DEPARTMENT of civil engineering
faculty development
All the faculties are having culture to constantly enrich their knowledge by attending faculty development courses and Short term courses organised under ATAL , TEQUIP, QIP, Guest Lectures, seminars, conference and much more programs in various International universities, IITs, NITs, IIITs and other government institutions during their summer and winter vacation. The Emerging domains like Iot, Data Analytics, AR /VR, 3D printing, Robotics and Automation are the major topics that are chosen by the faculties that can be matched with our institute thrust area. All the faculties are mandated to get NPTEL certificates for every academic year. Besides 11 faculties earned Autodesk certification program and 02 faculties get their ANSYS certificate for inhouse training to the student’s community.
NPtel/mooc courses
faculty development programme

- R. M. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Structural Dynamics for Civil Engineers – SDOF systems” conducted by Prof. Riya Catherine George from IIT Kanpur
- P.S.Venkatanarayanan, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Design of Steel Structures”
- D. Loganathan, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Structural Dynamics for Civil Engineers – SDOF systems” conducted by Prof. Riya Catherine George from IIT Kanpur
- P.S.Venkatanarayanan, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Geotechnical Engineering II” conducted by dilip Kumar baidya from IIT Kharagpur
- S. Sathya, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Fluid Mechanics” conducted by Prof. Subashisa Dutta, from IIT Guwhathi
- G. Ramasamy, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Fluid Mechanics” conducted by Prof. Subashisa Dutta, from IIT Guwhathi
- G. Ramasamy, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Strength of Materials” with Elite conducted by Prof. Sriman Kumar Bhattacharyya from IIT Khargpur
- G. Ramasamy, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures” with Elite & Silver, conducted by Prof. Nirjhar Dhang, IIT Kharagpur
- S. Sathya, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Electronic Waste Management – Issues & Challenges” with Gold Model, conducted by Prof. Brajesh Kumar Dubey, from IIT Kharagpur
- M. Deepika Sree, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Electronic Waste Management – Issues & Challenges” with Silver Model, conducted by Prof. Brajesh Kumar Dubey, from IIT Kharagpur
- M. Indumathi, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Scheduling Techniques in Projects” , conducted by Prof. J. Uma Maheswari, from IIT Delhi
- N. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Scheduling Techniques in Projects” , conducted by Prof. J. Uma Maheswari, from IIT Delhi
- R. M. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Advanced Topics in the Science and Technology of Concrete” conducted by Prof. Ravindra Geetu, IIT Madras
- R. M. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor, Civil Department has completed a NPTEL course on “Earth Science for Civil Engineering I & II” conducted by Prof. Javed N. Malik, IIT Kanpur
- R. Anuradha, Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore” in Coursera.
- R. Anuradha, Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “VR and 360 Video Production” in Coursera.
- R. Anuradha, Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- R. Anuradha, Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures” in Coursera.
- O. R. Kavitha, Associate Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “VR and 360 Video Production” in Coursera.
- K. Arumugam, Associate Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore” in Coursera.
- R. M. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- R. M. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore” in Coursera.
- P. S. Venkataanarayanan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore” in Coursera.
- N. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- N. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “VR and 360 Video Production” in Coursera.
- G. Ramasamy, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore” in Coursera.
- G. Iyappan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore” in Coursera.
- K. Arumugam, Associate Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “VR and 360 Video Production” in Coursera.
- R. Anuradha, Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Proramming with IoT Boards” in Coursera.
- G. Ramasamy, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- G. Iyappan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- O. R. Kavitha, Associate Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- P. S. Venkataanarayanan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- G. Ramasamy, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “VR and 360 Video Production” in Coursera.
- Sathya S Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “VR and 360 Video Production” in Coursera.
- Sathya S, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- P. S. Venkataanarayanan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “VR and 360 Video Production” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction and Programming with IoT Boards” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Internet of Things: Sensing and Actuation From Devices” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures” in Coursera.
