TEXPERIA 2025: A National Level Technical Symposium"Research Prospects in Quantum Computing on Semiconductor Chip Design” on March 14 & 15 2025 organized by Department of ECE , SNS College of Technology Coimbatore "Special Arrear Autonomous Examinations – Students having arrears and exhausted maximum period permitted in the respective regulations are allowed to register and appear for Nov/Dec 2024 and Apr/May 2025 Examination sessions in order to complete their arrear courses and attain degree. No further chances will be given on any account."
News & Events: M/S. CodeYoung - Interview on 31 Jan 2025- 04 students got placed / M/S. FacePrep- Interview on 24 Jan 2025- 15 students got placed / M/S. Consulting & Beyond - Interview on 10 Jan 2025- 01 students got placed / M/S. Intellipaat - Interview on 18 Dec 2024- 08 student got placed / M/S. Acmegrade - Interview on 16 Dec 2024- 09 student got placed / M/S. Airtel - Interview on 13 Dec 2024- 01 student got placed / M/S. Premier - Interview on 12 Dec 2024 - 02 student got placed / M/S. CAE Analyzer - Interview on 09 Dec 2024- 02 student got placed / M/S. Acko- Interview on 07 Dec 2024- 04 student got placed


The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) sponsors e-Yantra under the National Mission for ICT in Education (NMEICT) program.IIT Bombay envisages the ‘e-Yantra’ platform to harness the intellectual talent of young India to create utility based robotic applications for usage across variety of applications such as: agriculture, manufacturing, defense, home, city maintenance and services industries. The overall mission is to grow a rich eco-system of ideas and applications that can propel India’s growth curve and productivity through intelligent funneling of robotics in daily living built upon an existing pool of knowledge developed by students working on such projects at engineering colleges in the area of embedded systems. SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore has taken an initiative to setup e-Yantra Robotics Lab under e-Yantra Lab Set-up Initiative (eLSI) by IIT Bombay. SNSCE e-Yantra Robotics Lab trains the students in embedded systems and micro-controller programming by engaging them through the Project Based Learning (PBL) mode.

For students

e-Yantra Robotics Competition (eYRC): Engages students using Project Based Learning (PBL) to implement a solution to a real world problem. Robots, accessories, training material, and rulebook are given to teams selected for participation, free of cost.

e-Yantra Robotics Competition Plus (eYRC+): Designed to impart advanced topics such as image processing through a theme for teams selected for participation. Runs parallel with eYRC.

For Teachers

e-Yantra Robotics Teacher Competition (eYRTC): Engages teachers through a hands-on project implementation exercise with exciting prizes and certificates.

For Students and Teachers

e-Yantra Ideas Competition (eYIC): Solicits ideas from teams from eLSI family of colleges to encourage innovative projects and sustained use of the Robotics labs set up through eLSI.

  • Awareness of embedded systems, robotics technology and mechatronics.
  • It provides platform to design, develop, program and testing of robots to various applications.
  • Students can participate in national and international robotics competitions.
  • Improve BE projects with help of e-Yantra open source community.
  • Exposure to job opportunities in robotics. Encourage to use robots to solve real life problems.


e-Yantra Robotics Lab Activities

Team members have attended the two days workshop on “Introduction to Robotics” conducted by IIT Bombay at Dr.G.R.Damodharan college of Science, Coimbatore during 10-11 May 2016.

Team members have completed Task Based Training (TBT) conducted by IIT, Bombay and awarded with completion certificate with cash prize.

Inauguration of e-Yantra Robotics Lab on 25 November 2016 by Technical Director Dr.S.Nalin Vimal Kumar.

Faculty Development Programme on FIRE BIRD V by e-Yantra team on 17 December 2016

Inauguration of “e-Yantra Robotics Club” on 18 February 2017 by Dr.V.P.Arunachalam, Director-SNS institution

One day National Level Workshop on Firebird – V by e-Yantra team on 07 April 2017

One day Induction program on Robotics and Introduction to Firebird – V by e-Yantra team on 13 April 2017 at SNS academy.