DEPARTMENT of food technology
social responsibility initiativeS
Since 1997, Sri SNS Charitable Trust serves the society in various fields of education through several educational institutions. SNS Charitable Trust has been conducting various CSR activities for the upliftment of the society, under the umbrella – SNS Social Responsibility Initiatives (S.R.I). SNS SRI Activities are built around the following
- Recognitions for Educators by instituting various awards like Best Teacher Award.
- Improving the quality of Education for School leaving children through the conduct of Performance Evaluation Test (SNS PET), Career Guidance coaching to join NDA.
- Elevating the quality of life of the community through various outreach activities conducted by NSS – NCC initiatives like blood donation camps and cleanliness drives.
- Enhancing the quality of physical health of young generation by conducting various sports activities, games and competitions.
- Augmenting the Alumni cooperation though various college activities and events.
- Some of the activities are the benchmark of SNS SRI such as SANTA 365, Neighborhood school program, A smart kid program, Performance Evaluation Test, Talent Hunt & Talent Competition for identifying and recognizing the young talents from all over Tamil Nadu.

We rise by lifting others!
alumni linkage
Now, Connecting with our Alumni has been made easier with SNS Alumni Portal.
Android App : http//l.wkrt.in/1N
iOS App : http//l.wkrt.in/snsios