- P. Selvaprasanth, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed MOOC course on “AI For Everyone” in Coursera.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a One Week Short Term Training Programme ( STTP) on ” Intellectual Property Rights and Effective Patent Drafting” organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology ,Coimbatore from 27 th July 2020 to 31 st July 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended TEQIP III Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme on “Recent Trends in Structural Engineering” organized by Department of Civil Engineering ( Structural Engineering),Government College of Technology Coimbatore from 16th June 2020 to 20 th June 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a One Week Short Term Training Programme ( STTP) on ” Emerging Trends in Tranportation Engineering” organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology ,Coimbatore from 21 st July 2020 to 26 th July 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme ( STTP) on ” Sustainable Tranposrt for Smart Cities ( Series – I)” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, St Peter’s College of Engineering and Technology ,Chennai held during 20 th July 2020 to 25 th July 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a Three day Online Faculty Development Programme on “Improving Your Research Visibility – Research Impact and Metrics” jointly organized by Research and Development Cell and Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Vellalar College of Engieering & Technology from 11th May to 13 th May 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended Faculty Development Programme on ” Analysis and Modelling of Pandemic Scenrios Using Empirical and GIS Techniques” , organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Lakireddy Balireddy College of Engineering(A) through online mode from 18 th May 2020 to 20 th June 2020
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a One Week online FDP on “Effective and Instructive Research” organized by Department of Civil Engineering,Sona College of Technology ,Salem from 4 th May 2020 to 10 th May 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Concrete Technology” organized by Department of Civil Engineering,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai from12 th May 2020 to 16 th May 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended Online Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome Based Learning Approach in Higher Education” organized by IQAC,Kristu Jayanti College,Bangalore from 23 rd April 2020 to 30th April 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended TEQIP III Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme on “Recent Trends in Structural Engineering” organized by Department of Civil Engineering ( Structural Engineering),Government College of Technology Coimbatore from 16th June 2020 to 20 th June 2020.
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended Online Faculty Development Programme on “Foundation Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Structural Design for Civil Engineers” organized by Department of Civil Engineering,SRM Valliammai Engineering College,Chennai from 11th April 2020 to 15th April 2020.
- O.R.Kavitha Associate Professor of Civil Department attended attended SixDays Online FDP on ”Outcome Based Learning Approach inHigher Education’, Organized by Jayanthi College, Bengaluru. From 24 th April 2020 to 30th April 2020
- O.R.Kavitha, Associate Professor of Civil Department attended attended two Day FDP on “Virtual Teaching-Learning” organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology Coimbatore from 20th April 2020 to 21st April2020,.
- R.M.Karthikeyan Associate Professor of Civil Department attended attended sixDays Online FDP on ”Outcome Based Learning Approach inHigher Education’, Organized by Jayanthi College, Bengaluru. From 24 th April 2020 to 30th April 2020
- R.M.Karthikeyan, Associate Professor of Civil Department attended attended five Days Online FDP on ”IoT Application in Civil Engneering”, Organised by Sri Ramakrishna Insitute of Technology,Coimbatore from 29th June 2020 to 3rd July2020.
- R.M.Karthikeyan, Associate Professor of Civil Department attended attended TEQIP III Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme on “ Trends in Structual Engineering” organized by Department of Civil Engineering ( Structural Engineering),Government College of Technology Coimbatore from 16th June 2020 to 20 th June 2020.
- R.M.Karthikeyan Associate Professor of Civil Department attended Online Short Term Training Programme on “Emerging Trends in Transportation Engineering” organized by Department of Civil Engineering ( Structural Engineering),Kumararguru College of TechnologyCoimbatore from 21st July 2020 to 26 th July 2020.
- R.M.Karthikeyan, Associate Professor of Civil Department attended attended Online Short Term Training Programme on “Intellectual property Rights & Effective Patent Drafting” organized by Department of Civil Engineering ( Structural Engineering),Kumararguru College of TechnologyCoimbatore from 27st July 2020 to 31 st July 2020.
- O.R.Kavitha, Associate Professor of Civil Department attended attended Two-Day FDP on “ Virtual Teaching-Learning TLC”, Oraganised by Dr. Indira Koneru Associate Dean & Head, eLearning Icfai Business School from 21st April 2020 to 22nd April 2020
- K.Arumugam Associate Professor of Civil Department attended attended SixDays Online FDP on ”Outcome Based Learning Approach inHigher Education’, Organized by Jayanthi College, Bengaluru. From 24 th April 2020 to 30th April 2020.
