centre for creativity
CFC in Professional Practice is a unique collaboration between leading researchers and academicians. This centre is undertaken interdisciplinary research, teaching and knowledge transfer in creativity and innovation. Its growing focus on enterprise and on leadership in creativity and innovation make SNS a natural new host. The centre also investigates the phenomenon of creativity and how to lead and support it in professional practice. We treat creative leadership and problem solving as critical skills that can be learned and supported with the cutting-edge frameworks, processes techniques and digital tools that are developed by the Centre and underpinned by interdisciplinary theories and models.
Student Industry Projects
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SNS Creative Hub
research fund GENERATION
- A grant of Rs.1,50,000 sanctioned by AICTE for organizing the “International Conference on Electrical Sciences” at SNSCT
- A grant of Rs.40,000 sanctioned by BIS for organizing a seminar on “Role of BIS in Standard Formulation / Product Certification in the Field of Electrical Engineering” at SNSCT
- A grant of Rs.50,000 sanctioned by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology for organizing a hands on training on ” First hand training on Household Electrical Wiring and Effective Energy Management for Rural Area ” at SNSCT
- A self support grant was sanctioned by Anna University for conducting one week FDP on “Electrical Machines-II” at SNSCT.
- Fund sanctioned from funding agencies for research, training, innovation and entrepreneurship development.
- The scheme aims to promote excellence in research in higher education by supporting research programme of University and College teachers in various disciplines. The University Grants Commission provides support to permanent/regular working/retired teachers in the Universities and Colleges.
- Grants/Funds Received: 88
- S.Jayashree and Mr.R.Pradeep, AP/EEE worked for the consultancy project for Ms.Ramdev Motors, Coimbatore for creating a “Design of Energy Efficient Motor for pumping Applications” for a duration of 1.5 years. As part of consultacny they received Rs.30,000 towards the design.
- R.Rajasekaran and Mrs.C.Aiswarya, AP/EEE worked for the consultancy project for Ms.Beta Automation, Coimbatore for creating a “Life span tester for high power motors and pumps” for a duration of 1 years. As part of consultacny they received Rs.1,00,000 towards the design.
- R.Vijayakumar, AP/EEE and Dr.C.Ramakrishnan, ASP/EEE worked for the consultancy project for Ms.Delving Research and Development Pvt.Ltd, Coimbatore for “Development of industrial IoT based smart meter” for a duration of 1.5 years. As part of consultacny they received Rs.25,000 towards the design.
- G.Abirami, AP/EEE worked for the consultancy project for Ms.Megatech Scientific Instruments, Coimbatore for the design of the project “Design of shunt active power filter for solar power applications” for a duration of 1.5 years. As part of consultacny they received Rs.25,000 towards the design.
- R.Senthilkumar, ASP/EEE and Mr.S.Bharath, AP/EEE worked for the consultancy project for Ms.Milltronics E Matiks, Coimbatore for the design of the project “Design and Development of smart energy harvester cum charger for lead acid cell using buck boost SMPS technique with Energy computer” for a duration of 2 years. As part of consultacny they received Rs.10,000 towards the design.
- Prawin Kumar S, Naveen K, Prakash R and Tinesh Kumar S of IV EEE collaborated together and developed a prototype for “Microcontroller based Solar Panel Cleaning system” with the guidance of Dr.R.Karthick, SNSCT during the time period from 12.07.2019 to 27.09.2019.
- Mr.R.Vijayakumar, Assistant Professor, Dr.C.Ramakrishnan and Dr.R.Karthick , Associate Professor from EEE collaborated together and developed a prototype for ” Smart Hybrid Home Automation System” during the time period from 01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020
- Mr.R.Vijayakumar, Assistant Professor, from EEE collaborated together and developed a prototype for ” Smart Geographical Landmark Based Astrological Timer for Street Lights, High Mast Lights, Residential Purposes” during the time period from 01.12.2018 to 30.06.19
- Ragul R, Roshan H, Gopalakannan M and Suraj S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Master Slave Communication” inssociation with Niagara Automations, Athipalayam,Coimbatore.
- Madhumitha P, Nishalini M, Nagashanmugam V and Vinothkumar M of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Certain Parameters Indication of Knitting Machine” inssociation with Nanotronics Scientific Solutions, Eachanari, Coimbatore-21.
- Poornesh Kumar K S, Pradeep M S, Harini S and Srinithi K of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Automatic Position Detector of Coil Winding” inssociation with Salzer Electronics Limited-Unit-II, Coimbatore.
- Prawin Kumar S, Naveen K, Prakash R and Tinesh Kumar S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Microcontroller based Solar Panel Cleaning system” inssociation with Kondaas Automation Pvt.Ltd, Coimbatore .
