- Highly Qualified and experienced faculty.
- Industrial visit to expose students to gain hands on exposure towards workplace.
- Publication in National & International Journals by Faculty and Students.
- The students of AGRI has won Second place in PHANTOMIME at TNAU.
- Laboratories equipped with high configuration computers and licensed software.
- Several Awards and Prizes won by our students in competitions held at various colleges.
- N.Sriraam Shanjiev, I Mech & Automation has won Ist Prize in Paper Presentation at UIT college, Coimbatore.
- N.Saravana Kumar, I Mechanical has won 2nd Place in VIIIth Centies Championship 2017 held at CIT, Coimbatore.
- J. Gokul Krishnan, I Civil has won 9th place in National Level Weight lifting Competition at Jammu & Kashmir.
- The Department organizes SHARP (Science expo) and SCIENTIA (National Symposium) every year.
- The Department has 7 Ph.D. holders and 7 faculty members are pursuing Ph.D.
- The Department has received an amount of Rs. 2,84,000/- from the Funding Agencies.

The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 2002.The department inculcates the importance of Applied Mathematics in the Engineering curriculum. The department gives the students a spark in creating mathematical models that are typically used in Engineering and industry. The department has dedicated and highly qualified Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors.The department has eminent faculty members with doctorates and the members who are pursuing their Ph.D programmes in various fields of Mathematics. The area of specialization of the faculty members includes Fluid Dynamics, Differential Equations, Topology, Digital Topology, Graph Theory, and Queuing Theory. The faculty members of the department actively involve in Research and Academic areas.
S&H Department has 7 Ph.D. Holders and 7 faculty members are pursuing Ph.D.

The Department of Physics was established in the year 2002. The department instills and promotes practical aspects of Applied Physics in engineering to build a solid foundation as part of the Engineering Education. Further, it prepares students for core engineering branches by educating them in the basic and applied physics in the first year. The faculty members of physics are well experienced, very active in teaching and research. The faculty members have published many research papers in national and international journals. The Faculty members have also filed four Patents out of which two have been granted. The areas of research are Nanomaterials, Thin films, Photovoltaics, Batteries and Crystal Growth, Molecular Quantum Mechanics.

The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 2002. It is well equipped with professionally designed scientific laboratory to offer practical courses to all B.E, and B.Tech programmes. The faculty members are well experienced and have published research papers in both national and international journals and possess extensive knowledge in all fields of Chemistry. Three of our faculty members are Ph.D. holders and four faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D. programmes. A strong and active research effort allows the faculty to keep abreast of the latest scientific advances and to impart new ideas and concepts to the students. The major research areas of interest in the department includes Electrochemistry, Natural products, Environmental Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry and Nanochemistry.

Since inception of the college, in the year 2002, the Department of English has been efficiently functional. The Department stands focused to its Ideals in imparting knowledge and preparing the students towards achieving academic excellence through the acquisition of core competence in language skills in relation to its application & relevance for engineering professionals, and also in giving students practice for developing the four basic skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Further it facilitates the students to hone their soft skills and exhibit their linguistic abilities to meet the expectations of the industries. They have been given exposure to group discussions, oral presentation and mock interviews. The department has dynamic and energetic faculty members to help the students in mentoring and providing necessary inputs. The students is provided with necessary knowledge in BEC, TOEFL, GRE and relevant examinations for higher studies and better knowledge in acquiring English language.
- Programme offered by the department are Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English.
- S&H Department having 7 Ph.D. Holders and 7 Ph.D. pursuing faculty members.
- Tutor-ward system, Counseling is provided suitably to all students.
- 83 Research Publications in Journals and Conference Publications.
- Grant of Rs.2, 84000 received to conduct seminar and workshop from various external funding agencies such as CSIR, UGC and so on.
- Technical symposium “SHARP” is conducted every year with external participants.
- Department of Science & Humanities conducted a National Level Technical Symposium(SCIENCE EXPO & SHARP 2015).
- on 5th and 6th November, 2015. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr. K.Venkateswaralu Principal Scientist, Material Science Division, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore.
- Department of Science & Humanities conducted a National Level Technical Symposium(SCIENCE EXPO & SHARP 2016).
- on 5th November, 2016. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr.MylsamyAnnadurai , Director, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bengaluru.
- Department of Science & Humanities conducted a National Level Technical Symposium(SCIENCE EXPO & SHARP 2017) on23rd November, 2017. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan,Former Vice Chairman and CEO, Cognizant Technology.
- Department of Science & Humanities conducted a National Level Technical Symposium(SCIENCE EXPO & SHARP 2018) on 23rd MArch, 2018. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr.GuruSelvaraj, DGM HR,Coimbatore.
- Department of Science & Humanities conducted a National Level Technical Symposium(SCIENCE EXPO & SHARP 2019) on 15th Feb, 2019. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, T.S.Thilak,AGM-HR, L&T, Coimbatore.
- Technical symposium “SHARP” is conducted every year with external participants.
- Department of Chemistry conducted a National Conference on “Recent Trends and Advances in Greener Synthesis” on 25th January, 2018. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guest, Dr.RaghuramChetty, Associate Professor/Dept of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai.
- Department of Chemistry conducted a second National one day Conference on “Recent Trends and Advances in Greener Synthesis” on 25th January, 2019. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guest, Dr.M.J.N.Chandarasekar,Professor, JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty.
- Department of Chemistry conducted a third National one day Conference on “Recent Trends and Advances in Greener Synthesis” on 7th Feb, 2020. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr. K. Parameswari Associate .Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of science and Humanities, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore was the Chief Guest of the day. Dr. Srinivasan Arthanari Senior Researcher in the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Hefei Innovation Research Institute of Beihang University, Beijing and Dr. V.Ragavendran, Assistant Professor of Physics, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya Enathur, Kanchipuram.
- Department of Physics conducted a National Conference on National Conference on Nanomaterials for Energy and Medical application-2019 on 20th November 2019. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Dr N. Ponpandian Professor and Head, Department of Nanoscience and Technology and Director – IQAC, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and Dr. B. Vidhya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics/ Nanosciences, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore.