the mattress, sheets and pillows to fully give them a fully tailored experience. A sleep expert was on hand with tips for getting a good night’s rest, including how to find the perfect mattress for any sleeping style.
  • This was a clever and unique way to obtain visibility and get fans to focus on what Ikea has to offer and try it out for themselves.Social media has opened up a unique platform for us to interact directly with our customers. Listening to what they want is what we do best, and the Big Sleepover is just one example of how we’re using such instant and open feedback to better inform our marketing activity.”
  • From using social media they were able to apply experiential marketing to their retail strategy and provide their customers with a memorable event that brought the brand a ton of visibility and engagement.
  • Money Maker Bank
  • MoneyMaker Bank at Mumbai has implemented a star topology in their IT Department. All computers are connected to the central switch. In the Loan department, all computers are connected in closed loop format. Network Administrator, John wants to connect these two networks so that data can be shared among different departments
  • Problem:Connect two different departments
  • Suggested Solution:The administrator can join these two star and ring networks to form a hybrid network with the help of Multistation Access Unit (MAU). It is a Centralized hub. Ensure that there is no break in the link between two computers in a ring network and switch in star network is working properly
  • Experiential Retail
  • Marvel: Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N provides fans with interactive brand building experience
  • Experiential retail is the future. For years we’ve heard about the decline of physical retail and the rise of the internet.By Focusing on Retailtainment, and immersive retail experiences, retailers are able to provide customers with fun, unique experiences that elevate shopping to new heights.With retailtainment, the retail industry is shifting attention from a features-and-benefits approach to a focus on immersive shopping and customer experience. To be successful, retailers must offer consumers a desirable retail experience that in turn drives sales.There are Marvel branded items for sale but the goal of the project is not to shift T-shirts and mugs. It is about delivering an experience to fans and bringing the brand to life.They have focused on the User experience and interactive displays were an application should not compromise.
  • Point of Sale
  • The most exciting aspect of point of sale in grocery today is not what’s happening with the national and multinational big box players. Ironically, there is more excitement and potential at what’s going on in the undercurrent, happening just below the surface of the grocery industry. As big box and internet-exclusive retail players make headlines, a select group of local and regional grocers are becoming the surprise insurgents of a newly forming grocery revolution.Online social networks and anonymous forums cannot replace a community-based store culture. In fact, a 2013 meta-analysis found that internet use had a detrimental effect on individual psychological well-being. Exclusive online retailers and faceless big box brands are vulnerable to the more authentic local brands, because in truth, there is something deeply human and instinctual in the concept of community.It leads to the solution of Smart Store Design.
  • McCaffrey’s Food Markets understands the importance of store design. They recently introduced a “Simply Fresh” concept store and the idea has been a big hit. The “Simply Fresh” concept store is in a landmark building that’s smaller than McCaffrey’s other markets and the location features the “best of” their products.
  • NextGen Healthcare :Integrated EHR
  • When a new financial controller joined Urological Associates of Southern Arizona
  • (UASA) in 2010, they realized the practice was not leveraging their electronic health record (EHR) and practice management (PM) system optimally to improve the financial and clinical performance of the practice
  • Revenue cycle and cash flow are the lifeblood of any practice.Doctors were not happy with the amount of time they were spending entering data at the computer throughout a patient encounter.And,they knew that needed to improve the integrated whole of our EHR and practice management systems to strengthen revenue.” NextGen RCM Services experts provide the data, reporting, and analysis needed to identify issues, determine root cause, and deploy actionable strategies to improve the revenue cycle and drive results.
  • By running its business-critical applications on AWS, NextGen Healthcare has improved performance and can focus on enhancing the patient care experience.
  • Patient portal online check-in
  • If our healthcare system were to implement the automation, connection and coordination that other industries have used to change the face of consumer engagement, boosting patient engagement wouldn’t be an issue. We would instead be easing the burdens on the very patients we are trying to help.Imagine you’re getting ready to take a well-deserved vacation over the holidays, dreading the impending experience at the airport, which you anticipate to be a zoo. What is your first step to making the process as painless as possible? Easy – you check in online. This is exactly the way you want your patients to view your patient portal. Consumers today like to feel self-sufficient. They shop online, check themselves out in the grocery store – so why should your patients approach their own health care any differently?With a good online check-in feature, your staff will no longer need to retype the many pages of paper forms that patients traditionally filled out at the office.Any updates to a patient’s family, medical, surgical or social history as well as immunizations are automatically added to the patient’s encounter summary in the EHR. Patients can complete all of their forms conveniently from anywhere they choose, on any computer, their smart phone or tablet. As you might surmise, the online check in greatly decreases waiting time and receptionist time used to check patients in and congestion in the waiting room.Ultimately, with patient portal features like the check in, your patients will feel more empowered in their health care – but they also appreciate the time-shifting you’re allowing them. Just like you, your patients are busy. Everybody is pressed for time. In many cases, your office hours are their office hours, and requiring them to spend more time filling out forms in your waiting room causes them added stress or inconvenience. Giving your patients the freedom and control to prepare for their appointment in their down time can only benefit both parties.