- Prawin Kumar S, Naveen K, Prakash R and Tinesh Kumar S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “IoT based Smart Grid Management in PV System” inssociation with Kondaas Automation Pvt.Ltd, Coimbatore , during th time period from 06.01.2020 to 20.03.2020.
- Prabhakaran R, Manikandan M, Udhayasakkthi D and Arnesh C of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Cost Effective Solar Pyranoammeter” inssociation with Kondaas Automation Pvt.Ltd, Coimbatore , during th time period from 06.01.2020 to 20.03.2020.
- Dhanakrishan K, Guruprakash P and Tamilselvan P of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Automatic Heat Shrink Tubing Machine” inssociation with Green Hi-Tech Solutions, Erode , during th time period from 06.01.2020 to 20.03.2020.
- Nivetha R, Thivya B, Dinesh Kumar and Guruprasath S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Underground cable Fault Detector using IoT” inssociation with Nanotech Scientific Solutions, Coimbatore , during th time period from 06.01.2020 to 20.03.2020.
- Madhumitha P, Nishalini M, Nagashanmugam V and Vinothkumar M of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Solar water pumping with auto tracking” inssociation with MAS Solar System, Coimbatore during the time period from 31.01.2020 to 20.03.2020
- Poornesh Kumar K S, Pradeep M S, Harini S and Srinithi K of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Single phase voltage regulator using tapping transformer” inssociation with TPEP Innovations, Coimbatore during the time period 31.01.2020 to 20.03.2020.
- Preethi G V, Malini K, Harivignesh P, Abubacker Siddiq of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “Charging Station for E-Vehicle using IoT” inssociation with Nanotech Scientific Solutions, Coimbatore during the time period 31.01.2020 to 20.03.2020.
- Divya R, Balaji S, Abilash S and Vigneswaran S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on “PLC based Automatic Roof Light Control System
- “in association with Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Trichy.
- Robert Brolin Anthony, Muralidharan G, Umavathi V and Sarojini Devi J of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on” Retrofitting Of Ward Leonard System and DC Motor With Advanced AC Motors and Drives” in association with Bharat Heavy Electrical s Limited, Trichy.
- Abinaya K M, Manoj S, Arunkumar N, Manojkumar T of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” AUTOMATIC ON-LOAD TAP CHANGING TRANSFORMER” inssociation with Kondaas Automation Pvt.Ltd, Coimbatore.
- Arun Dhivakar, S. Arun Kumar, C. Soundarajan and Dinesh Kumar S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” A SMART MULTIFUNCTION ENERGY METER USING IoT” inssociation with SAI Incubation Center, Coimbatore.
- Nikilan V, Rakshana N, Rupashree K, and Shobikadharini R of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” IONIZATION IN WATER TREATMENT ” inssociation with WAP Systems, Coimbatore.
- Dinesh Kumar A, Giridharan S, Kathiresan S and Vivek K of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” GRID FREQUENCY BASED LOAD CONTROL SYSTEM IN THERMAL POWER PLANTS ” inssociation withMettur Thermal Power Station-I, Mettur.
- Nivash R, Mano E, Kumaresh D and Chandaran S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” CROP FIRE MONITORING SYSTEM ” inssociation with Flextron Tecknologies, Coimbatore.
- Hariharan R, Kaliraj A, Karthick C and Surya S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” MONITORING THE MPPT CONTROL STRATEGY OF WINDMILL BASED ON RBF NETWORK ” inssociation with Green Wind and Solar Powertech Private Limited, Coimbatore.
- Bharath Kumar N, Prasanna Kumar M, Saravanan S and Rajaselvakumar A of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” MAINTAING INDUSTRIES PARAMETERS OF MULTIPLE CNC MACHINES USING CAN BUS COMMUNICATION ” inssociation with Futuretech Engineers, Coimbatore.
- Kirubhakaran K, Subramanian K, Keerthikeyan K and Tamilselvam K of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” DSP BASED 36V 400HZ 3 PHASE INVERTER FOR TANK CONTROL SYSTEM ” inssociation with Bharat Electronics Limited.
- Pranesh M, Kavitha K, Navanith S N and of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” GSM BASED DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER MONITORING ” inssociation with Tamil Nadu Transmission Coroporation Limited.
- Praveen T, Kavya N, Dharanipriya N and Devaraj R of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN MICROGRID USING D-STSTCOM ” inssociation with Mettur Thermal Power Station-I, Mettur.
- Balakrishnan V, Sundar K, Arun Karthik C and Kasim Niyas K of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” PGREEN HOUSE MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM” inssociation with Green Wind and Solar Powertech Private Limited,Coimbatore.
