TEXPERIA 2025: A National Level Technical Symposium"Research Prospects in Quantum Computing on Semiconductor Chip Design” on March 14 & 15 2025 organized by Department of ECE , SNS College of Technology Coimbatore "Special Arrear Autonomous Examinations – Students having arrears and exhausted maximum period permitted in the respective regulations are allowed to register and appear for Nov/Dec 2024 and Apr/May 2025 Examination sessions in order to complete their arrear courses and attain degree. No further chances will be given on any account."
News & Events: M/S. CodeYoung - Interview on 31 Jan 2025- 04 students got placed / M/S. FacePrep- Interview on 24 Jan 2025- 15 students got placed / M/S. Consulting & Beyond - Interview on 10 Jan 2025- 01 students got placed / M/S. Intellipaat - Interview on 18 Dec 2024- 08 student got placed / M/S. Acmegrade - Interview on 16 Dec 2024- 09 student got placed / M/S. Airtel - Interview on 13 Dec 2024- 01 student got placed / M/S. Premier - Interview on 12 Dec 2024 - 02 student got placed / M/S. CAE Analyzer - Interview on 09 Dec 2024- 02 student got placed / M/S. Acko- Interview on 07 Dec 2024- 04 student got placed

DEPARTMENT OF electronics and communication ENGINEERING

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was started in the year 2002. The department is accredited by NBA, New Delhi. It offers a full-time B.E. degree programme in Electronics and Communication Engineering with an intake of 180. The department has an adequate infrastructure with well-equipped laboratories. The core members of the faculty have rich academic experience and wide industrial and research exposure. The department helps to create quality professionals through interactive and effective teaching methods to implant in-depth knowledge to cater to the needs of core industries.Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is offering technology-oriented courses and creating manpower in the strategic areas well compatible with industrial expectations. The main vision of the department is to mould tomorrow’s technocrats by imbibing the essence of human values for innovation and creativity in science and technology towards building a peaceful self-sustaining Nation. Further, to set standards in teaching and learning incessantly for making a bright career path for the students and to establish a state-of-the-art centre for excellence in research.The department envisages the wide spectrum of areas including, Electronics circuits, Signal processing, Communication Technology, Biomedical Instrumentation and other applied areas focusing on making a brighter career path.

The department has been strengthened by its reputed faculty members from recognized Universities and organizations. Research is the prime focus for the faculty and students who put in their efforts to produce tangible outcomes in the form of publications, patents and funded projects.Students are given broad opportunities for relevant skill development apart from regular academics in order to make them competitive and industry-ready. In addition, special training in national / International level tests for fellowships for higher studies.The department also conducts workshops, symposia and faculty development programs regularly for improving the teaching and learning quality. Also, the department is involved in social development programs to make an impact on its development and awareness.


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering focuses to excel in teaching, learning and research in various aspects of Engineering and Technology to nurture and bring up technocrats to compete on a global platform with strong ethical values to match their skillset.


  • To pursue curricula depicting contemporary educational experience that facilitates creativity and critical thinking.
  • To infuse knowledge acquisition by providing state-of-art equipment and academic freedom to produce dynamic engineers and successful entrepreneurs.
  • To collaborate with renowned Industries, International Universities, Government bodies, and R&D Organizations to practice emerging technologies and gain worldwide eminence.
  • To inculcate integrity, leadership qualities, social and ethical values to emerge as a responsible citizen

Programmes Available

Under Graduate Programme

B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering

4 Years


Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) involves researching, designing, developing and testing of electronic equipment used in various systems.


research fund and achievements


Dr.N.J.R.Muniraj ,Dean – Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Technology has received a Fund of Rs. 494 lakhs from MeitY for Chip to Startup program under Ministry of India.

FPGA Boards and associated design software tools under a C2S project worth of Rs.12 Lakhs

Dr.N.J.R.Muniraj ,Dean – Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Technology has received a FPGA Boards and associated design software tools under a C2S project worth of Rs.12 Lakhs from Chip Edge.

supporting pm initiatives mapped with aicte

Design Thinking Based Curriculum & Framework
Design Thinking in Education: A way beyond! We adopt to a curriculum, structured based on the design thinking strategy that support to build character, skills and curiosity in you to learn more.

Our 5 growth building centers focuses on building a culture, focusing on effective teaching and learning, innovation, skill and entrepreneurship development, industry connect and social responsibility initiatives.

Curriculum Aligned with PM AICTE & MHRD Initiatives

Our Curriculum and Practices are mapped and aligned with PM, AICTE and MHRD initiatives like Startup Policy, Internship Policy, Skill India, Outcome Based Education, National Educational Policy, etc.,

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Employment
  • Government Jobs
  • Higher Education
DT Activation Hour

30 minutes of class time is dedicated to teach students about the ancient holy books, practicing Meditation and Yoga on daily basis.