  • The trend of empowering patients through technology is only gaining momentum. The number of physicians providing their patients with access to view, download or transmit their electronic health information is greatly increasing
  • Contact Management
  • A market research company has an established customer base of organizations that buy market analysis reports.„Some larger customers have also purchased specialized reporting software from the company. These customers are then provided with raw and pre-aggregated information for their own report generation. The company is constantly on the search for new customers. Since the prospective customers are not quite customers yet, the company prefers to call them contacts – hence, contact management system (contacts are prospective,actual and past customers).
  • A new contact management system is to be developed internally and be available to all employees in the company, but with varying levels of access.
  • The system will permit flexible scheduling and re-scheduling of contact-related activities so that the employees can successfully collaborate to win new customers and foster existing relationships.
  • Time Logging
  • A software production company is given a task to develop a Time Logging tool for public sale to organizations in need of a time control software for their employees. The TL tool will allow employees to enter time records, i.e. time spent working on various projects and tasks and time without any work done (pauses, lunches, holidays, etc.). The time can be entered „by directly (manually) recording the start and end times or by using the stopwatch facility, which links to the computer clock and allows the employee to use start/stop command buttons to say when an activity started and ended.
  • The TL tool will allow identifying clients for whom the work is performed. Related functions are to bill the clients, produce invoices, and keep track of payments. The TL tool will allow production of customized time reports with various reporting details suppressed or added, as required by the employee. The TL tool will allow easy changes to time records already entered. It will also provide various sorting, searching and filtering capabilities.
  • Loen & Company has a great reputation as trusted chartered accountants. Their outdated, text-heavy website didn’t live up to their strategic approach and professional solutions. They needed a new strategic digital marketing plan including a website with a more engaging look and feel, SEO, and a significantly improved user experience across all devices.
  • Our dual focus for the website redesign was to drive credibility through client and service stories, and to improve their ranking through an SEO strategy guiding the process. The company was creating all-new photography and content, so the sitemap needed to accurately plan for not-yet-existing content and create an intelligent information architecture upon which to build.
  • Next Gen POS
  • Point-of-Sale (POS) system is application used to record sales and secure payment Checkout line at store System includes hardware and software – we will concentrate on the software Has interfaces to various service apps, like tax calculator and inventory control, and the system should work even if access to these external services is down (i.e., at least allow checkout with cash if the credit card processing interface goes down) Needs to support multiple client-side interface types, like thin web-browser, touchscreen, wireless phone, etc. We plan to sell this to many types of businesses which may have different business processing rules – we need flexibility and the ability to customize
  • Choose a System Boundary
  • Determine the edges of the system being designed – is it the software, the software and
  • hardware? Does it include the person using the system
  • Use Cases: Identify Primary Actors and Goals,Identify Actors, Goals
  • Software version of Monopoly game
  • This will run as a simulation; the user will configure the game (i.e. indicate the number of players, etc.), start the simulation, and let the game run to its A trace log will be created to record each move a player makes The simulation should include the rules of the game, and keep track of the amounts each player earns/loses throughout the game The simulation should allow the user to select various strategies to be employed
  • USE CASE UC1: Play Monopoly Game
  • Scope: Monopoly application
  • Primary Actor: Observer
  • Stakeholders and Interests: Observer: Wants to easily observe the output of the game
  • simulation
  • Main Case Scenario:
  • Observer requests new game initialization, enters number of players
  • Observer starts play.
  • System displays game trace for next player move (see domain rules, and “game trace” in glossary for
  • trace details)
  • Repeat step 3 until a winner is decided or the Observer cancels the simulation
  • Building a sales prediction model for a retail store
  • Sales forecasting is an essential task for the management of a store. Machine learning can help us discover the factors that influence sales in a retail store and estimate the number of sales that it will have in the near future. The first step of the analysis is to collect the sales information from the drug store. It is also essential to take the analysis of sales in weekdays, next have to take sales information on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday is the day preferred by the customers to buy in this retail shop. During the rest of the week, the sales decrease from Monday to Wednesday and increase from Wednesday to Friday. Saturday is the day with the least number of sales. Next have to consider the combo of sales on weekends so that it could be arranged in one line. The following list shows the input variables: Day of the week, Day of the month, Promotion, Previous day pr


mini projects

Project-based learning is an instructional approach, which helps the students in developing knowledge and skills by engaging in projects and solving real world challenges/problems. We practice project based learning by encouraging the students to do minimum two mini project per semester. Students are progressively taking up the tasks and projects to pad up their skill-set.