electronics and communication ENGINEERING
Our department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has a number of distinguished faculty panel who has an affluent blend of both industry and academic experience. They constantly disseminate and impart applied knowledge to the young minds through our mentor-mentee system.

Message from dean Desk
The best way to predict the future is to create it
-Abrahim Lincoln
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. The Department of Electronics and Communication is dedicated to raise technocrats with technical expertise on par with international standards, ethical values and professional attitude, with the ability to apply and acquire knowledge to have a productive career and empower intellectually to serve humanity. The ECE Department at SNSCT has an international reputation for excellence in teaching. With cutting-edge laboratory facilities and state-of-the-art equipments alongside dedicated faculty, we have built a strong force that reckons to bring leading technocrats into this world.
A broad range of programs are offered by the ECE Department that includes undergraduate (B.E.,) Our department produces electronics and communication engineers having strong theoretical foundation, good design experience and exposure to research and development. Clear thinking, articulation and interest to carryout theoretical and/ or applied research resulting in significant advancement in everyday life is the basic protocol in our Department and all faculty members and students contribute to achieve exactly that.
Our mission is to build a foundation of knowledge by integrating a variety of project experiences at every level throughout the curriculum. Supported by our dedicated faculty, we make our graduates experts in practical problem solving with high abstract thinking skills. Our students are shaped into life-long learners, capable of building their careers upon a solid foundation of knowledge. The Department is continuously strengthening existing research groups and catalyzing new research groups and building new research facilities.
The department has a global reach with its wide and strong alumni network. It includes among them entrepreneurs, teaching professionals, managers, scientists and administrators at the highest levels in their respective fields.
Education is the most powerful weapon which one can use to change the world.