- Daniel Richard P, Dhanabalan M and Mohammed Riyaz A of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” UNMANNED LOAD CARRIER” inssociation with Roots Industries Indian Limited, Coimbatore.
- Rubesh K of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” ADESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI OUTPUT DC-AC INVERTER FOR HYBRID WIND-SOLAR PV-BATTERY SYSTEM” inssociation with Preetha Enterprises, Coimbatore.
- Dhilak Kumaran K, Sabareesh V, Viswanathan M V and of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” AUTO POWER-OFF DURING OVER HEATING OF DIMMER USING THERMISTOR” inssociation with Adroit Power Systems India Private Limited, Coimbatore.
- Bharathan P, Dileepan R, Ragavi M and Srinithya S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION OF 110/11 KV SUB-STATION FOR HEAVY ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES” inssociation with Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Trichy
- Praveen Kumar S, Sivakumar P, Sreya B Nair, and Swathy M Nair of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” EMeasuring Of Thd In A Distorted Signal By Using Audrino” inssociation with Indus Electronics Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore.
- Ramkumar K, Veeramani M, Vinoba K and Vivek Kumar G of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Crane Automation For Handling The Waste To Fuel The Cement Factory” inssociation with Acc Cements Ltd, Coimbatore.
- Dharmaprabhu A, Kaviyarasu M, Priyanga V R and Radhika R of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Development Of Trainer Module For Understanding Solar Power Generation And Its Characteristics” in association with Mega Tech Scientific Instruments, Coimbatore.
- Aruna V, Keerthika J, Samuelraj K and Selvakumar M of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Automatic Removal Of Stator Insulation In Induction Generator Based Wind Energy System” inssociation with SE Electricals, Coimbatore.
- Arockia Praveen A,Arun M, Mohanraj P and Rajkumar K of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Automation Of Battery Testing For Windmill Using Microcontroller” inssociation with SE Electricals, Coimbatore.
- Divya Bharathi A, Manoj Kumar S, Rameshkumar G and Revathi M of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Design, Construction And Analysis Of Solar Ridge Concentrator For Pv System To Improve Battery Charging Performance” in association with Mass Solar Systems, Coimbatore.
- Syed Riyas M, Saravanan K, Salmanullah A, Surya S and Jayanandhini M of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Effluent Treatment Plant For Smart City” inssociation with Milltroniks E Matics, Coimbatore.
- Sivasankari P, Venoth S, Anandh S and Karthickkumar M of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Design And Fabrication Of Pressure Test Rig” inssociation with CPC Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore.
- Mohammed Afsal K A, Prem Kumar V, Sajeer I and Akilaravind of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Microcontroller Based Production And Machine Monitoring System For Textile Industry” inssociation with Milltroniks E Matics, Coimbatore.
- Vetrivel P, Vigneshwar.K.K, Venkateshwara S and Vimal T of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Design And Development Of Energy Efficient Induction Motor Using Is126151 And Iec60034-1″ inssociation with Stark Motors, Coimbatore.
- Anand.S, Gopalakrishnan R, Harish K, Kamalesh G and Rajesh Kanna B of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Cold Fog Dust Suppression System” inssociation with ACC Cements Ltd, Coimbatore.
- Ramachandiran.R, Jawaharmailvaha.P, Pradeesh Karthik D and Muruganantham P of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” H6 Transformer Less Full Bridge Pv Grid Tied Inverter” inssociation with Selvi Polymers, Coimbatore.
- Deepika S, Divyalakshmi R, Santhosh S and Satheesh N of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Design and Development of BLDC motor for Pumping system” inssociation with Perfect Engineers, Coimbatore.
- Durga K A, Kasthuri S, Prasanth S and Sharmila S of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Automation of Abode Essentialities” in association with Milltronics e Matics, Coimbatore
- Kiran Gethsiya, Ramya E, Steffi Josephene, Shanmugaragunathan K M and Karthikeyan M of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Safety Band For Low Voltage Test Benches” in association with M/s Salzer Electronics, Coimbatore.
- Preethika M, Shanmugapriya M, Shandeep S R and Steve Elisha Giftson V of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Identification of prebilling of Electricity using Arduino with IOT” in association with Delving Research Institute Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore
- Vishalini G, Ramya M, Guru M S and Boobalan G of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Toxic Gas Suppressor using IOT” in association with Green Technologies, Coimbatore
- Sri Hari Krishna A, Raaja E S, Saran K S and Tamilselvan P of IV EEE collaborated to engage in a industry project on ” Design and Development of controller for BLDC Motor” in association with Perfect Engineers, Coimbatore.