- .R.Anuradha Professor of Civil Department attended attended SixDays Online FDP on ”Outcome Based Learning Approach inHigher Education’, Organized by Jayanthi College, Bengaluru. From 24 th April 2020 to 30th April 2020
- S.Sathya Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has been certified with 1/2 FDP for successful completion of NPTEL course on “Electronic Waste Management – Issues and Challenges by March 2019, from IIT Kharagpur
- M. Deepika Sree, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has been certified with 1/2 FDP for successful completion of NPTEL course on “Electronic Waste Management – Issues and Challenges by March 2019, from IIT Kharagpur
- N.Karthikeyan Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended attended SixDays Online FDP on ”Outcome Based Learning Approach inHigher Education’, Organized by Jayanthi College, Bengaluru. From 24 th April 2020 to 30th April 2020.
- G.Iyappan Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended attended SixDays Online FDP on ”Outcome Based Learning Approach inHigher Education’, Organized by Jayanthi College, Bengaluru. From 24 th April 2020 to 30th April 2020.
- N.Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended Online FDP on Five day webinar on ‘e-content development in education sector”, organized by Dr.NGP Institute of Technology. Coimbatore from 20th April2020 to 24th April 2020.
- G.Iyappan , Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended Online FDP on Five day webinar on ‘e-content development in education sector”, organized by Dr.NGP Institute of Technology. Coimbatore from 20th April2020 to 24th April 2020.
- G.Iyappan , Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended FDP on”Steel Design and Drtailing using Tekla Software” organized Institute of Industrial design coimbatore 25th April 2020
- N.Karthikeyan Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended FDP”Advancements in Concrete Technology” organized by Department of Civil Engineering,Kongu Engineering College, Erode from 12th May 2020 to 16th May 2020.
- G.Iyappan Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended Faculty Improvement Programme organised by Prerna College of Commerce, Nagpur on ‘Developing Teachers’ Overall Personality’ from 11th May 2020 to 20th May \2020.
- G.Iyappan Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended Faculty Development Program on ICT Tools for Effective Teaching Learning, organized by School of Mathematical Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded. , from 11th May 2020 to 16th May 2020
- G.Iyappan Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended Faculty Development Programme On “Analysis And Modelling Of Pandemic Scenarios Usingempirical And Gis Techniques”, Organized By Department Of Civil Engineering, Lakireddy Balireddy College Of Engineering(A) Through Online Mode From 18th May2020 To 20th May2020.
- G.Ramasamy Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has attended “Five Day Hands-On Training On Project Management Software (MS Project)” at Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) Coimbatore from 7th March 2020 to 11th March 2020
- P.Selvaprasanth,Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has Completed “AICTE Sponsored One week short term training Programme on ICT based –Intellectual Property copyright Trademarks and patents” organised by Nehru Institute of Engineeering & Technology,Coimbatore from 08th December 2019 to 14 th December 2019
- P.Selvaprasanth Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has attended Six days Anna University Sponsored FDP on “Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering” organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore from 13th May.2019 to 18th May 2019
- S.Sathya Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has attended Six days Anna University Sponsored FDP on “Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering” organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore from 13.05.2019 to 18.5.2019
- R.Anuradha Professor of Civil Engineering Department has attended Six days Anna University Sponsored FDP on “Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering” organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore from 13th May 2019 to 18th may 019
- Karthikeyan Associate Professor of Civil Department attended Faculty development Programme “Stuctural dyanmics for Civil Engineering-SDOF systems.”by NPTEL –ACITE on AUG-SEP 2019
- Loganathan Associate Professor of Civil Department attended Faculty development Programme Stuctural dyanmics for Civil Engineering-SDOF systems. by NPTEL –ACITE on AUG-SEP 2019
- G.Ramasamy Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has attended Three days Faculty development Programme on “Advanced concepts in construction Managemeny(ACCM-19)” Organised by SRMIST Kattankulathur. on 28th-30th November 2019.
- G.Iyappan, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department Seven days Faculty development Programme on “Structural Analysis –II “ organized by PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research coimbatotre on from 24th November 2019 to 30th November 2019.
- P.Selvaprasanth Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has attended AICTE-ISTE sponsored one week Faculty Induction/Refresher Programme on “Modern Construction Materials and Techniques” at Valliammai Engineering College from 21st May 2018 to 26th May 2018.