  • Department is accredited by NBA and NAAC.
  • Anna University Recognized Research Center.
  • Department having 8 Ph.D. Holders and 10 Ph.D. pursuing faculty members.
  • Department having 4 Anna University Recognized Supervisors
  • Department filed 18 patents in the last three years
  • Faculty members published 14 books in the last five years
  • Department H-Index is 16 and Faculty members published 23 SCI Indexed journals in the last five years
  • Faculty members serving as Editorial board members and Reviewers of reputed journal publishers like IEEE Transactions, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley and Taylor & Francis.
  • Department having two international MoU’s
  • Department has organized three time Entreprenuership Awareness Camp (EAC) in our campus in assosciation with Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad.
  • Dr. K. Kalai Selvi Received Ms. Responsibility Award for SNS Annual Leadership Award conducted by SNS Institutions
  • Mrs. S. Prema Received Emerging Researcher Award conducted by International Institute of Organized Research 2019
  • Mr. T. Prabhu Received Bright Researcher Award conducted by International Institute of Organized Research 2019
  • Mr. A. Karthikeyan Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2019
  • Mrs. J. Jayageetha Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2019
  • Mr. A. Anandharaja Received Teacher Innovation Award ZIIEI( Zero investments innovation for educators initiatives 2019.
  • Mr. A. Karthikeyan Received Best paper Award conducted by Novel Research Academy 2019
  • Mr. A. Anandharaja Received Teacher Innovation Award ZIIEI( Zero investments innovation for educators initiatives 2019.
  • Mr.G.NaveenBalaji Received Bright Engineer Award 2019 by Green ThinkerZ Awards 2019Dr. J. Ajayan has been elected as the Chair of IEEE Electron Devices Society, Coimbatore Chapter in April 2020.
  • Dr. J. Ajayan has been selected as a Guest editor for the special issue entitled “P2P Computing for Beyond 5G Network (B5G) and Internet-of-Everything (IoE)” in SCI Indexed journal Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. Publisher: Springer.
  • Dr. J. Ajayan has been selected as a Guest editor for the special issue entitled “Special Issue on Energy Harvesting Devices, Circuits and Systems for Internet of Things” in SCI Indexed journal Microelectronics. Publisher: Elsevier.
  • Mr.G.NaveenBalaji Received YOUNG SCIENTIST-2018 Award conducted by the International Centre, Dona Paula, Panjim,Goa. on 28.10.2018
  • Mr.G.NaveenBalaji Received I2OR- Outstanding Researcher Award 2018 conducted by International Institute of Organized Research 2018
  • Dr. B.Sivasankari Received EXCELLENCE RESEARCHER IN VLSI award conducted by Hotel Breeze Residency, Trichy on 12.11.2018
  • Dr. J. Ajayan Received Best Young Researcher in Nanoelectronic Semiconductor Devices award conducted by Hotel Breeze Residency, Trichy on 2.11.2018
  • Mr.S. Vigneshwaran Received Acitve Young Researcher Award conducted by the International research Publication 2018
  • Mr. A. Karthikeyan Received Bright Researcher Award conducted by International Institute of Organized Research 2018
  • Mrs.S. Prema Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Mrs.A. Gauthami Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Mrs.R. Prabha Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Mr. M. Jagadesh Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Mr. M. Saravanan Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Mr. A. Anandharaja Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Mr. S. Saravanan Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Mr. S. Vigneswaran Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Mr. T. Prabhu Received Appreciation Award for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest conducted by Texas Instruments 2018
  • Dr. K. Kalai Selvi Received Exemplary Teacher Award by Institute of Engineering and Technology on 07.10.2017
  • Mr.G.NaveenBalaji Received Innovative Research and Dedicated Teaching Professional Award by the Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional (SIESRP) accredited with Innovative Scientific Research Professional Malaysia (ISRP-M) along with Kathir College of Engineering, Coimbatore at the International Awards & Honors Convocation 2018, Hotel Le Meridien, Coimbatore, 25.03.2018.”
  • Mr.G.NaveenBalaji Received Best Teaching Faculty – 2017 by Dr. Kalam Educational Trust for Tribal (Reg. No. 135/2015), Chennai held at Dr. NGP Arts and Science College, Kalapatti, Coimbatore, 12.05.2018.
  • An International Guest Lecture on “Changing the world with new G” by Mr.Swamy Vasudevan, Vice President,Ericsson North America, United States of America on 01st August 2019. Around 127 members from the student community benefited from the session.
  • Guest Lecture on “Job Opportunities in abroad” by Dr.D.Yuvaraj, Professor, Cihan University,Iraq on 16th August 2019.Around 125 members from the student community benefited from the session.
  • A Seminar on ISTE Sponsored International seminar “Deep learning versus conventional Neural Network in Image processing” by Mr.A.Mohamed Uvaze Ahamed, Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia on 05th January 2017.Around 102 members from the student community benefited from the session.
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized Idea Show down Project Contest for the External Participants on 14th February 2020.
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized a National Level Project Contest Exclusively for the Polytechnic Students on 11th March 2020.
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized Project Show down Project Contest for the External Participants on 27th February 2019.
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized Project Expo Contest for the External Participants on 15th March 2018.
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized Project Combat Project Contest for the External Participants on 01st February 2017.
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized Proyecto Launch Project Contest for the External Participants on 25th September 2015.
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organized Business Bazzar 17th Febraury 2017


university ranks


students placed 


industry projects






mous signed
OUR core



Professional Bodies