- S.Sathya Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has been certified with 1/2 FDP for successful completion of NPTEL course on “Electronic Waste Management – Issues and Challenges by March 2019, from IIT Kharagpur
- M.Indhumathi Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has attended “STTP on Recent Trends inTranportaion Engineering” at Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) Coimbatore from 11th May 2020 to 17th May2020
- R.Anuradha Professor of Civil Engineering Department attended one week Faculty Development Programme on “River Basin Management for Sustainable Development” organised by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore from 2nd May 2017 to 6th May 2017
- Selvaprasanth Assistant Professor from Civil Engineering Department attended FDP on “Moisture Damage Performance of Warm Mix Asphalts using Novel Methods” organised by Kongu Nadu College of Engineering & Technology.
- Selvaprasanth Assistant Professor from Civil Engineering Department attended Completed Two weeks online Refresher Course on “Advances in Mechanical ,Production & Civil Engineering and ICT in Teaching-Learning Process” organised by Sri Sai Ram Engineering College,Chennai from 13.05.2020 to 26.05.2020
- M. Deepika Sree, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department has been certified with 1/2 FDP for successful completion of NPTEL course on “Electronic Waste Management – Issues and Challenges by March 2019, from IIT Kharagpur
- Webinar on Green building concepts& Building energy performance by Mr.Vinothkumar, Technical Head -Green building, Inhabit and Build space ,Coimbatore was conducted on 30.4.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Materials and Methods of Roads for Smart cities by Dr.K.Ra jeshkumar Centre Head-Centre for Methods and Materials, Department of Civil Engineering, SR Engineering college,Warrangal,Teiangana was conducted on 07.05.2020 . Around 67 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Automation in Pre &Post construction by Er.Mohammed Aarif, Managing Director, City constructions ,Erode was conducted on8.5.2020 Around 52 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Recent Trends in 3D print -tech in smart cities by Mr. Jay vignesh, Solution Engineer, KKM soft pvt Ltd,Chennai was conducted on 14.5.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on IOT perspective on smart cities by Dr.M.N.A.GulshanTaj Associate Professor/Civil Sona college of Technology,Salem was conducted on 15.5.2020 . Around 66 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Industry 4.0 and Digitalisation in Construction by Dr.S.Kalirajan , General Manager and Head, special initiatives(Nuclear), L&T infrastructures,Chennai was conducted on21.5.2020 . Around 58 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Construction Industry -post COVID by Er.V.Rajamanickam M.E,CEO,Idea property developers,Tirupur was conducted on22.5.2020 . Around 65 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Structural health monitoring using IOT by Dr.K.Ramadevi, Professor/ CIVIL,Kumaraguru college of Technology,coimbatore was conducted on23.5.2020 . Around 58 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on An innovation in Emerging green and sustainable construction material by Dr.Kahalifa Al-jabri, Department of Civil and Architectural college of Engineering,Sultan Qaboos university ,Oman was conducted on28.5.2020 . Around 65 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Economic designs in prefabricated structures of smart cities. By Mr.Anoop baby &Mr.Raja prakash ,MARMAG Infra pvt Ltd,chennai. was conducted on28.5.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Challenges &Employment oppurtunity in waste management by Dr.R.Illangovan , vice chairman ,Tamilnadu water resourses development cell,PWD. was conducted on 29.5.2020 Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Green building :Fundamental principles of sustaintainable building concepts by Dr.R.Rathan raj, Lecturer in civil and Architectural Engineering section ,Salaiah college of technology,sulthanate of oman was conducted on 29.5.2020 . Around 56 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Structural steel in stability and construction of statue of unity by Dr.K.Saravanan, senior vice president ,Eversandai construction pvt Ltd,Chennai was conducted on 5.20 Around 56 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Laurie baker approch:Energy considerations in architecture and building construction by Ar.P.B,Sanjan, member secretary , Laurie Baker centre for habitat studies , joint director ,Kerala. was conducted on2.6.2020 Around 55 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on High performance materials in advanced construction practices by Dr.R.Sivachidambaram, scientist,CSIR-Central building research institue ,Roorke was conducted on 4.6.2020 . Around 52 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Environmental Impact Assessment on smart cities by Dr.BASAM N .SHUHAIBAR, Manager -coastel management program,Kuwait institute for scientific reasearch,Kuwait was conducted on11.6.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Sustainable building material wood and Bio fibre composites by Er V.R .Ramkumar ,scientist, product Application Division IPIRTI,Bangalore was conducted on11.6.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Challenges for for civil Engineers in the ocean and coastal infrastructure developments by Dr.S.Neelamani, senior research scientist, coastel management program,Kuwait institute for scientific reasearch,Kuwait was conducted on12.6.2020 . Around 45 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Smart cities and sustainable development by Dr.G.Shyamala, Professor Dept of civil Engineering , Engineering ,warangal was conducted on. 13.6.2020 Around 52 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on The Battle Technique for sustainable development by Dr.T.Subash,Associate professor /civil, Ambo university,Ethiopia was conducted on18.6.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Transportation infrastructure system in smart city by Binumol shahul hameed, Lecturer/civil,Shinas college of Technology,sulthanate Oman. was conducted on18.6.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Establishment of sustainability in life by Mr. Jeeva sivaraman, Project Engineer-sustainable development, susnomics Engineering system, Dubai was conducted on19.6.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on Municipal solid waste land fill liner system in smart city by Dr.G.Venkatesan , Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr),University college of Engineering ,Anna university,Trichy was conducted on20.6.2020 . Around 56 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on soft ground improvement -A field study by Dr.K.Muthukumaran ,Professor/Civil,National Institue of Technology,Trichy was conducted on20.6.2020 . Around 45 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Design and construction from A to Z by Krishna K Nair,senior structural Engineer,COWI&PARTERNERS LLC,Muscut was conducted on20.6.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Plastic waste management construction Industry by J.Sheeba ebinazer, Lecturer in civil Engineeering ,Salalah college of Technology,Sulthanate of Oman was conducted on25.6.2020 . Around 40 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Emerging technologies on BIM by Mr.S.Ramkumar,BIM modeller,US soft ware and Engineering Technologis ,chennai was conducted on26.6.2020 . Around 45 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Introduction to project management by Dr.Sinu philip varghese,project Director,NAEL contracting LLC.Abudhabi was conducted on26.6.2020 . Around 40 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on oppurtunities and project planning in Island countries by M.Saravanan,Executive Engineer,RPP Renaatus projects maldives pvt ltd,Republic of Maldives was conducted on27.6.2020 . Around 45 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Application of IOT IN Tranportation Engineering by Dr.Marisaminathan,Assistant professor,Dept of civil Engineering,NIT,Trichy was conducted on2.7.20 . Around 42 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Detailing of PEB building using Takla structures by U.Balavignesh ,CAD Engineer,Institue of industrial design ,Chennai was conducted on2.7.20 . Around 47 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Durability of buildings and Bridges by Dr.N.Aravind,Dept of Civil and Environmental Engg,National university of science and technology,Muscut was conducted on 3.7.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on UAV and Photogrammetry by Peter Eriksen,K.Jsadhasivam ,Terra drone ,Angola was conducted on 4.7.2020 . Around 48 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Patent preparation and filing by Dr.R.Gopinath,Prof/Civil. S R University,Warangal Condition Assesment and damage evalution of RC structures was conducted on 16.7.2020 . Around 52 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Condition Assesment and damage evalution of RC structures by Dr.N.Anand, Associate professor,Dept of Civil Engg,Karunya Institute of Technology and science, Coimbatore was conducted on 23.7.2020 . Around 53 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on The importance of chemical and mineral admixture in modern concrete by Er.M.Elanthenral ,Technical head,ACC limited coimbatore was conducted on24.7.2020 . Around 51 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Geospatial innovations in civil Engineering by Mr.V.Dhayalan, Research scholar, SRM institute of science and Technology, Chennai was conducted on25.7.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Emerging water contaminants and the treatment technologies for providing safe drinking waterby Anilkumar, Sr.Manager, Eureka forbes, Bangalore was conducted on25.7.2020 . Around 51 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Computer application in Building Estimation and costiing by M.Sahul hameed .M.E,Research scholar,Dept of civil and Environmental Engg,NITTR,Chennai was conducted on30.7.20 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Prediction of air pollution by using machine learning technicques by Dr.A.Gandhimathi ,Dept of civil Engineering,Kumaraguru college of Technology,coimbatore was conducted on30.7.2020 . Around 41 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session
- Webinar on Foundation failure causes –prevention and remedies by Er.A.Karthkeyan, structural and geo tech consultants Karthkeyan Associates, Chennai was conducted on31.7.2020 . Around 62 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session